"How could this happen?"

"I was 50% to 60% sure I could pass, but I only got 58 points, two points short?"

"Two points! I was only two points short of passing and advancing, why didn't they add that to me?"

"And Jiangnan can do it?"

"He got 60 points with three question marks, so he probably only got 58 points, but the examiner added that to him?"

"It's so unfair."

"There's something fishy about this exam, I don't accept it!"

"Woo woo woo!"


Another kid cried.

It was Du Jiang from Jiangcheng No. 2 Middle School.

He was also the strongest contender for the top spot in Jiangcheng's college entrance exam, and a top student who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Liu Fan from No. 1 Middle School.

After the exam before...

He knew he didn't do well, but like Liu Fan, he thought he had a high chance of passing.

But the result...

Reality slapped him in the face.

There is almost no single score in the competition, after all, there are not many questions, only ten questions.

The multiple-choice questions are eight points, and the following answer questions are basically plus or minus two points if you get one small step right or wrong.


Jiangnan either got 62 points, but was deducted 2 points for some reason, so 60 points has a question mark.

But this is unlikely.

The biggest possibility is that he only got 58 points, but the examiner added two points for some reason.


is Du Jiang's subconscious guess.

But it would be fine if he didn't guess.

This guess.

He felt very aggrieved.


Why can Jiangnan get 60 points from 58 points, but he can't?

Isn't this just bullying?


Like Su Yun from No. 4 Middle School, he was crying and crying so hard that he couldn't stop crying.

As for arguing with the examiner?


is impossible.

He didn't have the guts, nor the qualifications.

All he could do was complain.

At the same time.

Chu Yingxiaji and Lanpu Mengchuan were not much better. When they saw their scores, they were like being struck by lightning. They were burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and they were deeply frustrated.

They lost.

They lost completely.

Du Jiang could still find excuses to struggle with 58 points.

But one of them scored 54 and the other 48, which was too far from passing. There was no excuse at all.

All I can say is...

They are not as strong as him.

They can't compete, they really can't compete!

Even if Jiangnan scored 58 points, he could still pin them to the ground and rub them hard, let alone 60 points.

"Sure enough!"

"He is still capable."

"60 points, although he barely advanced, but he advanced after all, and he is the third in the province."

"And I am just a clown, which means I came here in vain and wasted my time."


"I shouldn't have come."

"Olympiad mathematics, although mathematics, is the foundation of all subjects, but my dream is to be a chemist, and there is no need to learn mathematics so well, let alone Olympiad mathematics."

"My dream is bioengineering, and there is no need to participate in Olympiad mathematics. It is not worth it for those extra points."

"Only the big exam is what we should work hard for."


Xia Ji and Meng Chuan both talked to themselves.

Of course!

This is just a way to save face for themselves.

If the two of them are really absolute geniuses, even if one prefers chemistry and the other prefers biology, they will definitely lay a good foundation in mathematics and concentrate on studying Olympiad mathematics.

After all!

Mathematics is not only the foundation of all subjects.

It is the most important thing for the big exam.

It is not necessary to get the first or second place in the country, as long as they get the first or second place in the province, they can add a lot of money.

In the future, when applying for universities, such as top universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University, they can be given priority admission.

The first or second place in the province in the chemistry competition and biology competition is not so important, unless you get the first place in the country, but it is also very difficult.

That is why.

They will come to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad.

But their goals are not high.

Even if they spend a lot of time in normal times, as long as they get the second place in the province, they will break even, and if they get the first place in the province, they will make a lot of money.

Before they came to participate in the rematch.

With their preliminary results, they all thought that getting the second place in the province was not a big problem, and they could get the first place in the province if they were lucky.

But now...

They suddenly feel that they are nothing.

Mathematical Olympiad is really too difficult.

It is not something that ordinary people can learn.

But for the dignity of the academic masters.

They have to find some reasons, saying that only the big exam is the direction of their efforts.

Of course!

It's good to have this self-knowledge.

Unlike some people.

At this moment, his face is full of boundless pride.

That is Liu Fan who scored 64 points.

"That guy..."

"Jiangnan, right!"

"I canI didn't expect you to get 60 points. I thought you got 0 points. "


"For me, it doesn't matter whether you get 0 points or 60 points."

"You've already lost anyway."

"Remember what I said before?"

"I'm the strongest, I'm the best in Jiangcheng, and you're just lucky."

"And now it's proven."

"Speaking of which..."

"I really want to thank the examiner."

"Your score is questionable. You must have only 58 points, but the examiner gave you a score."

"But it's because the examiner gave you a score that gave me another chance to crush you in the second round."


"Just thinking about it makes me so happy!"

"I can't wait for the second round of exams tomorrow. I'll teach you how to behave then! ”


After Liu Fan saw Jiangnan passed the test, he was also very surprised, but when he saw that he actually scored 64 points, 4 points more than Jiangnan, he laughed exaggeratedly.

The depression before coming here disappeared immediately.

How can it be described in one word?

Sure enough!

He is the strongest.

He is the real number one in Jiangcheng.

As for Jiangnan.

He is just a loser with better luck.

At this moment.

The expression on his face was very proud, and he glared at Jiangnan with a squinting look, with naked provocation in his eyes.


Jiangnan was not angry, but felt that this person was very funny, “Liu Fan, right! Such a simple test paper, but you only scored 64 points, and you are so arrogant?”

“Didn’t you see a lot of people who scored 80 or 90, and there were dozens of people who scored 100?”

“If you can be like them, not to mention 100, as long as you get more than 90, I can still look up to you. ”

“But now…”

“You are qualified to teach me how to be a man?”


Jiangnan’s mentality.

It is different from his peers.

After all, he has lived two lives.

In his eyes.

Whether it is Liu Fan, Du Jiang, Xia Ji, Meng Chuan or Su Yun, they are just children.

Just because their grades are slightly better, they are spoiled to the sky and have never experienced the beatings of society.

It is possible not to care.

He still does not want to care.

But Liu Fan is indeed a bit annoying. His desire to perform is too strong.

But if he scored full marks, it would be fine. In the end, he scored 64 points, which is only at the middle and lower level. Where does he get the courage to show off?

sp: Finally finished writing, going to bed!

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