Shenbing is definitely a sword skill obtained by black dragon in a cave.

Even with black dragon's critical eyes, we have to admit the subtlety and horror of this sword formula!


The bronze dagger in Ye Hao's hand cuts out a brilliant sword light.

The sword light came into the world with the mighty power.

The ninth complain girl screamed, two arms were cut off by the same root.

"Lying trough, what is the sword formula?" Xiaoming's eyes showed an incredible look.

Ye Hao doesn't answer Xiaoming's words, but sits on the ground in an empty posture.

The ninth resentment girl seems to realize that if she doesn't make a decision, she may fall here.

Therefore, with a color of determination flashing in her eyes, two fatalistic bodies rushed out of her body. These two fatalistic bodies rushed towards the array together, and one turned into the blood light all over the sky to wrap herself.

Xiaoming was stunned.

What's the ninth generation complaining girl playing?

But the next moment Xiaoming will understand.

Because the fatalistic body rushing towards the array detonates his body, the terrifying energy instantly shatters the eight trigrams array arranged by Xiaoming. The domineering shock wave not only radiates to the periphery, but also affects the ninth generation of resentful women in the array.

However, a fatalistic body of the ninth resentment girl has long been protected by the bloody energy.

This makes the ninth generation of resentment girl not to suffer much disturbance.

Xiaoming's body shape is like electricity, pulling Ye Hao away from the scope of the impact, and when the energy wave dissipates, where is the ninth generation of resentment girl's figure.

"She ran away." Ye Hao sighed.

"The ninth generation resentful girl has lost five fateful bodies, and her original is also suffering from great trauma. She can't recover in a short time." Xiaoming's tone is a little relaxed, "and then you and I must have stepped into the blood refining environment."

After stepping into the blood refining realm, Xiaoming will be able to use more means. What if Ye Hao, even if the ninth generation of complaining women is restored to the peak?

"The ninth generation resentful girl has been staring at Zhang Lan." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.

"This is the amulet I painted the other day." Xiaoming thought for a moment and took out a amulet.

"Are you sure it works?"

"I can only say it works now." Xiaoming whispered.

"All right." Ye Hao also knows that there is no good way.

Just as Ye Hao and Xiaoming are about to leave, they stop at the same time.




The crow's voice filled the air.

Since ancient times, crows have represented unknown. How can this statement not be justified?

"Why don't you come here and have a drink of wine?" As the old voice fell, a huge tombstone moved away, and then an old woman with white hair on a dragon's head and crutches walked out in the company of several girls.

Xiaoming's pupil shrinks.

"It seems that you recognize me." The old woman with white hair said with a smile.

"Isn't the fox fairy in the Northeast?" Xiaoming asked with trembling voice.

This cultivation has reached the level of land immortal!

Whether they have such a existence or not is in dispute.

Xiaoming believes that even his master has to stop cooking in front of this one.

This is not a level at all.

"Isn't it boring to stay in the Northeast?" The old woman with white hair invited her again and said, "two young masters, don't you give me a face?"

Xiaoming said nothing.

Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said, "master, let's go, Xiaoming."

From Xiaoming's words, Ye Hao already knew that the old woman with white hair was a fox fairy.

It's just a matter of thought that the existence wants to kill them.

So what they have to do is do what the fox fairy asked.

Xiaoming also knows that he can't help but go to the cave with Ye Hao.

As soon as we entered the cave, the gate behind it was closed, but the lights hung on both sides of the road.

"What's your name?" The fox fairy looks at Ye Hao.

"Ye Hao."

"You are more daring than this boy." The fox fairy said, pointing to her two granddaughters, she said, "you can see which one you like and take it home to be a wife."

I have to say that the two granddaughters of fox fairy are unique.

But who can know the true intention of the fox fairy?

Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said, "how can you have such good fortune?"

"You don't like my granddaughters?" The fox fairy said with a smile, "it's OK. I don't have many other granddaughters. I'll pick you up later."

Ye Hao and Xiaoming look at each other.

What's the situation?

Did the fox fairy invite them both in order to recruit a son-in-law?When they arrived at the living room, Ye Hao and they saw beautiful girls chasing each other.

And these young girls have everything.

"Girls, come here." The fox fairy clapped his hands and laughed.

The girls who were chasing stood there in a long line.

They looked at Ye Hao curiously.

"These two are ugly."

"I still feel ugly on the left."

"The one on the right is uglier than the one on the left."

Ye Hao and Xiaoming's faces suddenly darkened.

The fox fairy said with a smile, "what nonsense?"

The girls shut their mouths.

"Do you have a woman in love with you The fox fairy looks at two people.

"If you have something to say, please say it clearly." At this time, Ye Hao said.

"You'd better choose." Said the fox fairy with a smile.

"I already have a girlfriend." Ye Hao had to say.

The fox fairy heard Ye Hao say so, and his eyes moved to Xiaoming.

"I have a girlfriend, too." Xiaoming is busy.

When the fox fairy heard Ye Hao say this, he knew that if he didn't say it clearly, they wouldn't dare to accept this gift.

"Well, I'll get to the point with you." The fox fairy pondered for a moment and said, "one of my old enemies has appeared, and I am not sure to defeat him."

"The old enemy the elder said is the wolf fairy?"

"Well." The fox fairy nodded his head and said, "I have a premonition that this time it is very likely to die."



"Grandma." One by one, the girls gathered together and their eyes were filled with tears.

"I have never done anything harmful to nature in my life, and my granddaughters have never been contaminated with human blood, so I hope that the two can protect them in the future."

As soon as the fox fairy's voice fell, a woman in Green said, "grandma, they two join hands and can't make up for a nine generation resentful girl. Do you trust us to them?"

The next words did not say, but the meaning could not be more obvious.

"Qingqing, you have the highest qualification in our fox demon clan, but you must not underestimate the two in front of you." Said the fox fairy in a dignified tone.


"Both of them will surpass you in the future."

"Grandma, in the future, I can win the title of fox fairy."

"And they will surpass the earth immortals."

"No way." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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