The speed of lightning attack is extremely fast. The light of the sword is as unreal as it is unreal.

Ueno's look was extremely flat.

Because there is no difference between now and Ueno's expectation, Han Zhen has been shrouded by Dao Guang and has no chance to escape.

Han Zhen is in the light of the sword, and his figure changes like a cloud.

Even though the speed of lightning strike is extremely fast, Han Zhen can also dodge the light of the village rain at the time of no need to send.

The whole battle scene, as well as the elaborate rehearsal, all the people around were stunned.

Because if it wasn't for elaborate rehearsal, how could it have such a skillful, quick and extremely dangerous fighting scene.

Ueno's mouth pulled a smile of satisfaction.

What Han Zhen doesn't know is that another advantage of lightning strike is that once launched, the offensive will only be faster and faster.

Even if Han Zhen is able to dodge now, he will not be able to dodge for a long time.

Ueno was calm and calm, and the rain came from the village. It was obvious that the cultivation of Kendo had reached the point of arbitrary.

Even if other masters of martial arts and Taoism can achieve these accomplishments, few of them can.

Han zhenlue slightly appreciates it. Although Ueno has no momentum, his Kendo talent is really good. Otherwise, it would not be regarded as the pinggong Tianze in his youth.

But that's all.

Although the lightning strike is swift and unpredictable, it can't defeat Han Zhen.

Han Zhen's right hand shook, and a silver air blade appeared in Han Zhen's hand immediately.

Han Zhen holds the air blade and waves it out!


The air of the knife cuts through the air.

A flash of light flashed in front of everyone's eyes.


There was a huge roar.

The sword light of Ueno's hunting all over the sky suddenly stagnated.

It's broken by lightning.

Horijiang zaoya was shocked. The speed of lightning strike was too fast to distinguish, and the sword move was strange and unpredictable. However, Han Zhen is in a breath, accurately judge the lightning strike even cut move.

This is something that even several other Kendo masters in Nihong kingdom can't do.

Horie early arrow shook his head, this kind of thing, he only wants to believe Han Zhen is luck.

Ueno shouguangyining, "what a powerful gas knife!"

Ueno was surprised, but not worried.

The village rain held by ueyeshou is one of the famous swords in the history of Nihong kingdom. It is refined by the top craftsman of Nihong kingdom.

Although it has been more than 400 years, its sharpness can not be compared with that of modern high-strength alloy steel.

The upper wild hunting inner strength movement, the village rain suddenly burst out a burst of red light.


The air knife in Han Zhen's hand breaks at the sound.

Both sides of Hindi are shocked, while Moriya Horie is happy.

Han Zhen frowned.

Qi Dao is coagulated by the external release of real Qi, and it has no entity in itself. Even if it is powerful, it cannot be compared with the real sword.

Especially in the hands of Ueno Shou, it is the famous Dao village rain in the history of Nihong. The village rain that kills countless people.

Han Zhen's air knife wave can break the general sword, but before the village rain, it can't break.

Ueno shoumianlu sneer, "internal strength outside, condensate gas for the blade.". Han Zhen, even if you have high accomplishments, how can you be the enemy of the village rain! "

Ueno Shou holds the village rain, and his confidence has doubled.

"Shameless! Relying on the advantages of weapons, he has the ability to fight with Mr. Han empty handed. " Yinyu Shuang is also the name of the village rain. It is said that if you are scratched by the village rain, you will be absorbed by the village rain. In this way, the weaker the enemy's Vietnam War is, the stronger the village rain master can fight.

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