"That's right!"

Cao Tianyuan nodded and said with certainty: "Teacher Hu has agreed to this."


"How can you do this?"

Xie Hongwei widened his eyes and said in surprise: "Old Cao, Jiangnan is a physics genius, not a math genius. You actually let him participate in the Mathematical Olympiad. Are you crazy?"

You should know that the Mathematical Olympiad is more difficult than the Physics Competition.

Of course...

It is also more authoritative and has a higher gold content.

No one in the school has participated in the Mathematical Olympiad for many years, but Cao Tianyuan asked Jiangnan to go?

He was very suspicious...

Is his old friend confused due to senility?

Should I introduce a doctor to him?

"You are crazy!"

Cao Tianyuan rolled his eyes at Xie Hongwei in anger, "Who told you that Jiangnan is only good at physics?"

"To tell you the truth..."

"He is not only a physics genius, but also a mathematics genius. He is also good at other subjects."


"I was the first to discover that he has this ability. Teacher Hu was the second. You can only be the third."


"How is this possible?"

"Although I am not Jiangnan's class teacher and don't know much about him, I also know that his grades in other subjects have always been average! At best, they are just average."

"How can he be a physics genius, a mathematics genius, and other subjects..."

"Wait, he can't be..."


Suddenly, a very terrifying and incredible thought emerged in Xie Hongwei's mind.

It seems...

In the past, Jiangnan's physics grades were also average.

It was only today in the physics class that he suddenly showed his extraordinary strength and made a splash.

He didn't think much about it before.

I didn't realize it until now...


But it has to be done step by step. It's impossible to become omniscient and omnipotent all at once.


The only explanation is...

Jiangnan has been playing dumb in the past?

But in fact.

He was very good at physics a long time ago.

Since physics is like this.

Why not other subjects?

"You guessed right. Jiangnan used to hide his strength on purpose. He performed normally in every exam in every subject and his grades were all above the passing line. In fact, he was controlling his scores."

"But in fact..."

"He is a super academic master."

"And not only in mathematics and physics, but also in all-round. Of course, his mathematical talent ranks first."


Before Xie Hongwei could figure it out, Cao Tianyuan confirmed his guess in one sentence and was very proud of it.


Hearing this, Xie Hongwei couldn't help but swear directly, and almost popped his eyes out.

It's true.

It's true!

This explains it all, and the truth is revealed.

No wonder Jiangnan's physics grades were average before, but today he rose against the sky and made a big splash.

It turned out that he deliberately concealed his strength and even manipulated his scores during the exam. This brain circuit is too amazing!

Controlling scores!

This is the legendary control of scores!

He had also heard that in some powerful schools, there are some students who are obviously very good, but they don't want to be known, and deliberately manipulate their scores during the exam.

That kind of person...

If you don't make a sound, you will make a big splash.

Afterwards, they are definitely good materials for Tsinghua and Peking University.


He had never met one before.

And now...

He met one.

Even a student in his class.

I really don't know whether to cry or laugh. He has been deceived so badly by Jiangnan for the past three years!

It's pitiful to think about it.


"Teacher Xie, Teacher Xie!"

"You can be stunned sometimes?"

"You criticized me so harshly just now, but now you are like a fool, with veins popping out?"

On the other side.

Seeing Xie Hongwei completely lose his composure, with veins popping out on his neck, Hu Yifei couldn't help but feel refreshed.


Xie Hongwei didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly his face became serious. He looked at Cao Tianyuan and said unkindly: "Old Cao, what did you just say? You said Jiangnan ranked first in math talent?"

"That's right!"

Cao Tianyuan smiled and nodded.

As a horse expert, the first person to discover Jiangnan's control of scores, he certainly thought that Jiangnan's math was the best.

What's more...

The test results in the morning also proved it.

In the Olympiad simulation test, Jiangnan's control of scores can get 90, so if he goes all out, what will happen?


Hear what he said.

Xie Hongwei was instantly furious and scolded Cao Tianyuan, "You are talking nonsense. Jiangnan is clearly the best in physics talent, and I have verified it in class. All the students in Class 4 have seen it."

"You are talking nonsense.Jiangnan is the best at math..."

"The best at physics..."





The situation evolved in an unpredictable direction.

Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei, two good friends, actually argued over which subject Jiangnan was most talented in, and they were so angry that they were about to fight.

In response to this.

Hu Yifei next to him was dumbfounded.

Is it that serious?

As Jiangnan's head teacher and Chinese teacher, how could I not know that Jiangnan has the strongest talent in Chinese?

But I didn't say anything.

What are you two teachers arguing about?


She was just thinking about this in her mind.

After all...

Just now, Xie Hongwei was too much for her to handle, and she didn't want to fight two old-fashioned people at the same time.

On the contrary...

She had to persuade them to separate.


She was about to speak.

"Bang bang bang! "

At this moment, there was a hurried knock on the door.

But before Hu Yifei agreed.

There was only a "bang".

The office door was suddenly pushed open, revealing the physical education teacher Wang Daren and Jiangnan, who were arm in arm.

The next second.

Hu Yifei was in the office.

Physical education teacher Wang Daren's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't care about Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei, pointing at Jiangnan and said: "Teacher Hu, I want to tell you something, don't get too excited..."

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