Ji Siyu understands that this kind of character is the most disgusting. They have no praiseworthy crimes, but they have disgusting practices.

If others don't have enough reason to punish them, they will trample on others' bottom line. But also enjoy it, in order to find a sense of self existence.

In order to solve this problem, Ji Siyu even raised the original 50 yuan extra subsidy to 100 yuan.

Han Zhen shook his head, "you shouldn't be like this!"

But Han Zhen knows that when he is not here, Ji Siyu, a girl, is hard to deal with hooligans without a bottom line.

It seems necessary to add several attack methods to Ji Siyu's body protection weapon.

"It's better to solve problems with money than with force! Always pay attention to harmony in business Ji Siyu doesn't want others to think about it.

"Greed will never be satisfied!" After hundreds of years of fighting in xuanyang world, Han Zhen deeply understands that people are greedy! However, Han Zhen knows that Ji Siyu does not understand these.

Today is also an opportunity, Han Zhen did not immediately hand. Anyway, with Han Zhen, these people can't make any waves at all.

"There's money!" The tattoo man immediately snatched 300 Chinese coins. Holding three hundred yuan bills, he took a puff in his hand and laughed.

He usually works in the face of a number of boss, really has never met such a generous person.

However, such a person is obviously better to fool and more profitable.

Older board cuntou directly laughed, "since the boss is so generous, let's take the money and leave.". On such a hot day, you can have a barbecue and a beer

Board cuntou obviously see tattoo man has ulterior motives, immediately advised.

However, after robbing 300 yuan, the tattoo man's mind was obviously more active. Originally also wanted to pack up things to leave the mind, also immediately stopped down.

"Beauty, since we are all off duty, so are you! Why don't we go out and eat something together! " Tattoo man has been secretly watching Ji Siyu many times. Originally, it was just in my mind, but now it seems that the other side is very easy to talk.

Speaking well means that there are more bottom lines to invade.

On the other side, another young man followed suit and said, "that is, our salary today can definitely bring you a delicious meal!"

Ji Siyu frowns. She just doesn't want to treat others with sinister psychology, but it doesn't mean she is stupid. On the contrary, Ji Siyu has seen that the current situation is not right, "wages sent to you, subsidies also give you 100 more.". And please get out of here! "

Tattoo man has given up the work in hand, "don't! This place is the boundary of Yaju, not yours at all. And you have no right to let us go! "

"Even if the people of Yaju real estate come, we can't do anything about it. Because we have every right to stay here and do whatever we want. This is my freedom The tattoo man said with a laugh.

Ji Siyu is helpless. Although she used to live at the bottom, she has never seen such a shameless person. With other people's money, rushed to the door of others, unbridled. Even for fun.

"We are the tenants here and have the right to enjoy the protection here. If you don't leave, I'll call security

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