Han Zhen's eyes suddenly contracted.

This move is the most terrible and difficult to resolve move of blood clan. Not only the blood of the blood clan can pollute the magic weapon, but also the spirit body. If you are infected with the blood of the blood clan, you will kill your own spirituality.

This is one of the reasons why the blood clan is difficult to deal with.

Similarly, the phagocytic ability deepened by bloodthirsty is a nightmare for many people.

What's more, Han Zhen once saw the ancestral blood clan. He just spurted out a blood arrow and plundered a yuan infant master with all his blood essence.

This kind of means is extremely terrible.

Although Derek is only a descendant of the blood clan, Han Zhen already feels that his body protecting spirit is being pulled by a force.

Han Zhen waves Tianhe flying sword to break Derek's blood sea killing array.

Han Zhengang just raised the Tianhe flying sword, Derek ejected a long bloody arrow.

The bloody arrow seems to have no match for strength, but it seems to be rigid, solid and soft. It twines around Han Zhen's arm in an instant.

Han Zhen arm a shake, but always can't open this blood color long arrow.

Han Zhen understands that Derek wants to trap himself and swallow his power.

However, Han Zhen did not panic.

Instead, I have another idea.

Swallowing power is the natural ability of blood race, which is often the envy of other races. The human race has no such ability at all, and is often regarded as blood food by the blood race.

But the general human race, also very few have the interest to the blood race's strength. Because the power of the blood clan is Yin and evil, if you are infected with the power of the blood clan, you will make your own power unclean, and the gain is not worth the loss.

So few Terrans will take the initiative to fight against the blood clan. And it's usually the blood clan that does the murder, and then the Terrans concentrate on pursuing and killing.

However, this matter is very different for Han Zhen.

Han Zhen's Wanhua Guixian Scripture can absorb the power of yin and evil as long as it is refined. But the more energy that is hard to absorb, the more energy that refining consumes.

This method is not worth the loss. However, Han Zhen's alchemy is different.

With alchemy, the essence and blood of the whole blood clan can be thoroughly refined into the blood pill. Eliminate all the negative forces of yin and evil, leaving only the complete and pure power of Yin.

Han Zhen already has this idea in his heart.

Only before this idea is realized, Han Zhen needs to completely suppress Derek.

Now, Han Zhen has a plan.

Han Zhen's whole body is full of genuine Qi, and the breath of fiery red appears in Han Zhen's whole body. The smell of fire red, fast flow, Han Zhen completely shrouded.


The fire red smell of high-speed operation rubs a spark. After that, the flames were steaming.

Han Zhen seems to be in the fire shield of Kowloon, defending against the surging sea of blood around him.

In the long sea of blood, a fire dragon stands still. Daodao flame, turned into a fire crow, flew into the sea of blood, instantly lit a sea of blood.

"You can't trap me." Han Zhen said.

In Han Zhen's voice, the color of fire and blood are constantly intertwined.

Once the blood color is broken by the fire color, that is when Han Zhen gets out of trouble.

And the color of blood is also infecting Han Zhen's red fire cover. Once it is broken by the color of blood, Han Zhen will face the sea of blood.

"I can't trap you, but I can eat you!" Derek can't stand it any longer.

It takes a lot of blood to perform the skill of blood sea. At the moment, Derek has consumed a third of his blood. If Han Zhen can not be solved, Derek will need hundreds of years to make up.

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