"Big brother, we may be in trouble." Yue Zhixuan looks at Yue Qingtian Dao.

"What?" Hearing this, Yue Qingtian's eyes were even more puzzled.

"Brother, do you know what happened in my body after I took a bite of fish just now?"


"The light of creation." Yue Zhixuan can be said to be unspeakable and endlessly, "in order to verify that I specially took another bite, but immediately there was a light of nature in my body."

"You can get the light of nature by eating fish?" Yue Qingtian stood up and quickly came to Yue Zhixuan. He picked up a new pair of chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish.

The fish melts in the mouth and is delicious.

However, Yue Qingtian does not have time to enjoy this kind of delicacy now, because he is shocked to find that there is a light of nature in his body.

"You can really get the light of nature." Yue Qingtian said in shock.

"Why have I never heard of it?" How can we say that the birth of the six male fish is not the same as the birth of a Chinese fish

"It seems." Yue Zhixuan said and ate a mouthful of fish.

Let's talk about Ye Hao's box.

When the waiter put the tray one by one in front of Ye Hao and others, Ye Hao frowned and said, "boss, is the number wrong?"

"Well, there's a table of guests to leave, two." Chen Sheng said sheepishly, "this is our dereliction of duty in Zuixian building. In this way, I'll give you a 20% discount on the dishes you ordered today."

"Boss, you don't seem to take what I said in your mind." Ye Hao stands up.


"Do you remember that I said before that these fish were brought from jiuchongtian?"


"Do you know the value of these fish


"I'll give you some science today." Ye Hao pointed to the koi in front of him and said, "there is a river called Dachuan River in jiuchongtian. There is a kind of life in Dachuan River, which is the koi in front of me."

"Millions of monks go fishing every day, because if you catch one, you can sell it at a high price."

"The value of Koi lies not only in its taste, but also in its ability to produce the light of nature every day."

"Koi is divided into nine grades. One is the lowest and the ninth is the highest. "

"Among them, the first grade Koi contains one light of creation, the second grade contains two kinds of light of creation, the third grade contains four kinds of light of creation, and the two pieces just cut off are seven grade brocade carp, and their body contains 64 light of creation."

Hearing this, Chen Sheng was surprised and uncertain, "why I have never heard of it."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask the ancestor of Zuixian building." Ye Hao said faintly, "and what I want to tell you is that the two Koi are of high value. You can't erase your fault with a 20% discount."

When Chen Sheng changed color, he left in a hurry.

After leaving Ye Hao's box, he tore up the space and rushed to the branch of Zuixian building in Donghua imperial dynasty as soon as possible.

And there is a transmission matrix in the division.

After the transmission array, Chen Sheng first arrived at the headquarters of Zuixian building.

Chen Shengsheng is the boss of Zuixian building in Donghua City, which shows that Chen Sheng is of a high level in Zuixian building, so he meets his ancestor freely.

"Grandfather." Chen Sheng saw that his grandfather was studying the menu, and then he was busy.

"Chen Sheng, what can I do for you?" Chen Dian put down the recipe and asked with a smile.

"Ancestor, do you know Koi?"


"Koi of jiuchongtian."

"What?" Hearing Chen Sheng's words, Chen Dian stood up and said, "have you seen this kind of food?"

"Laozu, can the food of jiuchongtian produce the light of nature?"

"Not bad."

Hearing this, Chen Sheng changed wildly.

"What happened?"

Chen Sheng narrated in detail what happened before he was busy.

"You are confused." Chen Dian said that a wave of his hand tore up the space, with Chen Sheng as fast as thunder toward the East China city.

"Laozu, even if we are at fault in zuixianlou, but the one who really has to worry about it can't turn to us?" Chen Sheng was silent for a moment or put the words in his heart out.

"Seven grade Koi may not be able to catch one in a hundred years. As for the eight grade Koi, it has not appeared for nearly a thousand years." Chen Dian looked at Chen Shengdao with a dignified face, "but this one can casually take out more than 20 seven grade Koi, do you know what it means?"

"What does it mean?" Chen Sheng's face turned pale.

"It means that the evil among the demons has come to the four heavens."

"The devil of the demons?" Chen Sheng's heart stopped suddenly.How many demons are there in the whole quadruple genius.

And listen to the meaning of the ancestor, that in the evil spirits all belong to the evil spirits!

If so, Yue Qingtian counts wool in front of this one?

"I also overheard an elder talking about that one. According to the elder, jiuchongtian Qilin demigod is his dry sister. The three demigods of the human race, one and a half gods of the demon clan, and the three and a half gods of the demon clan all owe him human affection. In addition, the top powers like Louwailou and Tiansha Lou also owe him the favor. Do you understand what it means to offend him when I say that? As long as he says, we can be destroyed in a minute. "

Chen Sheng was shaking.

At this time, he seemed to understand why even Chen closed moon was subordinate to Ye Hao.

No one can afford to offend such existence.

"There is one thing I want to warn you about. You can only hear about his identity. Don't let it out casually." Chen Dian then thought of something and said.

"He has many enemies?"

"It's not that he has a lot of enemies, but let the top forces of sichongtian know that Ye Hao has come to sichongtian. Then the ancestors of these top forces will come out of the mountain to woo him. Since he is anonymous, it means that he doesn't want the world to know."

"I see."

What Chen Dian doesn't know is that just after Chen Sheng leaves, Yue Qingtian and his party break into Ye Hao's box.

Yue Qingtian saw Ye Hao and others have not moved, Koi eyes revealed a little surprise color.

"I'll take these fish."

"Yue Qingtian, what do you mean?" Chen Xiuyue asked with a gloomy face.

Yue Qingtian looks at Chen Xiuyue unexpectedly.

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

"I'll give you face." Yue Qingtian pondered, "I'll leave you half of the fish."

"Yue Qingtian, don't go too far."

"Chen closed moon, don't be shameless." Hearing this, Yue Qingtian's eyes flashed a shrewd, "if it's not the laurel holy land behind you, do you think I might leave you half of the fish?"

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