The next day.

8:30 in the morning.

The second round of the competition began again.

There were nearly a thousand participants in the first round, but one-third of them were eliminated, and now there are only five or six hundred left.

Don't think that these five or six hundred are a lot.

You should know that Binhai is a province with a large number of college entrance examination candidates, and there are at least five hundred thousand senior high school graduates every year.

In other words...

Among the five hundred thousand senior high school students, only these five or six hundred have made it to the second round of the Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals.

Not to mention...

The contestants in the first and second year of high school have not been counted.

The cruelty of the Mathematical Olympiad can be seen.


These five or six hundred people are not the final winners.

If you don't make it into the top 280 in the second round of the exam and don't get the second place in the province, it will be useless even if you rank third in the province.

The third place in the province is just a consolation prize.

It doesn't make much sense if you don't get extra points in the college entrance examination.

Only if you get the second place in the province can you get 10 extra points in the college entrance examination, and it will be considered that the hard work of the past few years has not been in vain.

As for the top 80 candidates who are ranked first in the province.

That is basically for students from the four famous universities.

There are very few students from other schools who can get into the first place in the province, not to mention that the difficulty of the exam paper has been greatly increased this year.


For Liu Fan from Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Long before the exam.

He had no hope of getting first place in the province.


He didn't even have much hope of getting second place in the province.

After all...

He only scored 64 points in the first round. Although he was not the last among the five or six hundred candidates, he was not much behind.

His only goal was to do his best to get more points in the exam and to defeat Jiangnan.

Even if he only got one point more than Jiangnan.

He was a winner.

For this.

He did a lot of cramming last night.

As for staying up all night and causing lack of energy?

That was indeed a little.

But before the exam, he deliberately watched the exciting "Super Academic Master" for a while, and he was immediately full of energy.


He is full of energy and high-spirited.

Not 100%, but at least 70% to 80% sure to win Jiangnan in this round.


When the papers were handed out.

Liu Fan frowned.

"These questions..."

"They are much harder than the last round!"

"Especially the last two questions. I have never encountered similar questions before. I have no idea where to start!"


Suddenly, a bad premonition came to Liu Fan's mind.

He might lose.


The next second.

He shook his head again.

"No, I can't let the bet affect my thoughts. I just need to concentrate on the questions."

"As for the last two questions, if I haven't done them, then I haven't done them. I can just give them up. Anyway, there are only 36 points."

"I just need to get the first eight fill-in-the-blank questions right, which will give me 64 points, the same as the first round."

"I guess..."

"I can definitely beat Jiangnan!"


Liu Fan thought secretly in his heart.

64 points.

Although it's not high.

But this is the second round after all, which is much more difficult than the first round, but if I beat Jiangnan in the first round, there's no reason why I can't beat Jiangnan in the second round!

I tried to adjust my mentality.

Liu Fan began to answer the questions.


The first question.

"It is known that a, b, and c are the opposite sides of the three interior angles a, b, and c of ?abc, (2?b)(sina?sinb)?(c?b)sinc, and a?2, then the maximum value of the area of ​​?abc is _____________."


This is a bit difficult.

But Liu Fan had encountered similar problems before, so as long as he spent some time, he would definitely be able to solve them.

Sure enough!

After more than 20 minutes.

He solved the first problem.

Then the second problem.

He spent more than half an hour to solve it.

After all!

Although he is not a professional Olympiad student, he has solved countless problems in order to win awards and extra points. It is really not a lie.

Although he is not as good as the top students of the four famous schools in the provincial capital, he is undoubtedly a top student.

Then came the third problem.

It took him about 40 minutes to solve it.


Liu Fan exhaled lightly.

He stretched his neck in his seat to loosen up his muscles and bones, feeling a little happy.


This is the second round of the semi-finals!

But he managed to overcome three difficult problems in a row.

I have to say.

He was a little happy.


When he looked at the fourth question.

"Assume that x, y satisfy the constraints: ?x, y? 0?? x? y?? 1? x? y? 3?; then the value range of z? x? 2y is _____________."

Liu Fan: "????"

He was stunned for a moment.

Just because...

This question is a bit weird!At first glance, it wasn't that difficult.

But he searched his memory and didn't find any similar questions. It seemed that he had never done this before?

"Damn, I'm screwed!"

Liu Fan said to himself, "No!"

"Keep calm, don't panic!"

"Although I haven't done similar questions before, it's not impossible to do it with my own strength."

"Even if I can't do it, it's just this one question. I'll still have 56 points after deducting 8 points."

"But Jiangnan only got 60 points in the first round. I don't believe he can keep it in the second round."

"As long as he gets one question wrong, or even more questions wrong, the winner will still be me."


Liu Fan secretly pinched his leg, trying his best to calm himself down and continue to solve the problem.


Twenty minutes later.


He gave up.

That's what Olympiad mathematics is.

If you lack the Olympiad thinking and only practice questions, you will be in trouble once you encounter a question you have never seen before.

Even though...

This question is not really difficult.

But Liu Fan still couldn't do it, and had to skip it directly to save time for the next question.



That was the beginning of his nightmare.


On the other side.

Time goes back to the beginning of the exam.

When the test paper was handed out, Jiangnan took a look at it and shook his head almost subconsciously.

"That's it?"

"It's not much better than the first round!"

"So easy."

"Did the teacher let me off again?"

"If you can't pass this kind of questions, then you're no different from a loser."


"The system allows you to control the score to 88, not even 90, so it's probably no problem to advance, after all, there are still three rounds of control."


"I don't know if I can beat Liu Fan?"

"I think I can!"

"After all!"

"Liu Fan, that kid, only got 64 points in the first round, which is a loser among losers."

"Forget it, never mind."

"Let's do the questions first!"

"I hope I won't capsize in the gutter."


Jiangnan started to do the questions quickly.

Ten minutes later.

"88 points, that's fine."

Jiangnan checked the paper. If he got one multiple-choice question wrong, he would lose 8 points. He also got two-thirds of the first question wrong, which would lose 4 points.


"Deduct 12 points."

"I must get 88 points, perfect."

Jiangnan smiled, put away his pen, brushed off his sleeves, stood up, handed in the paper, and walked out of the classroom.

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