A group of strong security guards surrounded Han Zhen one after another.

He Zhishan was a little confused. She saw that things were so big in the hall. The hall on the first floor is the facade of Yaju real estate. Such farce is undoubtedly a disgrace to Yaju real estate.

As Xi Feiyu's most trusted secretary, he Zhishan still can't care. She stands up and walks over.

Han zhensi doesn't care about these scary looking security guards. He continues to ask, "are you looking for me?"

Xu Li'an was angry and happy. "I've never seen such a stubborn person as you. I'm just looking for trouble. Young man, I come here and say I want to find our chairman. It's the same as my boss. I'm going to trouble you. What's the matter? "

"That's good!" Han Zhen nodded.

Seeing Han Zhen's reaction, Xu Li'an couldn't help laughing loudly.

But when he was just half laughing, he saw the young man, who was as thin as a college student, waving his hand.


In the open hall, there was a loud burst.

In the calm hall, suddenly appeared an incomparable hurricane.

Director Xu found that the strong security guard in front of him, like straw, was blown away by the hurricane.

Then the hurricane came to him.

Director Xu's pupil suddenly enlarged, his body soared up and fell on the reception desk in the hall.

But he spat out a mouthful of blood.

All of a sudden, everyone is silent.

Xu director slowly issued a sad voice, "my ribs, like broken!"

Han Zhen has already converged his strength, otherwise this palm can completely crush Xu's body.

Director Xu vomited a mouthful of blood, "you..."

Although director Xu doesn't know who did it or how, it's obvious that Han Zhen did it. "You hurt people here. I want to call the police and catch you. You wait. The police won't let you go. "

Han Zhen looked at Xu Lian coldly, "if you dare to trouble me again, I don't mind killing you!"

Han Zhen didn't kill Xu Li'an because he was an ordinary man. The bottom line Han Zhen set for himself in his early years was that he could kill people as well as these ordinary people, but Han Zhen would not kill these ordinary people at will unless necessary.

He Zhishan had already stepped forward, but saw this sudden scene. After all, she is Xi Feiyu's secretary, and not so confused, "quick! Make an emergency call and ask the best doctor in the people's hospital to come. "

Xu Li'an endured the pain and said to he Zhishan, "Miss He, it was this man who hit us just now. You must make the decision for us. "

Even if there is no evidence, it does not prevent Xu Li'an from blaming Han Zhen.

"Yes, yes, that's him! Miss he, I'm afraid my left arm is broken too. You have to decide for us! " Several security guards screamed.

He Zhishan stands up and sees Han Zhen's appearance. She just wants to speak, but unexpectedly finds that Han Zhen's face looks familiar.

He Zhishan covered her mouth. She took out her mobile phone and compared the photos on it. Then she exclaimed in surprise: "you are Mr. Han. Chairman Xi specially asked me to wait for Mr. Han!"

Han Zhen sees the top ol beauty who suddenly enters the world. He doesn't remember knowing the girl, "are you?"

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