Everyone: "%¥#@#¥%..."

Seeing this scene.

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, only their eyes were full of stars, and they worshipped him.


is the god in their hearts, no one else.


This is far from over.


It's completely Jiangnan's personal show.

Everyone could only stare blankly.

Looking at the unbelievably handsome man in the field, he was getting farther and farther away from the backboard.


The shooting accuracy.

But it's still 100%.

Anyway, as soon as the ball was in hand, Jiangnan took two steps back, and then threw the ball directly without aiming or jumping.

When it came to the ninth ball.

The distance was too far.

Jiangnan had to throw it with one hand.

But the ball still went in.

All the onlookers: "%¥#@#¥..."


They were completely numb.

Jiangnan was just a shooting machine without emotion.

It's confirmed.

Nine shots and nine goals.

And they were all four-point shots.

The outcome of this game is obvious, Jiangnan has won an absolute victory.

For the tenth goal.

Jiangnan no longer needs to shoot.

But he still took the basketball from Fatty Wang and retreated to the bottom line of the other side of the backboard.


Everyone around held their breath and stared at this scene, as if they all wanted to witness a miracle.

Shooting from this backboard to the other backboard.

Can you still hit it with a hollow shot?


After all...

It's too far.

It's 28 meters, not counting the height of the backboard.


Jiangnan didn't hesitate.

He still grabbed the ball with one hand and threw it hard.


A very crisp sound of the ball going into the net.

"Got it in?"

"The last ball went in, too?"

"This is no longer luck or skill, but a miracle, a true miracle, breaking the record!"


"There is no other adjective."

"Only the word 'awesome'."

"Jiangnan, he is the real god of basketball."


Everyone around him jumped up excitedly and cheered for Jiangnan.

Not only girls, but also boys.

Not only students, but also many teachers.

Not only those who originally supported Jiangnan, but also those who originally disliked Jiangnan and stood on the opposite side.

At this moment...

All of them became Jiangnan fans.

Bai Yingying had already run to Jiangnan's side, looking at Jiangnan with a pair of beautiful eyes full of admiration, with little stars in her eyes.

Fatty Wang couldn't help but give Jiangnan a bear hug. If Jiangnan hadn't pushed him away, he wouldn't have let go.


He is a senior basketball enthusiast.

He has been playing basketball for many years.

As long as he has time, he will ask people to play.

But until today...

He didn't know that the real basketball giant had been hiding beside him all along, and that he was his best friend?

His mouth was so big when he smiled that it looked like a bloody mouth, and it was about to burst open, and he couldn't even close it.

One word, cool!

Four words, happy, happy.


Some people are happy and some are sad.

There are many happy people.

But there are also sad people.

That is...

Today's challenger, Ye Zhiqiu.

At this moment...

Ye Zhiqiu's face was three points redder than a monkey's butt, and he almost couldn't breathe, and was directly over.


He was so angry!

It really can't be described in words.

He wanted to use his strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, and specially gathered so many people to watch, wanting to step on Jiangnan in public.

But the result...

He calculated everything.

He just didn't expect it.

Jiangnan's shooting skills are simply against the sky.

Starting from the four-point line, take two steps back for each shot, all the way to the other side of the backboard baseline.


Can a human do this?

Even a machine can't do it!

At this moment.

He was about to doubt the world.

"Jiangnan, how did you do it?"

Ye Zhiqiu stared at Jiangnan blankly.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you."

Jiangnan looked at Ye Zhiqiu calmly, "It's actually very simple, as long as you are better at math and physics."

"You can combine factors such as force, angle, wind and air resistance to list a formula."

"Then put the basketball in, isn't it?"


The world of academic masters.

It's that simple.

He didn't even use the system to cheat.

Using the most basic math and physics knowledge directly is enough to achieve a 100% shooting rate.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the task accurately, and double the host's basketball skills +3, potential +3, points +300. "



Hearing the notification of the reward in his head.

Jiangnan couldn't help but grin.

This system.

It's getting cuter and cuter!

Basketball skills and potential don't matter.

But 300 points.

It's really good.

Originally, he thought the double reward was doubled, but it turned out to be tripled.

From the usual 100 points, it increased to 300 points, which is also the first time in history.

It's worth his hard work in fancy shooting.

Not bad.

"I see! "

Hearing Jiangnan's words, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly realized.

He had also seen a similar video on a certain audio platform, where a security guard laughed at the cleaner for not being able to shoot.

At first...

The cleaner really couldn't.

He tried many times but didn't make a single shot.

Just as the security guard was laughing.

The cleaner measured the length, width, height, size and weight of the court, backboard, basket, basketball, etc., and finally converted it into a formula and became a three-point shooter.

He thought it was just a fictional story, but he didn't expect it to exist in reality?

And it happened to Jiangnan?

This is incredible.


It can be said to be a miracle.

"How about it, now you should admit defeat!"

"I did lose the first shooting game."

Ye Zhiqiu's face was a little gloomy, but then he changed the subject, "But, Jiangnan, don't be too proud too early, I will definitely beat you in this second confrontation."



"You still want to compete with me? "

Hearing this, Jiangnan was surprised.

The shot just now.

He killed Ye Zhiqiu with absolute strength.

I thought Ye Zhiqiu would admit defeat directly, but in the end, this guy actually wanted to compete with him for a second game?

What resilience.

Really good!

He didn't collapse completely after losing so badly in the shooting game?


"Of course we have to compete!"

"We agreed before that the first one is shooting and the second one is confrontation. Now it's only halfway through, how can we not compete? "

Ye Zhiqiu gritted his teeth and said with certainty: "Shooting is just a part of basketball. It was just a warm-up. If we talk about confrontation, I will definitely not lose..."


Bai Yingying: "..."

Fatty Wang: "..."

All the onlookers around: "..."

All speechless.


They were all surprised by Ye Zhiqiu's persistence.

If it were someone else.

After seeing Jiangnan's unpredictable shooting and scoring, they should have surrendered immediately.

But Ye Zhiqiu admitted defeat.

But we have to compete.

Is he stubborn and wants to lose again and again?

Or is he hiding a killer and wants to win back a game?


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