In addition to cultivating his talent and experience, Han Zhen is still a warrior.

For the other side to find trouble, Han Zhen must practice as soon as possible, in order to block the disaster for his parents and family.

Sensing that there is very little aura in the air, Han Zhenyi abandons his original cultivation method. Instead, he chose Taichu Xianzong's zhenpai Gongfa, Wanhua Guixian Scripture, which can make full use of all forces, and cultivated it.

Many auras came to Han Zhen one after another, and the air flow with Han Zhen as the vortex point also formed in the bus.

Even the sun seemed to stay on him for an extra minute.

Ye Muwan, who has always thought that Han Zhen's head is in trouble, seems to find that Han Zhen's body seems to be a little brighter than others, so he can't help but say.

With the cultivation experience of the previous life, Han Zhen easily had a sense of Qi, even in the Dantian also had a real Qi.

Then it's still because of the lack of aura, and the true Qi is just a trace.

Just as Han Zhen was concentrating on his cultivation, ye Muwan suddenly exclaimed, "what's the matter with you, grandfather? Don't scare me, Grandpa. Xiao Wu, Wu Jianbo, Doctor Wu, come and have a look. My grandfather's illness has gone wrong again. "

The old man covered his chest, his face was pale, his thick eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and his right hand covered his heart.

Behind ye Muwan sat a man in his thirties, who was Doctor Wu. He wore gold glasses, a suit and a tie even on such a hot day.

Dr. Wu quickly forward, check the old man's symptoms, "should be this time travel too tired, appeared angina. It doesn't matter. I'm carrying the quick acting heart saving pill. "

Dr. Wu pulled out a silver medical box from under his seat. Take out a bottle of medicine, open it, take out a pill and pass it to ye Muwan.

Dr. Wu comforted and said, "Miss ye, Mr. Ye is OK. As long as you take the medicine and have a rest, it will be OK. "

Han Zhengang was influenced by Ye Muwan's exclamation and stopped practicing.

He remembered what should have happened at this time, when the old man died, the young woman was very sad, and then left in a hurry.

At that time, he and the other side did not have any intersection.

Now it's different.

Han Zhen looked at the medicine in the man's hand, sniffed it gently, with the addition of this trace of genuine Qi. Han Zhen can easily smell the smell of the pill.

Chuanxiong, borneol.

The main ingredients of the pill are these two things.

Han Zhen carefully observed the signs of the old man, shaking his head, "the old man's body is dying, if you use this medicine, I'm afraid it will be dangerous."

After hearing this, Dr. Wu was very upset, "are you a doctor?"

Han Zhen shook his head.

"What qualifications do you have to question me in front of Miss ye?" Dr. Wu is very angry. He graduated from a famous university. After graduation, he entrusted a lot of people to manage, and finally became Ye Lao's personal doctor. Because of this, he even gave up the invitation of Yanjing Union Medical College Hospital, which ranked first in China. In order to have a good relationship with the old man.

Han Zhen said this because the girl on the right just woke up for herself.

Now that the other party doesn't believe it, he has nothing to say.

Seeing that Han Zhen didn't speak, Dr. Wu thought he was guilty. In order to portray his excellent medical image in ye Muwan, "the reason why you said not to use Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is that it contains borneol, which will lead to cardiac dysfunction."

"But you didn't notice that ye Lao's physical fitness has been very good, and he seldom takes Suxiao Jiuxin pills at ordinary times. Such a pill is not dangerous at all. "

Han Zhen see each other stubborn, smile for a while, "don't say unprepared also."

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