Ji Siyu thought that Han Zhen had indirectly saved his future and life, sighed, "Mr. Han, you really shouldn't be like this!"

Han Zhen laughs, "gambler, just be happy!"

"Yes, yes! Just be happy The owner of duanyufang had just drawn 12 million yuan from Han Zhen's card, so he was very generous and handed Ji Siyu 2000 yuan, "here, your salary, don't say I didn't pay you!"

"Mr. Han, do you want to cut your original stone in the shop?" The boss asked respectfully.

"Cut!" Han Zhen said.

Ji Siyu felt that his efforts were wasted, and he couldn't help sighing.

Bai Qingming sneered, "this stone doesn't look at the appearance of the stone, and it doesn't look at the mouth of the sand. You look at the shell of the original stone, there are actually wax skin and brown pieces, this kind of medium and low-grade emerald wool, actually will choose. It's ridiculous. "

Bai Qingming is right.

Basically all the people on the scene know that the probability of green skin is very small. But Han Zhen obviously does not understand the basic knowledge of this gambling stone.

So what Bai Qingming said was what they thought.

"Good!" The boss called out the same stone remover.

Jieshi Shifu saw that Han zhentiao's original stones were very common in appearance, far less than a piece of original stones. He is not like the last time, slowly grinding skin, but directly under the knife.

One knife down.

The rough sand, the crust and the raw stone give off a green light.

The green atmosphere is magnificent, just like an emperor.

Everyone present groaned and groaned, "emperor green!"

"It's Imperial Green!"

"Imperial Green can be seen in the coarse sand

"I can't believe it! How can the coarse sand shell produce Imperial Green

"Is the God of wealth here today? I can't believe it's imperial green again. "

"Isn't it true that gamblers are not looking at experience, but simply relying on luck?"

People with extremely envious eyes, looking at Han Zhen, have thought that Han Zhen is a very lucky lucky.

Even Bai Qingming couldn't help humming: "gambling stone, if you get rich by luck, you will be defeated by luck! Gambling stone, never depends on luck

Han Zhen for their envy, do not think!

"Yes, it's green and pure outside, but it doesn't have to be like this inside. Maybe there are impurities in it!"

"That's right. Isn't the jade that master Bai solved just now just like this?"

Bai Qingming has a black face.

After the whole original stone is untied, the jadeite is free of any impurities. It is blue, but it has no color deviation.

It is the best Imperial Green.

Master Jieshi's hands trembled. He just cut the jade in half with one knife, and almost destroyed the appearance of the jade.

If you destroy this imperial green jade, you can't afford to lose your fortune!

The boss of Duan Yufang saw that Han Zhen was so lucky. He couldn't help but put in a wave of advertisements for himself, "do you see that? This is the original stone of our duanyufang, and the exquisite product of Imperial Green is in our duanyufang. You have a good chance to make a fortune, and the return of dozens or hundreds of times is just around the corner. "

These words made many onlookers excited.

Han Zhengang just bought this original stone, and the price is less than 100000 yuan. Because of its poor appearance, the price is very low.

The Imperial Green, though small in size, is worth at least 10 million.

The rate of return of 100 times is only in the gambling business.

One after another, they began to choose the stones they liked, hoping to be as lucky as Han Zhen.

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