Li Yan and they are very nervous.

Because they are very low status actors, even Shi San looks down on them.

Are they qualified to have dinner with giants like Chen closed moon?

They were worried that Chen would look down on them.

In fact, neither Chen Xiuyue nor Luo Fu nor Chilian fairy showed a look of contempt on their faces, but the same three did not show much intimacy to Li Yan.

Still despised in the bone.

However, Ye Hao warmly entertained Li Yan and they sat down.

They were flattered.

They have seen Ye Hao's strength.

Even a giant like Chen closed moon was suppressed by Ye Hao.

In other words, Ye Hao is more powerful than Chen closed moon.

"You can order whatever you like?" Ye Hao shared the menu with Li Yan and them.

When they looked down at the menu, Ye Hao was angry with shisan and said, "shisan, go out with me."

"Well." Shi San doesn't know what Ye Hao is looking for, but he still follows Ye Hao out of Zuixian building obediently.

Ye Hao's mind moved and left with shisan.

By the time it reappeared, it was already among the mountains.

"Mr. Ye, what did you bring me here for?" Shi San looks around the road in disbelief.

Ye Hao has no words, but feels something quietly.

After a dozen breaths, Ye Hao said, "you really don't give up."

"Boy, I didn't expect you to leave Donghua City dead." As soon as the voice falls, the figure of Tian can appears not far from Ye Hao.

Seeing Tian can Shi San's face change wildly.

"To die?" Ye Hao said faintly, "it's not convenient to kill you just now. I don't have to worry about it now."

"Kill me?" Tiancan laughed as if he had heard the joke of Tianda.


A terrible force of spirit came without warning.

Even if Tiancan is on guard in the dark, his body is still defeated.

His eyebrows were covered with blood and his eyes were full of incredible color.

"You -- you --" Tiancan looks at Ye Hao in horror.

Ye Hao said coldly with his hands on his back, "kill me? You have to be able to do that, too

"You are a monster." A bad premonition arose in the heart of Tian can.

Tiancan has long heard how powerful the evil spirits are?

But now every day I can see how rebellious the evil spirits are?

But immediately his eyes were full of ferocious killing.

Ye Hao now has such a strong fighting capacity. If Ye Hao were given some more time, how much more would his fighting power be?


Tiancan moved instantly.

He turned into a matchless electric light and rushed towards Ye Hao.

At the same time, Ye Hao's mental strength in the air depicts a terrible charm.


Seeing that he is about to rush to Ye Hao, Tian can is a stagger.

There was a flash of amazement in his eyes.

What's the situation?

Why are all the mana in the body imprisoned?

But the speed of Tian can is too fast, inertia makes him continue to rush forward.

Tiancan saw a bright sword light. At the next moment, the sword light drowned him. When the sword light disappeared, Tian can knelt down on one knee and covered his heart and said, "the immortal sword in your hand -

It's not that Tian can has never met the immortal sword.

But those immortal swords are not as powerful as Ye Hao's.

He could feel that the ferocious killing machine contained in the fairy sword was devouring his life wildly.

"Second floor of fairy king." Ye Hao held the sword and sighed, "I thought how high your strength is?"

"You haven't answered my question yet." Tian can stares at Ye Hao and says.

"Because with my blessing, the sword has stepped into the middle rank of the Immortal King." At this time, a figure came out of the demon sword. Who was not the spirit of the sword?

"The third floor of fairy king? How could it be? " The sky can startle to cry out.

"You don't know. It's just your ignorance." Jianling said with a sneer.

The sword spirit who cut the demon sword first got the golden light and set foot on the second floor of the Immortal King, and then took the Yun Ling pill refined by the Yaowang Ding, and then successfully stepped on the third floor of the fairy king.

The stronger the strength of the sword spirit, the greater the power of the immortal sword.

Tiancan is silent.

After about three breaths, Tian can suddenly rushed towards the distance.

As soon as Ye Hao and the sword spirit who cut the demon sword were about to pursue, they saw that Tiancan's position just now bloomed a world shaking wave.

The thunderbolt annihilated all around."Rob thunder." Said the spirit of the sword who cut the demon sword.

"Three looting mines detonated together." Ye Hao said lightly, "Tian can is really willing."

"Not yet?"

"Do you think Tian can run?" Ye Hao said as he walked toward the distance.

The sword spirit who cut the demon sword looked at Ye Hao in disbelief. It didn't take long for him to understand Ye Hao's meaning. Tian can was defeated by the three figures, and his injury was getting worse and worse.

"Spirit and soul are separated." The sword spirit that cuts demon sword is astonished way, "still 3."

Only after 33 turns in the golden fairyland can it be cast. However, the sword spirit who cuts the demon sword has never seen anyone with three spirits.

"You -- how can you condense the three spirits?" After Tian can's shoulder is broken by one of Ye Hao's spirits, his whole body is bathed in blood, and his face is shocked to see Ye Hao's original way.

"I don't think you need to know about it." Ye Hao takes a look at Tiancan.

"Then I'll take you with me." Ye Hao's three spirits have three levels of strength, and they all hit him by surprise. Tiancan knows that he can't escape with his present situation.

When Tian can said this, the space around him split instantly, and then four figures came out of the split space.

At the same time, they work together to build a space barrier.

"And the spirit? No, it's part of you. " Tian can only say this sentence in time to know the sea was invaded by four spiritual forces.

Ye Hao's body is only one tenth of his own combat power.

But even if this spirit still reached the second level of Immortal King.

The four sub bodies together, Tian can also have to treat seriously.

When Tiancan uses his mental strength to block Ye Hao's four spirits, Ye Hao's three spirits are also involved.

Three more ferocious mental forces instantly broke the defense constructed by Tiancan.

Seeing that he was about to invade his Luntai, Tiancan would explode his body with a bite of his teeth, but at this time, the spirit of Ye Hao and the spirit of the sword spirit who cut the demon sword came again.

Their spiritual power, especially Ye Hao's, runs directly through his sea of knowledge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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