At the same time.

Others in the 304 examination room.

After receiving the comprehensive science test paper.

They immediately calmed down and began to concentrate on reviewing and answering questions, but soon felt the difficulty of the test paper.


Many people took a breath of cold air.

"This monthly exam is really fucking torturous."

"The most difficult Chinese in history, the most difficult mathematics in history, and the difficulty of this comprehensive science is not low at all."

"If this is the college entrance examination, I guess I will all collapse. I don't want to get into the first-class, and I have no hope for the second-class..."


Everyone present frowned, gritted their teeth, and sweat dripped down their foreheads.

Even Zhang Qiang, the Chinese class representative of Class 303, and Li Ming, the second-best student in mathematics in Class 301, were worried when looking at the comprehensive science test paper.


"It's so difficult..."

Li Ming wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It was hard for the whole person to remain calm.

Mathematics and physics are inseparable.

As we all know, any student who is good at mathematics will definitely not be bad at physics, and vice versa.

Before this.

Li Ming was known as the second best in mathematics in the school.


He was also good at physics.

Even if he was not ranked in the top five in the school, he could still be in the top ten, and the same was true for chemistry and biology.


When he started to do the comprehensive science test paper.

Although it was not like the previous mathematics, he was unable to make any progress after only half of the multiple-choice questions.


It was not much better.

As soon as he got to the non-multiple-choice questions in physics, he was completely stumped. He read the questions many times but had no idea where to start.

Almost subconsciously.

He glanced at Jiangnan next door from the corner of his eye.

At this time, Jiangnan had put down the test paper and pen, and lay down on the table leisurely?

Seeing this.

Li Ming was shocked instantly.


"How is it possible?"

"He...he finished and went to sleep again?"

"How long has it been?"

Li Ming suddenly cast his eyes on the clock on the blackboard and found that the pointer fell to the 9:40 position.


It has only been 40 minutes since the exam started?

You told me you finished it?

Damn it!

This is simply against the sky!

Generally, the time for comprehensive science multiple-choice questions is 45 to 60 minutes, which should not be too long.

But it's only 40 minutes now.

Most of the students in the examination room have not finished the multiple-choice questions and are still thinking hard.

The reason why Li Ming can do the non-multiple-choice questions is that he took a shortcut and skipped the last multiple-choice questions in the front.

Be willing to give up.

Only by giving up can you gain.

Although he gave up 6 points, he can ensure that he is the fastest and has enough time to do the following questions.

But compared with Jiangnan.

The damage is not small.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"He can't be that good."

"It's okay that he did well in Chinese before, and his math was barely acceptable, but how could he finish the comprehensive science test in 40 minutes? This is definitely fake..."

"God, tell me this is fake!"

"He must be blank."

"He's just pretending..."


At this moment, Li Ming really couldn't accept the fact that Jiangnan had finished the comprehensive science test paper.

It's really...

This is incredible.

It distorted his cognition.


The next second.

He widened his eyes, shocked to the extreme, wanted to not accept it, but had to accept it, Jiangnan really finished it.

Just because...

Jiangnan turned over in his sleep.

What a coincidence.

Just a corner of the answer sheet was exposed.

And Li Ming has good eyesight and a good angle, so he can see the contents of Jiangnan's answer sheet clearly.

I saw...

That was...

The solution process of the physics final question?

Li Ming widened his eyes and scanned every word carefully. He was sure that it was the solution process.

Li Ming quickly turned over his own paper and looked at the physics final question. He was immediately confused.


This question...

It was too difficult.

He couldn't do it!

If he was asked to do it, he would definitely give up.

But when he looked at the solution process on Jiangnan's answer sheet, he soon understood.

He was also a top student.

Although he couldn't do the final question.

But he could still understand the answer.

He copied it first, then checked the data, and he was 100% sure that it was absolutely correct.




Instantly, Li Ming's whole body was shaking.

Jiangnan even easily solved the most difficult physics final question in the comprehensive science exam. For him, wouldn't the previous questions be as easy as cutting melons and vegetables?Although he was pressed by Jiangnan sleeping.

He couldn't see it.

But it was predictable...

Jiangnan had really finished the comprehensive science test.


If there were no mistakes.

It was very likely that all the answers would be correct?

Oh my god!

What kind of monster is this!

He was mediocre in the past three years, but he suddenly appeared in the past two days. If he didn't make a splash, he would be amazing?

He was able to finish the most difficult Chinese test in history and sleep forty or fifty minutes in advance, and it was said that he could get full marks.

He only took more than ten minutes to finish the most difficult math test in history, and it was also said that he could get full marks.

Now the comprehensive science test with the most questions, covering the three subjects of physics, chemistry and biology, only took forty minutes to finish?

It seems.

Even if it's not a full score.

It must be a high score.


This is simply against the sky.

This is not a nerd, but a higher-level god of learning than a nerd, a demon of learning, a genius born for exams!

Li Ming felt his scalp tingling, and his eyes almost popped out, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Just then.

The invigilator passed by.


"Some students should take the exam seriously and don't look around, otherwise they will be treated as cheating."


A reminder.

Li Ming woke up immediately.

Li Ming subconsciously raised his head and happened to meet the serious and unfriendly eyes of the invigilator.


Li Ming's heart skipped a beat.

Needless to say...

It seems that the invigilator discovered that he had peeked at Jiangnan's answers?


His face turned red.

A deep sense of shame surged in his heart.

What did he...


Peeked at Jiangnan's answers?

Even copied them down?

Doesn't this mean...

He was cheating?

At that moment, he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it. He was so ashamed to face people!

If he is called by the invigilator,

he will be called Li Ming, the top student from now on.

He will immediately become the laughing stock of the whole school!


I am going to cry.

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