"Hey, have you heard about it?"

"During the math exam, a ruthless person finished the test and fell asleep on the table after only ten minutes."

"But the invigilator not only ignored it, but even closed the window and put on a coat for him, fearing that he would catch a cold."


"Oh my god, is this true? You must be lying!"


"Of course it's true. It happened in the 304 exam room. Dozens of people witnessed it. If you lie, your whole family will die."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Li Ming, the top student in Class 301. The ruthless person sat next to him."

"Big Li, don't you think so?"


In the cafeteria.

Many people were discussing the Jiangnan incident.

Li Ming happened to be there.

Many people looked at him for confirmation.

Li Ming was crying loudly and couldn't speak at all. He just nodded subconsciously.

Nodding means acquiescence?

Seeing this.

Everyone present was stunned.


"Is that guy so strong?"

"He finished the math test in ten minutes. I don't believe it, after all, this math test is very difficult."

"In my opinion, he must be a poor student. Because he didn't know how to do it, he just scribbled and then slept on the table. Maybe it has something to do with the invigilator, so he was treated preferentially."



"That guy didn't just scribbled."

"It is said that he really finished all the questions, and he also said that the questions were very simple. Everyone heard it."


"Even the invigilator agreed."

"Even if he didn't get a full score of 150, he would at least get more than 140. He is very strong."



Hearing this.

Everyone in the cafeteria took a breath.



And finished it in ten minutes?

If that's the case, this guy is going to heaven!

After all...

They were all people who had just come down from the battlefield, and they all felt the difficulty of this math test.


Even if it is not as good as the Chinese language test in the morning.

It is not much different.

It is definitely the most difficult one in history.

Many people got stuck on the multiple-choice questions, and almost did half of them and guessed the other half, and almost collapsed and gave up the test.

As for the later answer questions, especially the last question, they left it blank and had no thoughts.

But now...

Someone told them.

There is a tough guy who can get full marks by finishing it in ten minutes?


"It's too exaggerated!"

"Doesn't he need to think?"

"Just take a look?"


Many people expressed disbelief.

After all...

This is really too exaggerated.

Even novels don't dare to write like this!

"You know what, that person really doesn't need to think. He knows the answers to all the questions at a glance, and then answers them directly on the answer sheet, without even using half a piece of draft paper."

Everyone: "I... Damn..."

"This person is too strong, tell me who he is, male or female, and which class he is from?"


"A male, he looks really handsome, I don't know which class he is from, but I heard his name is Jiang... Jiangnan!"


Swish, swish, swish!

When this was said, everyone was shocked.


"Why is it Jiangnan again?"

"I don't know this person, but his name sounds familiar!

"By the way, after the Chinese language test this morning, wasn't there a rumor that Jiangnan did very well in Chinese?"

"It is said that he translated that classical Chinese text and finished writing and handed in the paper 40 to 50 minutes early."


"Yes, it's him."

"And let me tell you, he didn't do very well in Chinese this morning, he did very well, the kind that could get full marks. ”

“For this reason, during the afternoon math test, more than a dozen Chinese teachers stopped supervising and went to the 304 exam room to watch Jiangnan under the guise of catching cheaters.”

“That scene…”

“It was really amazing.”

“It is said that many people who wanted to cheat were scared to death on the spot.”

“There was even a fat guy who couldn’t stand it and directly revealed that he cheated and walked away, and was given a zero…”



“This guy named Jiangnan is absolutely awesome.”

“Needless to say, he will be famous soon.”

“Wrong, he is already famous.”

“He got full marks in Chinese and math, and he still had ten minutes to finish. He slept in the exam room, and the supervising teacher closed the window and put on his clothes. More than a dozen Chinese teachers didn’t supervise the exam and went to watch. He is really a ruthless person!”

“I really want to see what he looks like! ”

“This top student among top students seems to be better than Li Ming from Class 301, no, he is better than Qin Feng.”

“If I am lucky enough to meet him, I will be able to improve my grades by absorbing his aura of top students!”"..."

Different from the morning.

This time everyone heard Jiangnan's name.

Although there were still doubts.

But more people began to believe it.

After all...

There is no smoke without fire.

With so many people spreading it, there must be some factual basis, not to mention that this is not the first time I have heard that Jiangnan is awesome.


Sitting next to him is...

Li Ming, the well-known university bully.

Li Ming heard everything just now, but did not refute a word, obviously indicating tacit consent, which is enough to prove that this is true.

For a while.

Everyone admired Jiangnan, this ruthless man.


Su Yu, Zhang Hao, Tang Tiantian and Xiang Ye, who were surrounding Li Ming, had very ugly faces.

"How could this happen?"

"Jiangnan, Jiangnan again?"

"It's fine that he did well in Chinese this morning, but he also did well in math this time, even getting full marks in ten minutes?"


"Is he so good at math?"

"He's not at the same level as us!"

"Even if he made a mistake and didn't get full marks, and only got 140, he's still much better than us."

"Damn, it's over!"




Someone cried.


Cried louder than Li Ming next to him.

But it was no longer Xiang Ye from the morning.

It was Su Yu, the math class representative.

It didn't matter that he didn't do well in Chinese this morning, because it was Xiang Ye who declared war on Jiangnan in Chinese anyway.

Although he felt sympathetic at the time, it was more because of the alliance, and he sympathized with Xiang Ye.

But before the math exam.

He was not confident, but he was also full of fighting spirit.

After the math test.

Although his score was not very ideal, he tried his best, so it should be no problem to get more than 100.

As for the exact number.

We have to wait until the answers are checked to know.


He specifically found Li Ming, who ranked second in math.

But the result...

Before the answer was checked.

Li Ming broke down and cried.

And Jiangnan's amazing performance was heard next to him.

Tsk tsk!


He also broke down.

"Woo woo woo!"

"I am the representative of Class 4's math class!"

"Every time I take a math test, even if I am not the first, I am only second to the class monitor Qin Yumo!"

"But now..."

"I have become a clown?"

"Jiangnan, if you are really so good, why don't you show it earlier? Are you teasing me on purpose?"

"Too miserable, woo woo woo..."


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