
"The exam time is over!"

"Students in the back row, please help collect the test papers."

As the bell rang, the class teacher Hu Yifei gave an order, and the test papers were quickly collected.


"You collected the papers so soon?"

"No, teacher, I haven't finished yet!"

"I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, why is this exam so difficult! I can't even figure out those questions?"

"Is it difficult? I think it's quite simple!"

"Puh, you look like salty soda, Fatty Wang, of course you think it's simple, anyway, you're just guessing..."


For a while.

There was a wailing in the classroom.

Except for the sleepyhead like Jiangnan, and the heartless scumbag Wang Kaixuan and Fatty Wang, most of the other students looked miserable.

See this.

The beautiful head teacher Hu Yifei felt a little sorry and comforted her: "Okay, okay, this math surprise test is just to test your bottom line, don't be too stressed."

"It's noon, let's go to the cafeteria to eat!"

"As for the results, wait for Mr. Cao from the math group to correct them, and he will announce them in the math class this afternoon."


After that!

Hu Yifei quickly left with the test paper.

If she stayed any longer, she would be worried about her conscience.

After all...

Even she, the head teacher who thinks she is omnipotent, looked at this test paper with a confused face, let alone these students?

What a sin!

"Oh yeah! People who eat are the best, and those who eat are the best. Hurry up, hurry up, go eat!

"If you are not active in eating, you have a problem with your brain!"

"I heard that there is a super large portion of braised pork in the cafeteria today, go for it! If you are slow, it will be snatched up!"

"Oh my god, is it true? ”


Hu Yifei had just left the classroom.

At the call of the poor student Wang Pangzi, dozens of foodies were ready to rush to the cafeteria in an instant.


Someone was faster than them.

When he heard the word "eat", Jiangnan, who was sleeping soundly just now, woke up with a start.

Then his legs were like wind and fire wheels, and he rushed to the cafeteria with a "swoosh", leaving everyone behind.


"Nan Shen's speed is awesome, Klas!"

"The king of sleepiness in class and the king of eating in the cafeteria, Nan Shen is worthy of being the god of sleep and the god of food, awesome!"

"Nan Shen, wait for us!"

"Be gentle with your mouth, don't eat up all the braised pork! ”


School cafeteria.

When everyone arrived.

It was already crowded.

Most people couldn’t get the braised pork.

Even Wang Kaixuan, the fast-moving Wang Pangzi, only got a small portion.

Of course!

Except for Jiangnan, who is the king of eating.

Not only did he get it.

And it was a super-super-super-large portion.

In front of him was a plate that was three times the size of other people’s bowls, full of tender and plump braised pork.

Everyone around was jealous.

It hurts!

Why is there always an extra meal in the cafeteria?

The beneficiary must be Jiangnan?

“Nan Shen, you are amazing!”

“You eat three portions of ours, so I’ll give you the title of big eater from now on! "

After finishing his meal, Fatty Wang sat down next to Jiangnan, looking at Jiangnan's huge rice plate, and marveled.

Others called him Fatty Wang, Wang Xuezha, and Big Eater. He knew the first two.

But the third one.

He really didn't dare to be one.

Compared with Jiangnan, the new king of eating.

He was just a scumbag.


"You should keep this title!"

Jiangnan couldn't help but frown when he heard it.

He already had the titles of God of Sleep, God of Food, and God of the South, and he didn't want to add another title of Big Eater.

After all...

He didn't eat much.

It's just that he has been controlling his score accurately recently, and the system reward has increased his physical attribute to 33, which is far beyond the level of ordinary people, so that he needs a lot of energy supply.


He ate more.

Speaking of which...

It's still the system that's cheating!

Just when Jiangnan was cursing in his heart.

A man in school uniform, but still difficult to eat A beautiful girl who hides her proud figure suddenly sits opposite him.

Bai Yingying.

She is the class flower of Grade 3-4, and also the school flower. She is also a top student. Although her scores in each exam are not as good as those of the class monitor Qin Yumo, she is also among the top five, and she is good friends with Jiangnan.

After all...

Although Jiangnan's grades are average, he is a rare class flower, otherwise he would not have the title of Southern God.

On weekdays.

Bai Yingying is a very sunny and cheerful girl.

But at this moment...

She has a sad face?

"Wow, Bai University's school flower is actually sitting with us? It's really a blessing!!"

"Why, school beauty, you don't seem happy?"

"Is it because you didn't get the braised pork?"

"Not really!"

"You girls shouldn't like to eat meat."

"If it doesn't work, I'll give you my portion with great pain. Anyway, there's more in Nanshen's bowl, I'll eat his..."

Seeing Bai Yingying's bad face, Fatty Wang immediately pushed his portion of braised pork to her like a flatterer.


Bai Yingying ignored Fatty Wang, but stared at Jiangnan, "You made a bet with the class teacher before, saying that you will definitely pass this exam, is that true?"

"Of course!"

Jiangnan nodded while eating, "You know my level. Although I can't get as high a score as you, it's still no problem to guarantee passing."

"But don't you think this exam is difficult?"

"Tsk, difficult? ”

Jiangnan kept eating and said casually: "This is just a humble expression of you academic masters."

Academic masters?

Every time the exam is over, they complain that the exam is too difficult.

But what happens after the results come out?

Slap everyone in the face.


Typical Versailles literature.

He won't be fooled.


"I'm serious this time."

"Those questions are really too difficult. It's normal that Fatty Wang doesn't know, but don't you find out?"

Bai Yingying looked at Jiangnan in surprise.

"What did you find out?"

Jiangnan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He finished the test paper in ten minutes. After making sure that he could control the score to the passing line, he fell asleep on the table and didn't notice the difficulty of the questions at all!

What's more...

For Jiangnan who has a ninth-level math degree.

How can these questions be difficult?


"Don't you really find out? ”

“This math surprise test uses mock test questions from the National Mathematical Olympiad!”

“Wow, I did terribly on the test. I probably won’t even get 30 points, let alone pass…”

Bai Yingying’s face was filled with grievance.

She was about to cry.

“Puff… snort…”

Hearing this, Jiangnan, who had not taken it seriously, suddenly spat a mouthful of rice on Bai Yingying’s pretty face.


“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Is this a mock test question from the National Mathematical Olympiad?”

“? ? ? ”

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