Li Ming is from Class 301.

Class 301 is the top class in the third year of high school in No. 3 Middle School, and it is also a star class.

Just because...

A super academic master came out of this class.

A school that has dominated the rankings for three years, and he can rank first in all subjects in every exam, and his total score can leave the second and third place far behind, the invincible genius Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is very powerful.

There is no doubt about this.


The other people in Class 301 are not weak either.

There are many who can be called academic masters, and if they are picked out individually and put in other classes, they can immediately get the first place.

It's just that they are overshadowed by Qin Feng.

And Li Ming.

is one of them.

Li Ming is also very powerful.

Especially in mathematics, although he is not as good as Qin Feng, he thinks he will not be weaker than others.


Before the mathematics exam.

He was full of confidence.

Although he didn't do well in the Chinese language test in the morning, he will definitely keep the second place in the school in the math test in the afternoon.


When he got the math test paper and scanned all the questions, he frowned immediately.


"This paper..."

"It seems to be a bit difficult?"

An expert can tell whether it is difficult or not with just one look.

Although he hasn't started writing yet.

But with just one glance.

He can tell that this paper seems a bit difficult, and there are many questions that he can't answer immediately.

And after starting writing.

He felt the real difficulty of the paper even more.

The first three multiple-choice questions were better.

But starting from the fourth question, the geometric function synthesis, the difficulty increased greatly. When it came to the fifth question, the change of the moving point trajectory equation, he was completely stuck and a little confused.

"Is the test paper so difficult?"

"In the usual math exams, the first eight multiple-choice questions are easy points! Only the last two are difficult."

"But today..."

"Is the fifth question so difficult?"

Li Ming's brows were already furrowed. He spent two minutes on the fifth question, but...didn't get it right?

"Forget it!"

"Skip it for now!"

"After finishing the rest, come back and try again."

As a king who has experienced countless exams, Li Ming is naturally not stupid. Although he is unwilling, he also knows how to make choices.

He skipped the fifth question and looked at the sixth question, which was to determine the positional relationship of the conic section by combining numbers and shapes.

"This question..."

"It seems to be more difficult?"

"Is there no idea for a while?"

Li Ming was stunned.

"Remember that in previous exams, shouldn't this kind of question be put at the end?"

"But today..."

"It's the sixth multiple-choice question?"

"This difficulty..."

"It's simply too difficult!"

Li Ming suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. This math test was probably the most difficult in history, just like the Chinese class in the morning.

Even the top student Qin Feng would find this paper very difficult and he wouldn't get full marks!

He looked at the seventh question again.


Still difficult.

The eighth question.


Even more difficult.

It's not that he can't do it.

It's that he needs to spend a lot of time and perform very complicated deductions and calculations to solve it.


That would result in him having no time to do the big questions later, just like he had no time to write an essay in the Chinese class in the morning.

If that were the case, it would be absolutely doomed.

A cold rhythm.

Not to mention defending the second place in the school, even passing the exam is a problem.

The best way...

is to keep skipping back and do the easy ones first.

Li Ming gritted his teeth and skipped to the ninth question, the tenth question, and finally jumped directly to the fill-in-the-blank question.

Tsk tsk!

Sad tears flowed like a river.

He could hardly suppress his inner restlessness.

He skipped most of the multiple-choice questions. Even if he answered all the questions correctly, how many points could he get?


"Is this paper really difficult?"

"Or am I just too bad?"

Li Ming really felt like crying, and even his right hand holding the black water-based pen began to tremble slightly.

At the same time.

Li Ming's situation was not the only one in the classroom.

You know, Li Ming is a top expert in mathematics. If he can't do it, then how much more can others do it?

I saw...

Everyone in the examination room was basically biting the end of their pens, scratching their hair, and racking their brains to think about how to solve this.

Some people have wasted two draft papers just doing the first three multiple-choice questions, and they don’t even know if the answer is correct.


“Fuck you!”

“Which bastard made the monthly exam?”

“It’s fine that the Chinese language test was so difficult this morning, but now the math test is also so difficult, is this going to be a miracle?”

“My mentality is going to collapse again!”"Is it an unintentional insult or intentional harm?"

"If the college entrance examination is this difficult, then why would I take the exam? Not to mention the first and second tier, there is no hope for even the third tier. Can anyone tell me what's going on?"


"I don't want to take the exam anymore. I want to go home..."

"Studying is too tiring. I might as well go move bricks..."


Once again.

Many people in the examination room were mentally broken.

Each of them had a gloomy face and eyes that were about to spit fire. In their hearts, they cursed the ancestors of the person who made the test paper for eighteen generations.

Li Ming was very sad.

But when he saw that the people around him were similar to him, all frowning and full of hatred.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I remember the invigilator said this in the morning."

"I can't do it."

"No one else can do it either."

"I, Li Ming, am a math genius. If even I find it difficult, others will definitely not be able to do it."

"As long as I don't rush or panic, keep my mind steady, do everything I can do, and get all the points I deserve."

"Even if I can't compare to Qin Feng."

"But the second place in math in the school."

"It must still be mine..."


Li Ming secretly warned himself, took a deep breath, suppressed his inner restlessness, and prepared to do the fill-in-the-blank questions first.


Just at this moment.

He suddenly heard the sound of turning the papers?


He was extremely nervous again.

"How is it possible?"

"It's only been less than ten minutes since the exam, and someone has already started doing the big questions at the end?"

"Is this a human or a ghost, a god or a demon?"

"Or is it a demon?"

"Even if Qin Feng is here, he can't do it, right?"


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