The thinking of top students is hard to understand for the poor students.

And vice versa!


At that moment.

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun were two clowns, the kind that were laughed at by the whole class.




All kinds of emotions.

But apart from secretly cursing in their hearts, "I'm not afraid of god-like opponents, I'm afraid of pig-like teammates."

They were powerless.

They couldn't catch Zhang Hao and beat him up, could they?

Or fight with Jiangnan?

Beating Zhang Hao was possible, but it was meaningless. As for fighting with Jiangnan, it was a bit scary.

Although they gritted their teeth at Jiangnan because they couldn't stand Jiangnan's limelight.

But Jiangnan was tall and strong, and his sharp eyes alone made them feel pressured.


Fortunately, the class bell rang at this time.

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun both breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried back to their positions.

But before leaving.

They glared at Jiangnan fiercely, as if unwilling to give in and said: "Boy, wait, this matter is not over yet, we will never give up, sooner or later we will get you..."

The threat was evident in their words.

To this!

Fatty Wang and Bai Yingying were both angry.


Jiangnan looked indifferent, and only turned back to comfort his two good friends, and then continued to sleep.

They were just two weak-willed people who always liked to bully and cause trouble.

He didn't take it to heart.

For him...

Sleeping was the top priority.

After all...

He had a super memory and comprehension, he could read ten lines at a glance, remember everything he saw, and draw inferences from one example, just like a ruthless robot, and his learning efficiency was thousands of times that of ordinary people.


The side effect is that it consumes a lot of mental energy.

And mental energy needs to be replenished by sleeping.

Although he has reached the highest level now and basically does not consume much mental energy, the habit of sleeping in class has been formed unconsciously and cannot be changed for a while.


It is difficult to take off the hat of the god of sleep!


At the same time.

The third class in the afternoon began.

This is a foreign language class.

For students who are about to take the college entrance examination, foreign language class is definitely the most fucked up of all subjects.

Those who know it will know it, so easy.

Those who don’t know it will not know it, just like listening to a book in heaven.


The classroom is clearly divided.

For example, Qin Yumo and other academic masters listen carefully.

But more students are listless.

There are also a few bold students who hide from those who are getting points and those who are outputting output.

In this regard.

The foreign language teacher also knows it well.

But he can’t do anything.

She had said what she should have said, and even said it until her mouth was dry, but it didn't have much effect, so she had to acquiesce.


Jiangnan slept until the class was over.

The foreign language teacher didn't even look at him.


The foreign language class was over.

As soon as the teacher left.

The classmates in the class became energetic.

Just because...

The next class was their favorite, physical education.

And after physical education.

It was time to go home after school.

"Nan Shen, don't sleep anymore, go to physical education class!"

Jiangnan originally wanted to sleep until he woke up naturally, but was violently destroyed by Wang Pangzi's loud voice.

There was no other way.

He could only yawn and go downstairs in a bad mood.

In March in Jiangcheng, the spring breeze was warm.

Today, the sun rarely came out, but it was not hot, but warm and very comfortable.

It was the perfect weather for physical education class.

A group of high school students in their prime, wearing blue and white school uniforms, trotted a few laps in the basketball court under the supervision of physical education teacher Wang Daren, as a warm-up in advance.



Wang Daren blew the whistle and asked everyone to gather.

"Students, you are getting closer and closer to the college entrance examination. Although there are still physical education classes in the future, there are probably not many opportunities to come to the playground, so let's do a physical test today."


Hearing this, everyone sighed.

It's not because of the physical test.

But because they can't go out to play in the future physical education classes.

It's really pitiful!

However, some people try to have fun in misery. Fatty Wang raised his hand and said, "Teacher, can we play basketball freely after the test?"

"Why, you're thinking about playing basketball just after the class. Is it because you're too depressed?" Wang Daren joked.

"It's really hard!"

"I haven't touched the ball for a long time!"

"The courses are getting heavier and heavier now. When we come to the court after class, the court has been taken."

"There is no chance to touch the ball at all!"



Everyone is talking.

It seems.

They are already thirsty and can't hold back.

"OK, right!"

Wang Daren smiled and nodded, "You can play basketball, but the prerequisite is that you pass the physical test."

"The first item is pull-ups for boys, 9 is considered a pass, and 25 sit-ups for girls are considered a pass."

"The second item is 1000-meter endurance run for boys, 4 minutes and 35 seconds is considered a pass, and 800 meters for girls, 4 minutes and 36 seconds is considered a pass. Now men and women are tested separately, I will count..."


There is nothing to say next.

Pull-ups for pull-ups.

Sit-ups for sit-ups.

Most people have no problem passing after trying their best, with only a few exceptions.

Of course...

It is impossible for them to get a good score.

Basically, they are between passing and good.

On the contrary, Huang Sihai and Wang Dajun did 17 pull-ups and got an excellent score of 95 points, which amazed many people.

Although they were weak in their studies.

But in terms of physical fitness...

they were not comparable to ordinary people.

Then there was Wang Kaixuan, the fat guy.

Although this guy was called a fat guy, he was not fat, but rather strong. His physical fitness was also good. He did 16 pull-ups and got an excellent score of 90 points.


When it was Jiangnan's turn.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in his mind, "Please get 100 points in this physical test. ”

Jiangnan: “…”


Do you have to control the score in the physical test?

This is the first time since I got the system.

But this is not the point.

The point is that the system let him get 100 points?

That’s a full score!

According to other exams in the past, isn’t controlling the score the passing line so that you can live a low-key life?

And now…

You have to make a big splash?

Could it be…

The system has changed?

Or did you get the wrong script?

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