Yin Qiankun is furious in the luxurious villa hall. He is not easy to get angry these years. But what happened tonight made him very angry.

Not only did ye Muwan refuse himself in public, but he dared to threaten himself in public.

All the people present at the banquet were not ordinary people. On this occasion, young and high spirited Yin Qiankun felt that he had lost face.

"Young master, it's eleven o'clock now. You'd better have a rest early." Yuan Jinsong, a housekeeper in a suit with a big back, advised.

Yuan Jinsong had never seen Yin Qiankun so angry. When Yin Qiankun just came back, he learned the story from his subordinates, "young master, don't be angry! The other party is just a small person, can only mouth fierce. It's not worth your anger. "

Yin Qiankun threw a glass of Gran Feidi, who was 50 years old, to the ground. "How can I not be angry? That ye Muwan actually listened to that boy's words. This makes me very embarrassed. The old people in my family are urging me to marry ye Muwan, so as to gain benefits for my family with the help of Ye Lantian's position. But now that ye Muwan has rejected me in public, it's hard for me to continue. Such a thing must have been passed back to the family. Without this relationship, I will not be reused. "

Yuan Jinsong sighed. Yin Qiankun came out of the family. He had a big temper and a big head. When he met with setbacks, he lost his temper. He didn't have the shrewdness of his predecessors. But he was not in a hurry. "It must be that Miss ye had never seen such a little person before, and she was confused for a moment. But you don't have to worry at all. Miss ye can't persuade the Ye family at all. Without enough interests, how can the Ye family listen to a daughter who is destined to marry out? "

Yin Qiankun's face was a little slow. "It's good, but ye Muwan was very confident at that time, which makes it difficult to judge the trend of the Ye family."

"Let the old man make a phone call to find out the customs of the Ye family. But it's too late now. I'd better call the old man tomorrow morning! " Yuan Jinsong exhorted.

"I hope things are not what ye Muwan said." Yin Qiankun was still very unhappy, "let's go to find Zhai Yiping. I want him to kill that boy!"

Yuan Jinsong thinks that the contradiction between the two sides has been known. At this time, people will suspect that the Yin family did it, and he wants to dissuade it.

But Yin Qiankun said, "Uncle yuan, don't persuade me. The Yin family is a man of face, and Yin Qiankun is a man of face. If even such a small flea can't be solved as soon as possible, what will people think of my Yin family? "

Yuan Jinsong can only nod.

Two people out of the villa, to the courtyard of another isolated three storey building, the second floor is still bright, inside the constant shouts.

They went to the martial arts room on the second floor, opened the door, and a fierce and cold smell came to their faces.

There are only wooden posts and weapon racks in the martial arts room. All kinds of weapons in the room have been sharpened. There is a chill in the sharpness. Even the challenge arena in the center is made of iron chains, with a bloody smell.

There are a dozen or so young people in their twenties. They are not strong enough to practice martial arts on wooden posts. Even if Yin Qiankun came, they didn't get distracted.

Because once distracted, it is likely to be injured by the opposite person!

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