Moreover, if you get the designer's approval and get the design sketch, you may get the chance to design by yourself.

The latter is very attractive to ye Muwan.

Originally, the price of the market version of the chair displayed by the host was only 50000, but the price of the version with the designer's signature and individual design had just reached 300000.

That's enough for the average person to earn for a few years.

But even so, some people continue to increase the price.

Because for them, hundreds of thousands is not as important as the signature of an internationally famous designer.

Along with the host's exhibition of several kinds of products, people came to participate in the exhibition.

Most of these people are the famous second generation in Chuzhou City, and the host has been delayed for some time because of them.

Especially when the last few men and women came, the host immediately trotted to meet them and said to one of the young men with a happy face: "it's Kang Shao. It's really lucky that Kang Shao can come to our exhibition!"

Surrounded by the crowd as the core of the young man, a faint hum, and then with his beautiful foreign partner, as if no one to chat.

The host did not feel slighted at all. Compared with the Kang family, he was just an ordinary host.

Then the host said to a group of people: "ladies and gentlemen, Kang Zixuan of Kant pharmaceutical also came to our exhibition, which really made rocheberg shine."

Around a stir, Kang Zixuan, as the only successor of Kant pharmaceutical, is naturally famous in Chuzhou City.

"Here comes Kang Da Shao!"

"Kant pharmaceutical's products are selling well again, and the group's income is soaring!"

"Kang Shao, this is my business card. I hope I can get to know Kang Shao!"

"Kang Shao, I'm the distributor of Kant pharmaceutical. We just met last time..."

A group of people close to get together, and Kang Zixuan to know, on their own business may be a great opportunity. Especially in Chuzhou, the relationship between Kant and pharmaceutical is better.

At that time, the order of the whole exhibition was in chaos.

Han Zhengen didn't want to move, but he took a look at Kant pharmaceutical.

In front of Kang Zixuan, his feet were empty and buoyant, and he was obviously weak. Although his face is fierce, he has no foundation at all.

"Kant pharmaceutical products are still very popular. Although the outside world can't guess their real income, they are undoubtedly the most profitable pharmaceutical enterprises! " Ye Muwan understood that Kant pharmaceutical was a competitor of Zhiyuan pharmaceutical.

Han Zhen nodded.

Kant pharmaceutical is indeed the most profitable enterprise in the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

But not in the future.

The host's show continued after a flurry of confusion.

At this time, Kang Zixuan's foreign female companion suddenly said, "can you take out Anastasia's work first? I want to buy it."

Ye Muwan's face suddenly changed.

As soon as she was optimistic about the design sketch, she was immediately followed, especially by Kant pharmaceutical.

Other people are also dissatisfied because it disrupts the process of the exhibition. Originally, some people came to the exhibition just for a few new exhibits. In this way, their plans were delayed.

However, the host did not hesitate. Of all the people present, Kang Zixuan is the only one with the highest identity. In this case, even if the girlfriend is not Kang Zixuan's real girlfriend, the host will give Kang Zixuan face“ Good! Just do as the lady says

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