Except for Class 4.

People in other classes in Senior 3 basically don’t know Jiangnan.

After all…

Jiangnan was too low-key in the past.

He was called the God of Sleep, God of Food and God of the South only in Class 4. Who knew who Jiangnan was in other classes?


Some people said that Jiangnan was very powerful and handsome.

It would be strange if they believed it, they just laughed it off.


There were still many people from Class 4 on the road. When they heard the news, they looked at each other in surprise.

Especially Zhang Hao, Su Yu, Tang Tiantian and Xiang Ye, the class representatives of Class 4, their faces changed all of a sudden.


“How could this happen?”

“Did Jiangnan do well in the exam?”


You have to know that before the exam.

They all declared war on Jiangnan in public.

This exam.

They will definitely defeat Jiangnan.

But the result…

They failed the first exam.

Even Cai Kun, the best Chinese student in the next class 3, cried in the exam, so they certainly weren't much better.


In the last second.

When they saw that other people didn't do well in the exam, they were still feeling lucky, thinking that Jiangnan would definitely not do well in the exam.


It's still unknown who will win.

But the next second...

When they heard someone call Jiangnan's name and called the exam room of Class 4, their faces changed drastically.

Is there anyone else named Jiangnan in the school?

Probably not!

He's handsome, definitely the only one.

What's more...

If they remembered correctly, Jiangnan was arranged to take the exam in Class 4, so all these were correct.

Doesn't that mean...

Jiangnan might have done well in this exam?

If it was before.

They would definitely not believe this gossip like other passers-by, and even sneered at it.

But since Jiangnan showed amazing strength in mathematics and physics and slapped everyone in the face.

They dared not to believe it.


It's going to be a mess.

Su Yu, Zhang Hao, Tang Tiantian are better.

After all, they declared war on Jiangnan in math, physics and foreign languages, which have little to do with Chinese.

But Xiang Ye, that girl.

But she was about to cry on the spot.

Just because...

She is the Chinese class representative of Class 4.

She was angry that Jiangnan slept in class before, and with the instigation of other class representatives, she formed a class representative alliance.

After everyone declared war on Jiangnan yesterday, she also waved her fists in a frenzy to compete with Jiangnan.

But the result...

Was she the first to suffer a Waterloo?

As soon as the exam was over, she estimated her score. It was impossible for her to pass, after all, she didn't do poetry appreciation and classical Chinese, and only wrote half of the composition.

I guess...

About 60 or 70 points!

No more.

And I just heard from several people who took the exam in Class 4.

Jiangnan not only did all the questions in classical Chinese, but also handed in the paper in advance, which shocked the invigilator.


is going to be a heaven-defying pace!

Is 100 points the minimum?


Can it exceed 120?

Or even... higher?

She didn't dare to think about getting a full score, and she wouldn't think about it.

But one thing is certain.

If what the people next to her said is true, Jiangnan must have done well in the exam, the kind that can kill her into scum in seconds.

"Woo woo woo!"

"How can you do this to me?"

"I'm the Chinese representative of Class 4!"

"Every time I take a Chinese exam, I don't say I'm the first in Class 4, but I'm second only to Qin Yumo, okay!"

"But the result..."

"Woo woo woo!"


Women are made of water.

Thinking about it.

Xiang Ye couldn't help but shed tears.

Tsk tsk!

That's so pitiful.

The passers-by around were stunned.


"Is it necessary to do this?"

"Isn't it just that I didn't do well in Chinese?"

"Everyone didn't do well, and many people even gave up the exam. You don't need to cry on the street!"

"Girls are girls!"

"You are so delicate, you can't bear it!"

"I also gave up the exam, and was given a zero on the spot, but I still walked with the wind and laughed at the world?"


The passers-by didn't know about Xiang Ye's declaration of war with Jiangnan, so they were very speechless about Xiang Ye's crying.


Su Yu, Zhang Hao and Tang Tiantian knew it very well.

In this regard.

They looked very unhappy.

Although it was just a failure in Chinese.

It has nothing to do with other subjects.

But they are an alliance after all, and they can be said to rise and fall together, and they feel a sense of empathy.

I hope...

The next exam.

They can defeat Jiangnan smoothly.


I don't know why.

The confidence that they had when declaring war yesterday suddenly dropped a lot, and several people had a bad feeling in their hearts."Could it be..."

"Will we be defeated by Jiangnan alone?"


"Absolutely impossible."

"I am the best at (mathematics) (physics)."

"Let's see how I perform next!"


At the same time.

Bai Yingying, who was specially helping Jiangnan to find out the enemy's situation, happened to hear the conversation between passers-by and saw Xiang Ye crying.

In this regard.

She was the only one who was sad, surprised and happy.

Sadly, she did not do well in Chinese.

This was a big blow to Bai Yingying, who was often called a top student and even wanted to surpass Qin Yumo.

She was surprised to hear that Jiangnan did very well in the exam.

This was a bit beyond her imagination.

After all...

She only knew that Jiangnan was good at mathematics and physics, and did not know that Jiangnan was also good at Chinese.

As for the joy...

It was seeing Xiang Ye crying in public. Obviously, she did very badly in the exam and was probably not as good as Jiangnan.


This means...

Someone she likes is going to win!


Bai Yingying was overjoyed.


"Hearing is false, seeing is believing."

"We need to confirm with Jiangnan for details."


I don't know what she thought of.

Bai Yingying quickened her pace, quietly passed Su Yu, Zhang Hao and others, and ran to the cafeteria.

Arrived at the cafeteria.

She didn't go to get food, but immediately scanned the whole place, found Jiangnan who was eating, and ran over.


"I knew you were here."

"Tell me, how did you do in the Chinese test this time?"

"I heard someone say on the road that you have done poetry appreciation and classical Chinese. Is it true?"



Jiangnan nodded.

"Then let's check the answers. The first question of poetry appreciation asks what disease the author's friend suffers from. How did you write it?"

"Eye disease."

"Eye...eye disease? How do you know?"

Bai Yingying was surprised. Obviously, she did it differently.


Jiangnan was slightly stunned, and glanced at Bai Yingying in confusion: "Haven't you heard of the story of Shen Yue's double pupils? This clearly tells you that he has an eye disease! Didn't you write it correctly?"

"I... I wrote it wrong."

"You can't even do something so simple?"

Bai Yingying: "#¥%*¥!!!"

It hurts, my friend!

Be a human being!

I'm on your side.

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