At present, although science and technology are prosperous and medicine is advanced, there are still many diseases that are difficult to solve.

These major diseases that can not be solved by scientific and technological means are just a piece of cake for Han Zhen.

After all, Han Zhen's pills, even immortals can cure, not to mention these ordinary people.

Therefore, once Han Zhen's elixir is launched, it is bound to be sought after by all.

And responsible for the sale of Han Zhendan medicine, it must be taken care of by a special person.

This person is Ji Siyu!

Ji Siyu nodded in doubt.

Now she doesn't understand that she is getting the opportunity that everyone in the world wants.

This opportunity was just given to her by Han Zhen.

It's already one o'clock in the afternoon when I come back from the jade market.

Sitting at home, Han Zhenduan's genuine Qi flows on the carving knife. The originally extremely sharp carving knife becomes sharper.

The emerald was constantly polished into a round shape in his hands.

Then the carving knife with cyan light stirred the aura around it and filled the blade tip.

Between a wave and a sprinkling, countless lines appear on the surface of jadeite. The lines are very complex and simple, as if they contain innumerable principles.

The patterns gradually take shape on the jadeite. At the end of Han Zhen, the patterns of jadeite suddenly emit light, and then the whole jade suddenly becomes transparent.

The aura around him was drawn in an instant, like a whirlwind, and squeezed into the emerald.

The whole body of jadeite is constantly exposed.

After three breath, the jadeite was restored to its original state, as if it was a simple jadeite pendant.

But Han Zhen understands that this talisman has been successful.

Han Zhen's current cultivation is only in the period of refining Qi. Although he has strong control over real Qi, it is inevitable that real Qi is insufficient. So we can only carve the most basic body protection array and nested miniature spirit gathering array on jadeite.

Although the body protecting array is still the basic array, it can be used to resist the three attacks of the base building masters with the careful improvement of Han Zhen.

The miniature spirit gathering array can absorb the surrounding aura, nourish the wearer's body and mind, and become gradually healthy.

Next, Han Zhen carves an amulet again.

Two amulets, one for each parent.

Han Zhen drives to Han's restaurant.

The reason is that Han Tiangang was born in the army and never wore any jewelry.

As Han Zhen, he must let his parents get protection under his own wings. Naturally, this pendant should be worn by Han Tiangang and can't be taken off for a moment!

But Han Tiangang is stubborn. Han Zhen must persuade him!

The dilapidated plaque of Han's restaurant has been replaced by gold-plated mahogany, and the four characters of Junyi are of extraordinary momentum.

People come and go at the door of the hotel, which is no longer limited to the residents nearby in the past, but there are a lot of customers who seem to be valuable in and out.

Qin Yuzhen was overjoyed to see Han Zhen, "Xiao Zhen, you have finally come back! Now Fengsui soup and Yishen porridge are quite good. I thought the price was so high that no one would come to eat. But after ye Lao brought a few people here, the business became more and more popular! The profit has far exceeded the profit of Qianhui Zhenbao duck! "

What Qin Yuzhen said is true.

Ye Lantian found that this porridge soup is very nourishing to his body. So I brought my old comrades in arms, who are very familiar with each other in Yanzhou City, to come here together.

They also came down from the battlefield. They were wounded in many places, and even had shrapnel left in their bodies decades ago. They suffered daily for decades.

This porridge and soup can just nourish their injured bodies. Only once, they fell in love with it.

Although these people have retired long ago, their influence is everywhere.

In just one or two days, the chicken pulp soup and Yishen porridge of Han's restaurant have been known by many high-end people.

These high-end people are powerful, powerful and famous. They are no longer keen on them. What they value now is health.

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