
It was really incredible.

All the other boys in the class were left far behind by Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun, but Jiangnan actually caught up?

This scared Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun, and they almost messed up their running pace.


They are professional athletes after all.

After the shock.

Both of them quickly adjusted their breathing, stared at Jiangnan fiercely, gritted their teeth, and quickened their pace again.


They wanted to save their energy in the first lap.

They sprinted at full speed in the second lap.


They won't save it now.

They must crush Jiangnan into the mud.


Jiangnan was left behind again.


"Garbage is garbage!"

"Just now, you must have used all your strength to catch up. Now we are going all out, so you can just eat your ass!"

"Alas, how lonely it is to be invincible!"


Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun sneered in their hearts.


The laughter is not over yet.


"How is it possible?"

"He... is catching up again?"

When they passed the 300-meter curve, Jiangnan suddenly appeared in the corner of their eyes?


The two were shocked again.


How is this possible?

They all tried their best!

But Jiangnan was visibly approaching?


He was almost overtaking them?


"We must not let him overtake."

"We must work harder!"


Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun were very tacitly in tune, pouring all their strength into their legs.

That scene...

It was like two hot wheels.

Rushing forward.

At that moment!

They only felt that they were going to surpass their limits and break their past records, and their blood was boiling and excited.

At this time...

It's really invincible!

Jiangnan that kid will definitely not be able to catch up.


They haven't had time to be happy yet.

"Hey, I said your speed is very average! Like a snail, you dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

"How about..."

"You guys work harder? Faster?"

"I'm OK, I can keep up!"


Suddenly, Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun heard a joke at the same time, coming from Jiangnan's mouth.

Huang Sihai: "???"

Hu Dajun: "???"

Instantly, the two widened their eyes and were stunned.

What did they hear?

Jiangnan is talking?


This is a 1000-meter race!

It's in the full sprint!

Jiangnan actually has the energy to talk to them, and it sounds like he doesn't even breathe heavily?

How is this possible?



Are you kidding us?

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun didn't believe it, and they tried their best. They both felt like they were going to fly.


Jiangnan was like a piece of taffy, sticking to them tightly, and they couldn't get rid of him no matter how hard they tried.

They were fast, and Jiangnan was also fast.

They were slow, and Jiangnan was also slow.

What's even more infuriating is...

When they turned the corner again, Jiangnan actually ran side by side with them, and the three of them were in sync.

"Dajun, stop him together!"

Suddenly, Huang Sihai's eyes became fierce, and he held his breath and issued an order to Hu Dajun.


Hu Dajun nodded.

His face was also full of gloom.

Needless to say...

They couldn't run away, so they were going to use dirty tricks, attacking from both sides, and tripping Jiangnan.


"You don't have to stop me!"

"I'll just run away by myself."

Jiangnan just sneered at this.

When Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun approached, he ran out of the inner lane in advance and ran to the outer lane.

Seeing this.

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun both breathed a sigh of relief.

This outer lane is much longer than the inner lane.

Especially Jiangnan ran directly in the seventh or eighth lap, which is equivalent to running more than 50 meters more than them.

If it continues like this.

Jiangnan's consumption is definitely much greater than theirs.


They still didn't have time to be happy.

They found that although Jiangnan was running in the outer lane, his speed was not slow at all, and was even much faster.

Whether it was a straight line or a curve, Jiangnan did not get close to the inner lane, but he could still keep pace with them.


They were sweating profusely, panting, and felt that they were about to explode, but Jiangnan was calm as usual?


This is still a rhythm with some strength left!

Crazy, crazy!

Huang Sihai and Hu Dajun are going crazy.

Jiangnan is deliberately making fun of him.Playing tricks on them!

He could have run ahead, but he insisted on keeping pace with them, and even said a few sarcastic words from time to time?

Tsk tsk!

The damage was not high.

But it was extremely insulting.

They had already overdrawn their physical strength, relying only on their inner unwillingness to support them, and now they were pissed off by Jiangnan.

Hu Dajun immediately felt breathless and nauseous, dizzy, and then his eyes went black, and he fell forward.


He fainted directly.

And with that pounce.

He happened to trip Huang Sihai who was standing in the same row with him.

The latter couldn't control his body in an instant.

He also fell down, not only did he fall like a dog, but he also happened to kneel in front of Jiangnan?




When this scene came out, everyone in the track and field opened their eyes wide and were shocked.


Even Jiangnan, the person involved, was like this.

He just stopped to watch Hu Dajun fall, but ended up kneeling down?


Isn't that too polite?

Didn't he say he would kneel down in public after the competition?

What's going on now?

Admitting defeat in advance?

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