"So angry!"

"It's okay if you sleep in class on weekdays."

"You're sleeping during the exam now?"

"What's that?"

"Is it a naked show-off?"

"I know you've finished everything and done it correctly, but other students are still taking the exam with sad faces."

"The point is..."

"I haven't even agreed yet, and you're lying down. Why bother asking me so much without giving me face?"


"You're not a human being."

"Forget it."

"You're so awesome."

"I can't control you."

"If you want to sleep, go ahead!"


Looking at Jiangnan lying on the table, Cao Tianyuan muttered in his heart, obviously very dissatisfied.


That's all.

Then he turned around and left.

Pretended not to see it, or agreed.

You can sleep, as long as you don't disturb other students' exams, I don't care about you, and I can't control you.


Cao Tianyuan left helplessly.


Li Ming next to him was dumbfounded.

What is this?

Jiangnan fell asleep in public again, just like in the morning Chinese language test, but the invigilator didn't care?

This is not the point.

The point is...

He was close and seemed to have heard something.

Just now Jiangnan seemed to say: "I'm done... How could I get such a simple question wrong???"


"Is there something wrong with my ears?"

"It's only been ten minutes since the exam started!"

"That kid has finished the whole paper?"

"What kind of sword-drawing speed is this?"

"Even a million years of golden singles can't compare to that!"

"You even say this question is simple?"

"Tell me..."

"How is this question simple?"

"As a math genius, I can always get more than 140 points in the exam, but I can't even do the last five multiple-choice questions well!"

"Is this paper still simple?"

"How is it possible?"


Li Ming felt that his worldview was about to collapse.

He wanted to convince himself.

This was a dream, everything was fake.

But it looked so real.

And he pinched his thigh hard, the pain made him cry, he was conscious, it was not a dream!

He wanted to say that Jiangnan was definitely filling in the blanks, it was impossible for a person to finish such a difficult math paper in just ten minutes, and he didn't even use a draft paper.


The attitude of the two invigilators.

It seemed that they agreed with Jiangnan's statement.

Especially Cao Tianyuan.

He also knew that he was a senior math teacher.

Cao Tianyuan looked at Jiangnan's paper for so long, but he didn't say a word of rebuttal, and even looked surprised.

Needless to say...

Jiangnan was definitely right.

The more he thought about it.

Li Ming became angrier and couldn't calm down.

"Oh, heaven!"

"Oh, earth!"

"If there is Yu, why is there Liang!"

"I, Li Ming, am already in this exam room, why does that kid show up again and show off in front of me!"


"Not a human being!"


Li Ming kept wailing in his heart.

"I'll remember you. You are strong, but I'm not weak either. I will definitely take the exam well and surpass you."

Turning grief into strength.

Li Ming clenched his fists tightly, cheered himself up, and tried to calm down and answer the questions seriously.


It's easy to think about.

But it's hard to do.

As soon as he answered the questions, the picture of Jiangnan saying the questions were simple would appear in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it.

He looked up again.


Jiangnan had fallen asleep on the table.

He snored from time to time.

Very slight.

The decibel was very low.

But he heard it clearly?

It's really infuriating.

You know, I didn't even get the fifth multiple-choice question right! But you slept so soundly after the test?

"By the way..."

"You are so showy, do your parents know?"

"And God, you don't care about it, don't you send down thunder to kill this bastard who uses cheats?"

"And the invigilators, is this how you invigilate? Don't you care about someone who is so disrespectful to the test?"

"You are too idle."

"Too protective of people."

"This kid has connections, he must have got in through the back door!"


Li Ming's inner thoughts are not ordinary.

This test...

He probably completely failed.

Because he couldn't calm down at all.

He was just angry with Jiangnan who was snoring while sleeping.

Of course!

Li Ming is not an exception.

In fact.

There are many people who have similar ideas as him.

All the students sitting next to Jiangnan looked miserable and were crying out in their hearts.

Why?People are so different?


We have to take the same exam as Jiangnan?

The test was difficult enough to make them lose their minds, and then there was Jiangnan, the absolute king?


There is no harm without comparison.

It hurts.


What hurts more is yet to come.

A student sitting by the window couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to open the window to get some fresh air.


As soon as he started.

A certain invigilator came over, not only closed the window directly, but also whispered to the student.

"Don't open the window, it's a little cold outside, it's not good if it freezes other students in the classroom."

Hearing this.

Many people around were moved.

Including Li Ming.

Although he also wanted to open the window to get some fresh air and calm himself down, the teacher said so, so forget it!

After all...

This is also for our consideration, right?


The next second, everyone was dumbfounded.

After the invigilator closed the window,

he did not leave immediately.

Instead, he took off his coat and tiptoed to cover Jiangnan who was sleeping...

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