"Okay, the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother, and the snail doesn't laugh at the clam. Let's be frank. I guess you all came to see the genius who wrote in classical Chinese!"


A teacher stood up to smooth things over for him.

"Yes, it's him."

"But I don't know which one of them is Jiangnan?"

"I'm really curious about him. Not only can he write in classical Chinese, but I can't even understand it?"


Hearing this, the others echoed.

After all...

They are all colleagues.

It was just a joke.

It's impossible to really embarrass Yue Lao San.

"Before I came, I asked Teacher Hu, and he said that Jiangnan was sitting in the third row, the fourth from the bottom, 1.8 meters tall, and the most handsome. I guess the one sleeping on the table is him."

Someone pointed at Jiangnan who was sleeping.

And this...

is what Li Ming and others saw before.

A group of teachers outside the window clearly saw Jiangnan sleeping, but they were not angry, but surprised.


"Jiangnan is sleeping?"

"That's not right! It's only been more than ten minutes since the exam started, and he's sleeping on the table. Is he not good at math?"

Someone had doubts about Jiangnan.


The next second.

"What does it matter if he's not good at math? As long as he's good at Chinese, it's enough to prove his strength that he can write an essay in classical Chinese that we can't understand."

"Even if he gets zero points in math, with his talent and level in Chinese, he can be directly recommended."

"In my opinion, it's best if he's not good at other subjects, so that he can focus on Chinese."


Yue Laosan expressed his own views.

It's better to be specialized than to be knowledgeable.

For a group of teachers who specialize in Chinese.

If Jiangnan can reach the pinnacle in Chinese, it doesn't matter if he's not good at other subjects.

To this.

The people present agreed.

"What Teacher Yue said makes sense!"

"This person has limited energy. Since he is so talented in Chinese, it is normal for him to be good at other subjects."

"I am afraid that he can do this or that, but he can't reach the top and eventually become mediocre."

"It's a pity that I can't go in and see what this genius looks like up close."

"Yeah, it's a pity."


"Hey, everyone, look, is the guy sitting on the left side of Jiangnan taking a cheat sheet to cheat?"


Someone found a cheating classmate.

The next second.

"Yes, he is cheating."

"Hey, classmate, what are you doing?"

"I see you, put your things down quickly."


I don't know who yelled first.


"Swish, swish, swish!"

All of a sudden, all these Chinese teachers rushed into the 304 examination room.

Tsk tsk!

They finally found a chance to see the genius up close, how could they let it go?

"Woo woo woo!"

"I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again."

"Don't catch me, don't catch me!"


Almost in an instant, the student who didn't have much eyes trembled and collapsed under the table.


He just cheated, but he attracted more than a dozen teachers who were as fierce as wolves and tigers to rush in from outside?


It would be strange if he wasn't scared silly.

Not only him.

Many people around were scared.

It was really more than a dozen teachers catching one person cheating, the scene was really shocking and grand.

Originally, because the test paper was too difficult.

Many people had the idea of ​​cheating.

But now...

Immediately gave up the idea.


The next move of this group of Chinese teachers made them feel inexplicable, just like a monk with two heads held.

I saw...

These dozen teachers rushed in.


They didn't immediately go to the cheater to make trouble, but stared at the sleeping Jiangnan, and marveled.


"What's going on?"

"Could it be that they didn't come here to catch the cheater, but to punish the boy for sleeping in violation of the exam room rules?"


Many people had this thought.

So did Li Ming.

Even the cheater was confused, "You didn't come here to catch me, but to catch him?"

"That's not right!"

"What you just shouted was cheating, not sleeping."

"Besides, if you really want to catch him sleeping, shouldn't you wake him up first?"

"But now..."

"What the hell are you tiptoeing about?"


A dozen Chinese teachers, led by Yue Lao San, surrounded Jiangnan and looked at him, as if the latter had a smile on his face.Like.

But he didn't say a word.

I don't know if he was afraid of destroying the atmosphere in the exam room.

Or was he afraid of disturbing Jiangnan's sleep.

Logically, it should be the former.

But many classmates think it is more likely to be the latter.

For a while.

The atmosphere in the exam room was very weird.

Scary and creepy.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came out.

It came from a fat man sitting next to Jiangnan.

He slapped the table with his hand, "I can't stand it anymore, I confess, I cheated, give me zero points!"

After saying that.

He ran away directly.

The pressure is really too great.

Tsk tsk!

This is also a ruthless person.

He also collapsed and gave up the Chinese exam in the morning, and now he confessed to cheating in mathematics and got zero points?

Cheater: "?"

Li Ming: "???"

Many classmates: "???"

Two invigilators: "???"

More than a dozen Chinese teachers: "????"

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