Gabriel got the news from Ian reed, made a brief contact with several senior officials, and immediately made a collective decision.

To be able to deal with a potentially dangerous opponent in Los Angeles is undoubtedly a result everyone would like to see.

Even if the other party's forces protest, it can be prevaricated by saying that the exercise is passively affected.

Before making these decisions, they can control all the possible consequences.

This is one of the reasons why Han Zhen was unanimously killed.

Gabriel immediately ordered his subordinates, "inform consul Mr. Wilson of the result of this mission immediately."

"Yes There are subordinates immediately dial the satellite encryption phone.

"And of course we need to thank our friend, Ian reed." Gabriel is very satisfied with Ian Reed's communication.


Gabriel still did not forget ye Muwan, who accompanied Han Zhen, "monitor ye Muwan, if she insists on staying in Los Angeles, then find some excuses to expel her."

For Gabriel, making some excuses is nothing more than secretly stuffing some illegal items. Although these methods are small, they are very effective and convenient.

For a moment, Gabriel has arranged all the things to be dealt with.

Gabriel's message directly made many people in the dark boil.

Wilson, the consul just contacted, is not stingy of praise“ Mr. Gabriel, you have done a very good job

"This is my major." Gabriel was very calm.

"These strong men have very powerful means. They must ensure that the target is completely dead." Wilson stressed.

"The target has been monitored by the pictures affected by the explosion, and there will be no accident." Gabriel explains.

"Not enough, I need proof!" Wilson has been in power for many years, and he attaches great importance to small things.

"Continue to monitor the scene, we need to find the remaining body parts. In terms of the scope of the explosion, there should be. " Gabriel also needs to prove the results of the attack.

"Blast core area, no target residue."

"Blast Level 2, no target left."

Gabriel heard a satisfied reply, "go on."

In orbit far away from the planet, a circular satellite rotates at an angle.

A clearer picture appeared on the screen in front of Gabriel.

"Here!" Gabriel, contented, suddenly hears a cry from a subordinate.

Gabriel frowned and looked at the screen.

In the desolate and dark ruins, a figure was there.

I believe no one can ignore the explosion just now. Under such a terrible threat of death, there were still people there, as if they were not affected.

"He looks like the target just now." Report immediately if you have a subordinate.

Gabriel got nervous and said, "no way!"

The picture transmitted by satellite is quite clear. You can clearly see what the other party is wearing. It's exactly the same as the target we killed before.

Gabriel has just passed on the message. There was an accident at this time

"I need a clearer picture... And, be ready to launch again." Gabriel is on the lookout.

An orbiting satellite far from the planet, spinning again.

The monitor takes continuous pictures.

Finally, each other's face, clear up.

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