It's night and there are not many pedestrians on the road.

But even so, all the pedestrians on the road wriggled at the same time.

Sensitive people are aware of the existence of changes, but when they try to find out, they find that there is no abnormality at all.

Quchuan Street commercial street is different from other streets.

This is the most famous commercial district in Chuzhou. The road on the north side of quchuan street is still full of pedestrians.

This is the place with the most bars and restaurants. Many new middle-level people with small assets in Chuzhou city like to come here to drink and relax after a day's work. So, even if it's already night, there are still a lot of pedestrians.

In the noisy streets, the neon lights in front of shops and restaurants on both sides are flickering, reflecting all living beings at night.

The back of the neon lights, in the dark corner of the commercial street.

The light is low.

It seems difficult to find out what is in the shadow when you see it outside.

At this time, the shadow seems to get thicker and absorb almost all the light.

At this time, a pedestrian passed by.

He just came out of the bar and met a young woman in the bar. He was chatting with each other on his mobile phone.

Although they are concentrating on sending text messages, the perceptive pedestrian is still aware that one side seems to be wrong.

In the streets of quchuan bars, there are often passionate men and women who take wine as a medium. Under the action of alcohol, let the usual depressed hormone burst. Even in the dark corner on the back of the bar, I can't restrain my desire.

Pedestrians know the behavior of these people, so they use the screen lit up by their mobile phone to shine the shadow in the corner, hoping to see the scene they want to see.

Only when he was shining on the shadow corner, he was frightened to find that one of the shadows was creeping like a living creature.

Then, in the strange shadow, a man with medium-sized black hair came out.

The pedestrian glared and his legs trembled.

The man with black hair has an ordinary appearance, but his breath is very gloomy. At a glance, one feels chilly.

This man is the dark soul.

The dark soul is from the cold country, and has strong powers since he was born. After training in the top chaebols in the cold, he joined the Western shadow crow killer organization.

Among the shadow crows, the dark souls complete many extremely difficult assassination missions.

After a year or two of seclusion, the dark soul who had made great progress took on the task of assassinating a martial arts master in China.

It was originally a mission to prove myself, but I found that the so-called martial arts master had the ability to control fire and other powers.

In this way, things become extremely difficult.

Martial arts masters are hard to deal with, not to mention martial arts masters with powers.

However, the dark soul will not give up.

There will not be enough killing opportunities this time. The dark soul will still look for better killing opportunities. For the dark soul, there is no lack of opportunity.

"Are you a man or a ghost?" The pedestrian's legs trembled and saw the man walking out of the shadow. Such a strange seeping scene, can't help asking.

The dark soul tilted his head and looked at the bloated figure of the pedestrian“ You want to know! "

Then, the dark soul's right hand twists slightly.

The huge figure stretched by the dim light at the foot of the pedestrian suddenly pounced on the pedestrian like a living creature.


The phone with the screen on fell to the ground.

Then the screen darkened.

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