As Derek finished, he twisted. He reaches out his right arm and grabs his shoulder. His sharp nails pierce his back neck.

This kind of self harm behavior, Han Zhen slightly frowned.

Few vampires do that.

And Derek cut his shoulder, five fingers out, from the back of the neck position, pull out a black long thing.

Director Roman was terrified. Heart has been regretting, why so impulsive, must see the outcome of Han Zhen.

Director Roman is very worried about his own ending today.

Derek didn't say a word, as if these movements didn't bring any pain. He slowly pulled out a long black thing from his back neck, even with black blood on it.

Derek's palms were blackened, and the blood from the long thing melted into them.

At this time, we can see that Derek draws a black sword from his spine.

This black sword was bred by Derek with his own blood and body, which has been the case for hundreds of years. The sword is in his spine, and it will not kill him completely if attacked. Once removed, it's Derek's strongest external limb.

After hundreds of years of sacrifice, the sword has been completely a part of Derek's body.

Few people have seen Derek's black sword, and all of them have died.

"Hiss..." Han Zhen took a breath of air.

Derek's expression was flat and fanatical: "this sword has been bred by me for 300 years, which is enough to withstand the sword in your hand."

"Three hundred years..." Han Zhen was even more surprised.

"Not bad!" Derek is very satisfied with Han Zhen. Only when Han Zhen asks can he show the power of the sword.

"In three hundred years, such a poor method has been used. This method of refining utensils is too inferior. " Even if Han Zhen is calm and looks at Derek, he shows a little pity.

"Inferior means, then you can see how powerful my means are..." Derek was so angry that he slashed Han Zhen with his sword.

There is a strong black blood on the sword. The long sword is strange and frightening, just like a living creature.

When a sword fell, there was a black smell around. There was a ghost shouting in the black breath.

Han Zhenmei frowned, and the sword was extraordinary. Especially contains Yin evil blood gas, once contaminated will be absorbed their own blood, Han Zhen of course can see.

So Han Zhen cut it out with a sword.

It's a bland light, blocking the black sword.

The black light on the black long sword suddenly rises, and the black blood on the sword body spreads to Han Zhen's Tianhe flying sword.

Han Zhen wants to withdraw the long sword, but the black light tightly entangles the Tianhe flying sword, which can't be withdrawn at all.

Derek sneered. "You can't understand the means of this sword. It can assimilate other weapons. Inferior means.... "

Derek is very dissatisfied with this comment.

Derek just finished, black blood, has spread to Hanzhen Tianhe flying sword.

Tianhe Feijian is connected with Han zhenxinshen. At this moment, Han Zhen immediately feels a breath of yin and evil, infecting and attacking his true Qi.

Derek face sneer, Han Zhen frown, slightly unhappy, "or inferior means."

Derek was furious when he heard that again. He just wanted to attack, but suddenly a flash of lightning light flashed in front of him.

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