Lin Qianqian: "..."

Lin Yu, Su Mo, Ye Fan, Fu Xinhan: "..."

And the twenty or so people below: "..."

Everyone was frozen, and they didn't dare to move even when Jiangnan spitted on their faces.

Just because...

Damn it!

They really didn't understand!

Novel game reincarnation loop?

They are immersed in studying 24 hours a day, how can they have time to read novels and play games?

I've never heard of this reincarnation loop!

I almost want to vomit blood.

They were stunned and confused.

But if they asked again, they really didn't have the face to do it.

After all...

Jiangnan has said so much.

If they ask again and again, don't they admit that they are really stupid?

Although they are very curious, they are also proud of being academic masters, and they have to save face!

On the other side.

A trace of helplessness flashed across Fang Guoping's face.


It seems that the final question he asked is really difficult for the students present.


It can be understood.

After all...

This question is quite comprehensive, with many pitfalls in the middle. If you are not careful, you will enter a dead end and cannot get out.

Jiangnan changed his thinking, used equivalent expressions, made a diagram, used extreme solutions, and listed the analysis 1234. This solution is very novel and amazing.

So much so that...

Even he was shocked when he first saw it.

Not to mention the students present.

Even Lin Qianqian, Lin Yu, Su Mo, Ye Fan and Fu Xinhan are the most powerful students in the four major schools. They have all started studying Olympiad mathematics since junior high school or even elementary school.


The goals of these people are too clear.

That is to enter the first place in the finals, or even the national team.

To put it bluntly.

It still has not escaped the scope of exam-oriented education.

Although these people are strong, their thinking is somewhat limited. It is not a big problem to let them enter the first place in the country, but when they really face the top masters from abroad, they can't get much advantage.

This is also the reason why Dongyun has been defeated again and again in the International Mathematical Olympiad in recent years.

On the contrary.

Jiangnan is a free-range person at first glance.

His problem-solving ideas are wild and unrestrained.

Although some of them are irrelevant and confusing, they are often more innovative.

If the previous people are still in the category of top geniuses, then Jiangnan is a genius, a genius, and a weirdo.


"Jiangnan classmate!"

"Go back and sit down first!"

"Your problem-solving ideas are too novel. It's normal that everyone can't accept them for a while. Don't blame them."

"In fact, there is another conventional solution to this problem, that is, the enumeration method. Let me solve one for everyone!"


Seeing that Jiangnan and the others were deadlocked, Fang Guoping had to step forward to make peace.

And Jiangnan also sat back in his seat.

Tsk tsk!

These people are too stupid.

He was too lazy to speak.


Fang Guoping started writing on the blackboard.

This time.

Everyone present understood.

Especially the eight geniuses sitting in front, Lin Qianqian, Lin Yu, Su Mo, Ye Fan and Fu Xinhan, almost understood it at once.

Because they had already solved half of the problem before, and they also used the enumeration method, just like Fang Guoping.

It's just that the data is too large.

They couldn't list it anymore after listing half of it.

So they only got 10 points for the 20-point question.

Now that Fang Guoping wrote the following steps, they certainly accepted it easily.

Not only them, but other people present also nodded frequently, obviously understanding the solution to the problem.

It's nothing more than enumerating, verifying, eliminating, and enumerating step by step, using big data to prove it.

If you use a computer, it will probably be much simpler, but if you use your brain, it is indeed very complicated.

No wonder they all got 0 points.


On the other side.

Jiangnan, who had just returned to his seat and didn't want to talk anymore, looked at Fang Guoping's solution and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Tsk tsk!

He was really trying his best to endure it.

He clenched his fists so tightly that his fingers were even pinched purple.


He just couldn't help it!


This damn obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Speaking of which...

Everyone has obsessive-compulsive disorder, it's just a matter of whether it's big or small, and Jiangnan's obsessive-compulsive disorder is neither big nor small.

If he hadn't seen it up close with his own eyes, it would be fine, but why did he write it right under his nose?

"Oh my God!"

"Ghosts and gods!"

"Why did you let me see it!"


Jiangnan laughed wildly in his heart, almost unable to hold it back.

Just because...

Fang Guoping's solution steps on the podium are indeed fine at the moment, but when they are listed laterAfter a certain value, there will inevitably be loopholes, which is the so-called deviation.

Although this deviation is very small, so small that it can be almost ignored, and the answer to the question is negated.


Mathematics is a very rigorous subject.

No matter how small the deviation is, if it is observed in a microscopic state, it will become infinite.


is absolutely unacceptable.

"That... Teacher Fang, please wait a moment, you can't list it anymore, if you list it again, you will make a mistake."

Finally, Jiangnan couldn't help but speak.




As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Lin Qianqian, Lin Yu and others were just hearing the most exciting part, but they were suddenly interrupted. They all "swish" and looked at Jiangnan again, their faces full of confusion.


No mistake!

Although Fang Guoping's problem-solving steps are cumbersome, his ideas are very clear. How could he make a mistake?

Even Fang Guoping couldn't help but stop writing chalk, and looked at Jiangnan in surprise and confusion: "Why, Jiangnan, did I make a mistake? There shouldn't be any!"


"Your method of solving the problem won't work!"

Jiangnan shook his head directly, "Although when you list to a certain extent, you can indeed prove that the answer to the test question is no, but doesn't this proof appear to be too rough?"

"Starting from 101*10000/(1/101), there is already a certain deviation. If you list it all the way to 10^9, this deviation will be magnified by an unknown amount."

"If you don't believe it, you can substitute 102010000 into it, and then work it back, and you will find that the initial values ​​of the hunter and the invisible rabbit are completely different..."


"Are you sure you want to continue?"


Lin Qianqian: "..."

Lin Yu: "..."

Su Mo, Ye Fan, Fu Xinhan: "..."

And everyone present: "..."

All of them had puzzlement and question marks on their heads.

Is this true or not?

Is this way of thinking wrong?

Why didn't they see it?

This is really incredible.

Especially Lin Qianqian, Lin Yu and other eight academic geniuses, they all calculated and listed a part of the problem in the exam, and got half of the score, and got 90 points.

As a result, Jiangnan now tells them that this way of thinking is wrong, which means they can't get any points at all?


It's really hard to accept!


You have to accept it.

Just because...

Hearing Jiangnan's words.

Fang Guoping on the podium immediately substituted 102010000 into his own problem-solving steps, and then reversed it, and the initial value obtained in the end was indeed completely different.

"Damn it!"

"My method really doesn't work!"

"That is to say, the answer I thought of at the beginning was wrong. This problem can be said to be unsolvable."

"But Jiangnan, you, even though there is no solution, gave the most correct solution???"


"Jiangnan, you are simply a genius."

"Oh, no, describing you as a genius is a blasphemy to you. You are simply a devil!!!"


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