In Leng Zhongwei's hands, the black dusting silk grows slowly, from more than 30 centimeters long to more than one meter long.

The dust silk fell to the ground, and the marble paved ground immediately emitted black smoke. On the clean and tidy marble, there were black marks of burning.

Lin Jingya is a woman from a rich family. After marriage, she is the wife of a real estate boss. She grew up with smooth sailing. Not to mention the current strange fighting scenes of heresy, she has never seen a fight.

Seeing such a terrible momentum, Lin Jingya only felt numb.

Lin Jingya has seen the scene of Han Zhen killing the so-called resentment spirit, but that scene is far less exciting than the present scene, not to mention that Han Zhen is too young, "Mr. Han, this man is too dangerous, you call the police quickly. Let the police come. Although this is a remote area, there are police nearby. It's very fast

Han Zhen shakes his head. "They are mine. I have been waiting for more than ten days. Although it is not clear whether they are Zhengzhu or not, they have something to do with Zhengzhu after all."

Leng Zhongwei laughed, "handsome man, you don't seem to be afraid at all. But it doesn't matter. My ghost silk will go into your eyes, ears, nose and mouth wherever you can. Then pull out your internal organs so that you can really experience the power of Xuanmen Dharma. "

The dust in Leng Zhongwei's hands suddenly rises, and a gloomy and terrible breath arises spontaneously. Gen Gen's dust silk wriggled in the air, like a snake spitting out a message.

Even the steady Xi Feiyu was surprised and showed a look of fear.

Luo Yifeng stroked his three inch beard, happy and complacent, "younger martial sister, I didn't expect that your ghost silk had such a good atmosphere. It's true that you are the most gifted disciple in my clan. You have accomplished the cultivation of ghost silk in only 20 years. If you go further, you can take people's souls out of thin air and take people's lives without being noticed. At that time, even the elder martial brother will be willing to bow down. "

Leng Zhongwei smiles on her cold face, "elder martial brother, I'm flattered! If you hadn't dredged my meridians day and night when I first started, how could I have succeeded in cultivating this ghost silk, which is the most difficult to cultivate in yinshenzong. And how can you be invincible with this ghost silk. "

Xi Feiyu could no longer hide his fear, "ghost silk! I heard the name! Three years ago, in the remote mountainous area of Yanshan, several families died strangely. The bodies were not injured on the outside, but the internal organs of the bodies were neatly placed outside. No one can explain this matter, and no one can solve the case. And folklore, is ghost silk murder! Are you... Are you... "

Xi Feiyu's fingers trembled slightly.

Leng Zhongwei laughed, "yes, I killed it. I've pulled out the entrails of my parents and family one by one

Xi Feiyu stamped his feet again and again, "it was I who mistakenly believed in others and implicated Mr. Han. As a result, I was in danger."

Lin Jingya is full of fear. Holding Xi Feiyu's left arm, she is terrified.

"Don't worry, Guisi's killing is really painful. But elder martial brother promised to make you into corpse puppets. I won't kill you with ghost silk! "

However, Leng Zhongwei's comfort did not bring comfort to Xi Feiyu and his wife, only endless fear.

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