But Han Zhen just turned to look at ye Muwan.

However, ye Muwan understood that Zhao Chunmei was his great aunt in any case and had this relationship. It is precisely because of this relationship that ye Muwan has to tolerate her in many ways. "She is my great aunt and a relative!"

"It's a relative!" Han Zhen looks thoughtful.

Han Zhen understands ye Muwan's concerns.

Zhao Chunmei smiles.

Because they belong to the Ye family and are also for the sake of the Ye family, ye Muwan can not stop this practice at all. This is the reason why Zhao Chunmei is able to do whatever she likes in the Ye family.

Han Zhen saw Zhao Chunmei's expression, he showed a smile.

Just the tone of his mouth, but become extremely cold, "that should not be more!"

Han Zhen flicks, and a blue light rushes to Zhao Chunmei's throat.

Zhao Chunmei touched her throat and didn't notice anything strange.

Zhao Chunmei just saw Han Zhen treat Ye Lao with mysterious Qingguang, and she knew that Qingguang could treat people.

She sneered: "you don't have to treat me, and you don't have to flatter me. What you do, just treat my son! If your medical skill is really good, then I will give you some rewards, enough for you to live in Yanzhou City! "

Zhao Chunmei just thought that his suggestion, Han Zhen heart, so will spend these Qingguang for their own treatment.

"Is it?" Han Zhen pinches the formula slightly.

The blue light in Zhao Chunmei's throat actually forms a blue pattern.

It's just that there's a mystery in beauty.

Zhao Chunmei coughed and suddenly felt some discomfort in her throat. She covered her throat and looked a little suspicious. "What did you do just now?"

Han Zhen did not answer and did not need to answer.

Because from Zhao Chunmei's throat suddenly pricked out a bit of wood thorn, directly penetrated Zhao Chunmei's palm.


Zhao Chunmei snorted and pulled out her palm in pain. There was no scream in the whole process, because her throat and palm had been pierced by unknown wooden thorns.

Zhao Chunmei looked at the bloody palms and throats, and she felt endless tingling.

This kind of intense to the extreme pain, already let her be in agony.

When people saw this strange situation, they could not help feeling pain. They shivered and looked at Han Zhen with fear.

Just now, it was clear that everyone saw that the green light was used to save people.

But now, it has become such a cruel means to hurt people.

Han Zhen is indifferent.

This wood thorn is just the appearance caused by the gathering of ethereal Qi.

It's just pain, but it's not so easy to bear!

Zhao Chunmei couldn't bear it any longer. She came to ye Muwan and grabbed her clothes, but she couldn't speak at all.

Ye Muwan couldn't bear it. "Han Zhen, can you let her go?"

Han Zhen did not answer, just looking at Zhao Chunmei.

Zhao Chunmei also knows that Han Zhen is asking for his position. Even if Zhao Chunmei's family is a big family in the capital, it's also famous to marry the Ye family. Only in the face of Han Zhen, but not bow.

Zhao Chunmei stained her hand with blood and wrote on the ground: I don't dare to do this, absolutely dare not

Every stroke, every painting, there is blood in the palm.

This kind of scene makes other people present feel cold.

Han Zhen is still as calm as water.

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