Zhou Lingfeng: "..."


He didn't get any advantage?

"Hmph, this is just a multiple choice question, there are still questions to answer?"

Zhou Lingfeng snorted coldly and gritted his teeth.

He was now hoping that Jiangnan could "win face" for him by making a few mistakes in the questions.

He didn't need to make all the mistakes.

As long as he didn't get full marks, it would be fine.


With the temper of the head of the physics group, plus Xie Hongwei, he would definitely compete with him for Jiangnan.


Jiangnan is really a math genius!

If he specializes in math, his future achievements will be limitless. How can he waste time on other subjects?


Things didn't go as he wished.

He was destined to be disappointed.

Just see...

Jiangnan was not idle either. While they were talking, he had already picked up a pen and started to do the test paper.

"11. At a certain point on the horizontal ground, two small balls A and B are projected at the same speed v0 with different projectile angles, and their ranges are the same."

"Given that the time ball A runs in the air is T, find the time ball B runs in the air TB, the magnitude of gravity acceleration is g, and air resistance is not considered."



"15. When looking at the sun from the blue planet."

"For the long angle 0 of the sun's diameter = 53°, take the length I = 110km of the latitude 1° on the surface of the blue planet, and the gravity acceleration g = 10m/s^2 on the surface of the blue planet."

"The revolution period of the blue planet = 365 days. Try to calculate the ratio of the density of the blue planet and the sun using only the above data, assuming that the sun and the blue planet are spheres with uniform mass distribution.



A total of five questions to answer.

Almost all the knowledge in high school is covered. .

As for the difficulty?

It is many times higher than the previous monthly exam.

Just because...

Cao Tianyuan often boasted to Zhou Lingfeng that Jiangnan was good at mathematics. Similarly, Xie Hongwei often boasted to his father, Li, that Jiangnan was amazing at physics.

And this test.

It was originally to test Jiangnan's bottom line.


He had to do his best.

After all...

If Jiangnan scored full marks on a test paper, it would mean that the test failed.

For example, the previous monthly exam.

For example, the math competition questions just now.

That was a slap in the face to the teacher who made the test paper.

When Jiangnan started to do the questions.

The head of the physics group was also full of trepidation. He hoped that Jiangnan could get all the answers right to prove that he was a physics genius who never appeared in the world, but he also knew that this possibility was too low.


He had just come up with this idea.

"Swish! "

All I heard was the sound of the pen hitting the paper.

Jiangnan didn't even look at the questions, and he finished the first question with his pen?

And then...

The second, the third...

He even finished the last question?

From beginning to end.

Not even two or three minutes, right?

As the person involved.

Jiangnan finished the physics paper in the shortest time, but he didn't stop, but started to do the chemistry paper again.

"Shua shua shua! ”

Three minutes later.

The chemistry paper was finished.


It was the biology paper again.

This time the time was even shorter, and it was done in one or two minutes.

Physics team leader: “…”

Chemistry team leader: “…”

Biology team leader: “…”

The three of them were stunned and completely stunned.




What happened just now?

In just ten minutes, Jiangnan actually finished all three competition papers of physics, chemistry and biology?

How is this possible?

The speed is too fast!

It's like a ghost!

Even if you copied the answers, it wouldn't be so fast!

Not to mention getting it right.

"Three team leaders, Jiangnan is done, hurry up and mark the papers! "

Seeing the three people standing there motionless, Hu Yifei could not help but remind them.


The three team leaders came back to their senses and quickly compared the answers with the test questions Jiangnan had done.

First, the physics side.

For the first question, Jiangnan wrote the answer: "TB=√(4V0^2-(TAg)^2)/g."


For the last question.

Jiangnan wrote the answer: "PE/PS=3, 92."

And the correct answer.

Tsk tsk!

Exactly the same?

The physics team leader was stunned.

He looked at the solution process again in disbelief.

But Jiangnan's solution process can only be described in eight words... concise, perfect, and impeccable.

"Full marks?"

Old Li spat out these two words in horror.

It was a pity that he had just determined that the possibility of Jiangnan getting all the answers right was too low, but he turned around and was slapped in the face.This strength...

Isn't it too strong?

Even he has to kneel down and sing the rhythm of conquering!

He has been in the industry for nearly 40 years.

He has never seen such a physics genius.

Saying that Jiangnan is a ruthless and cold answering machine is an insult to Jiangnan's speed and accuracy in answering questions.

"Jiang... Jiangnan, have you done these questions... and knew the process and answers in advance?"

Old Li couldn't help asking subconsciously.


The next second.

He regretted it.

After all...

Even if Jiangnan had done it a long time ago and knew the process and answers, he couldn't finish it so quickly and accurately.

What's more...

This question was set by him, and he was the only one who knew it. How could Jiangnan have done it in advance?

"I haven't done these questions. They are too simple and not as good as the usual homework. I don't have the desire to do them at all."

Jiangnan answered very calmly.

Physics Group Leader: "..."

Listen to me?

Is this still human talk?

He had carefully selected the competition paper that even stumped himself, but when it came to Jiangnan, it was too simple, not as good as the usual homework. Didn't he want to forget it?

His green eyes glanced at Xie Hongwei next to him, and he almost couldn't help but spit blood and complain!

"Old Xie, Old Xie!"

"Are the homework you usually assign so terrible?"

"Harder than my competition questions?"


Xie Hongwei: "..."

Glancing at Jiangnan, he was speechless.

Speaking of which, he had only given a few competition finale questions when he was making things difficult for Jiangnan in class before.

But usually...

He really didn't give such homework!

What's more...

Even if he did.

When did Jiangnan hand in homework?



Just then.

Two exclamations came from the side.

From the head of the chemistry group and the head of the biology group.

They all held the papers in their hands and stared at Jiangnan in disbelief: "You... got full marks in chemistry (biology) too?"

Full marks in chemistry?

Full marks in biology?

Plus the math and physics in front.

That means full marks in all four subjects.


This is a competition paper!

Not a normal monthly exam paper!

Jiangnan got full marks in all subjects?

And his speed of answering questions was amazing. He finished all of them in less than half an hour?


It's incredible.


Several team leaders were stunned.

Even the atmosphere in the entire Academic Affairs Office was stagnant.

Only Hu Yifei, Cao Tianyuan and Xie Hongwei were relatively calm, and the others seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Academic master!"

"Super academic master!"

"Don't you have any bias in any subject?"

"You are so good in every subject, so deep and bottomless, it will be very difficult for us!"

"In the four competitions of Mathematical Olympiad, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, how can we compete for you?"


"Please stop your magic!"

"I can't stand it anymore!"


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