Jiang said with a sneer, "what insight can a rich second generation with no insight have?"

"Yes!" Han Zhenyu is very positive.

Jiang thought more and more ridiculous, "Oh, what insight is that?"

Han Zhen head slightly one side, "your Dan medicine level, really inferior to me!"

Han Zhen is smiling!

Jiang has just been satirized by Zhang yingzhe, and now he has been ridiculed by Han Zhen in public. He has been thoroughly annoyed, "I have developed Qingfu beauty cream and Qingfu Qingdu ointment by using the method of pills, and the annual sales amount of these two products is as high as 2 billion. It's ridiculous to be accused of being poor now! "

After all, in the current society, it is very important to have a product with high profit and large market space. Such a product is enough to make a small enterprise grow into a first-class company. What's more, Jiang has developed two kinds of products.

Han Zhen did take out a very mysterious and powerful Ningshen pill, but the market gap between this pill and the skin care products developed by Jiang Zhen is self-evident.

It is obviously not enough to judge which is better or which is weaker by the height of Ningshen pill!

Even with the businessman's profit seeking character, it is obvious that Jiang's two products are better. Because they cover all the women in the world! The benefits are unimaginable!

Is Jiang Lao's elixir level inferior to Han Zhen's?

For a moment, people doubted this sentence. Although Han Zhen's force value makes them dare not say more, the doubt in his eyes is very strong.

Han Zhen ignores all people's accusations and doubts. He turns to Zhang Xudong and says, "are you Zhang yingzhe's father?"

Zhang Xudong understood that Han Zhen was not easy to provoke, "yes! It's me

"It's obvious that Zhang yingzhe has suffered a lot. Why not do more treatment?" Han Zhen said.

In the face of everyone's attention, Zhang Xudong also timely showed his deep affection for his father and son, "it's not that I don't treat him, but that no one can cure him at all. More than ten years ago, I took yingzhe to all the hospitals in China, but no one could cure him! "

Zhang Xudong is miserable, and Zhang yingzhe, who was arrested, also shows a little sadness.

When Jiang heard Han Zhen's words, he directly snorted, "I know what you mean. Zhang Xudong did find me in the early years, and I saw Zhang yingzhe's illness. "

"After I diagnosed Zhang yingzhe, I asserted that there was no one to save him!" Jiang said“ Do you know why? "

People are very clear about Zhang yingzhe's appearance, because it is not only a joke in the rich second generation circle, but also a talk of many rich people in Yanzhou.

But they didn't expect that Jiang's participation in it was a bit of a shock.

Seeing the surprise, Jiang stopped for a moment and said, "because Zhang yingzhe has been poisoned by a strange poison, which no one can solve. But also deep into his skin and body, also can not be solved! "

Han Zhen smiles a little. He flicks a finger wind on the wrist of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard, whose arm is bigger than ordinary people's calf, snorted and breathed out miserably, holding his wrist.

Zhang yingzhe fell to the ground and coughed.

Han Zhen finds out the jade bottle of the qinglingdan, and a finger force pops the qinglingdan into Zhang yingzhe's mouth.

"Then you can watch it!" Han Zhenyu said calmly.

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