A group of people panic, they want to avoid, and then the black light traction, no one can escape.

At the same time, the staff became extremely dark.

After devouring the spiritual power of many people, Augusta once again raised his staff and went to Han Zhen.

Between breathing, the darkness before Han Zhenzheng's body has been completely condensed together, engulfing Han Zhenzheng's body.

In the deeper darkness, Han Zhen's voice rang slowly, "you are very good, and the spiritual storm is far stronger than I imagined! However, it also tempered my divine sword! "

At the end of the speech, a golden light suddenly flies out of Han Zhen's eyebrows.

As soon as Jin Guang flew out, he broke the cage formed by the spiritual storm.

The golden light is like a miracle that can't be covered at all.

All the darkness, in the encounter of golden light, completely melt.

The darkness faded and the golden light hung in the air.

Han Zhen stands on the water wave calmly.

Augusta's spiritual power is very strong. Before his spiritual power, ordinary warriors even have no ability to resist.

Especially when he uses his staff to stimulate his spiritual strength.

However, Han Zhen only had seven days to cultivate Guiyuan secret collection and temper the power of divine consciousness. Han Zhen's power of divine consciousness has been gradually improved, but he has not reached the level of satisfaction.

Fortunately, the impact of Augusta's spiritual power also enabled Han Zhen to refine his own divine sense with the spiritual power of the other party.

This is the way to refine the sword of mind.

Augusta was astonished because his spiritual storm could not be broken by ordinary forces. Only a more sharp and powerful spiritual force can make an impact.

"Die, die!" The staff in Augusta's hand suddenly points again. The Spirit Crystal Stone originally arranged in the lake Taiyuan completely stirs the water of the whole lake at this moment.

Half of the Taiyuan lake water, stir up, hundreds of thousands of tons of water, directly to Han Zhen pour down.

Even if a martial arts master is captured by these forces, he will be directly smashed by them.

This is almost the change of heaven and earth.

Only Augusta, a strong spiritual power, can carry out such a terrible change of heaven and earth.

But before this strange appearance, Han Zhen drinks softly: "go!"

The golden short blade appeared in front of Augusta with the speed of almost blinking.

"No!" Augusta's face was so frightened that he didn't even raise his staff.

The golden blade has penetrated Augusta's head.


Augusta fell to the sky and fell directly into the lake.

This time, Augusta never got up again.

"This... The shape and quality condensed by spiritual power!" Geng Yuxuan was stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes.

And Luo Yunfeng almost jumped up, "he didn't really die!"

Harrington, who had already packed up the cameras, still couldn't hold back. The heavy camera in his hand fell directly.

All the dazed people are dying this time.

Although shennian Dao is powerful, it also consumes nearly one third of Han Zhen's divine power.

Even Han Zhen's accomplishments made him feel a little tired.

After all, the mental law controller is not a general strong one, and the spiritual power battle is extremely dangerous.

At this time, Han Zhen gently "Yi" a, and then the palm of his right hand virtual grasp.

In the distance, Augusta's staff suddenly flew into Han Zhen's hands.

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