Zhai Yiping finally controlled the pain of constantly stimulating his brain, and his face finally became scared. He just saw Han Zhen's means, "are you really the power of cultivation? Is... Is the legend true? At the end of martial arts cultivation, you can really let your breath out, and you can really cultivate your vigorous strength? "

Zhai Yiping was completely frightened.

Han Zhen has always wanted to understand the cultivation system in this world, but ye Lantian is the only one he knows. Ye Lantian also knows little about cultivation. He has only half a secret of cultivation.

Han Zhen didn't get any useful information from ye Lantian.

When he heard the so-called martial arts from Zhai Yiping's mouth, he naturally got some interest, "tell me about your cultivation system, or the situation of the practitioners!"

Zhai Yiping, as a practitioner of martial arts, naturally understands what it means for Han Zhengang to take a hand!

This means that the breath of martial arts cultivation is released, which means that the opponent has reached the vigorous state.

That's a realm I've never seen.

Although Zhai Yiping was surprised that Han Zhen had reached such a high level of cultivation, he did not understand the situation of those who practiced martial arts. But he didn't ask much, and he didn't dare to resist. "When we cultivate martial arts, we have five levels: clear strength, dark strength, Hua strength, Dan strength and gang strength. Each level has its own characteristics.

Strength is the foundation, and it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and bones. When exerting strength, mobilizing the muscles and bones of the whole body, and being able to strike the air with one punch, is Mingjin.

Dark strength is penetrating strength, which can hit people's internal organs. Silent, important, but a little burst of breath, instant injury.

Huajin has been able to use the power to perfection, the power can be spread all over the body, every inch of the body can burst out infinite power. Before the autumn wind moves, the cicada is aware of the enemy's attack intention and direction, and knows the enemy's opportunity.

Dan Jin will be the whole body blood convergence, Qi and blood into a Hunyuan, such as Dan, no waste of essence. The whole body's skeleton and internal organs can be stimulated by the power of blood, which makes people have extremely powerful power.

Vigorous force can let people release their strength and tear the air. Within ten feet, killing is invisible!

However, the cultivation of martial arts is difficult at present. In the eyes of ordinary people, Mingjin is already a master of decision-making, and the latter is more powerful. As for Huajin, it is rare to see, and has been called a master. I've never seen a Dan Jin master before. As for gang Jin, you are the master of gang Jin. "

Zhai Yiping told us all he knew.

Han Zhen knows that he is not a vigorous master at all. As a cultivator, the true Qi cultivated in his body can naturally be sent out through his body's orifices. It's not what the other side said at all. It's only through practice and step-by-step compression that strength can be released.

This situation also shows that Han Zhen's cultivation method has a natural advantage in the world's cultivation system.

Through each other's description, Han Zhen also understands that this cultivation system is still cultivating his own strength. You can't use the power of heaven and earth.

The most powerful part of the practitioners is that they can command heaven and earth.

The difference between the two is as great as the gap between the small pistol and the laser antiaircraft gun.

No wonder the cultivation system here was eliminated from the stage of history after the appearance of thermal weapons.

"What about your cultivation power?" Han Zhen then asked about this very important news.

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