Han Tiangang was originally a soldier with a tough temper. "If you say you don't sell, you don't sell. Don't delay our business!"

"Maybe you don't know who I am. I'll tell you that I'm the owner of Jundu Hotel, the only five-star hotel in Yanzhou," Yang said

"Jundu hotel is also a senior reception hotel designated by various departments, so many leaders are very familiar with me. For example, the head of Yanshan district often receives foreign guests in our store. "

"You are such a small shop, you should consider your own weight!"

Yang Ye lightly shows his identity and contacts, trying to ask Han Tiangang to understand the gap between the two sides and automatically agree to sell the secret recipe.

Han Tiangang's character is straightforward, and he doesn't care about anyone's boasting, "don't sell it!"

"Toast, no penalty!" Yang Ye snorted, "I tell you, this is Zhan Qingjun, a well-known food critic in China. He recently came to Yanzhou to comment on food. His manuscript will be directly published in Yanzhou life daily. His blog has millions of followers. Every article he sends will be sought after by millions of people. "

Yang Ye said with a smile: "it happens that he is also a very strict person."

Zhan Qing Jun was very thin and his cheekbones were shaking when he spoke. He no longer covered his nose with a handkerchief, "Mr. Yang, why do you want to come to such a broken place. If you look at the environment, I'm afraid it has not been redecorated for many years. "

"When I just came here, I saw that there was no welcome at the door, and the service was not considerate at all. No one cleaned up the water stains and fingerprints on the glass door in time, as well as the sludge on the rotating shaft of the door. God, I don't want to stay for a minute

Yang Ye is very patient with this popular person on the Internet, "Mr. Zhan, please be patient. Many people say that Qianhui Zhenbao duck sold in this store is good. So I want you to comment on it. "

Zhan Qingjun disdained, "on the speed of queuing up, waiting for himself, he has lost the mood of tasting delicious food. Wow, the outer packaging they provide is too simple. There is no art design and no aesthetic feeling at all. "

"Oh no, such a bad hotel, even if I post their negative comments on my blog, it will make people think that I have taken their money. Give them publicity. "

Han Tiangang heard that the two people had been talking about the store's ugly words, "our store is really poor, can't accommodate you high-end people, please leave here."

Han Tiangang's temper, can't stand them here deliberately disgust others, directly pull Yang Ye, want them to go out.

"What are you doing? Do you know that I have millions of fans? If you dare to treat me like this, I will send all the attitude of your store to the Internet. Your store will be attacked by millions of people. " Zhan Qingjun, as a food critic, always tries to satisfy him with the best attitude and service.

Where did Zhan Qing army see this kind of rough treatment to himself, he couldn't help shouting.

Han Tiangang doesn't care what he says.

At this time, a young guest in line said, "boss Han, this man really has a lot of fans on the Internet, and I know him. Of course, ordinary people can do anything to him, but as a restaurant owner, it's really bad for your reputation. "

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