Shi Haiyan felt that there was no friar to invite Ye Hao to dinner.

The reason why Ye Hao said this is just to find a step for himself. After all, there are few monks here who want to see him. In this case, he will not eat with him.

How can Shi Haiyan, who has a thorough understanding of Ye Hao's psychology, let go of the opportunity to humiliate Ye Hao?

"Shi Haiyan, don't go too far." Su Yifei didn't expect Shi Haiyan to be so narrow-minded.

"I don't understand you." Shi Haiyan pretended to be at a loss.

"If you want to see, go and see." Ye Hao said lightly.

Looking for someone to invite you to dinner?

Is this kind of thing hard?

If Ye Hao wants to, the people who invite him to dinner can form a long line.

"When do you think you can do it?" Mo Rongqiu snorted coldly.

When the party walked out of the examination gate, Ye Hao saw the figure of Chilian fairy.

But when the red practice fairy is ready to come over, Ye Hao's voice is heard in his ear.

"Don't come here for a while."

Chilian fairy didn't understand why Ye Hao said so, but she still stopped.

"Are you Mr. Ye Tianye?" A chubby middle-aged housekeeper saluted Ye Hao with a smile.

"Are you -

"I'm the housekeeper of the Ji family in Donghua city. My master opened a box in the number one scholar building. Can you give me a face, Mr. Ye?"

"Ji Jia? Which Ji family? " Chen Dazhuang looks at the middle-aged road in disbelief.

"Part of the armor of the forbidden army was ordered from our Ji family."

"I see." Chen Dazhuang eyes not from a bright way, "your Ji family in Donghua city can be called a third rate family."

Don't think there is nothing in the third class family. In fact, the families that can enter the stream are not simple.

For example, Ji Jia can talk to the military department.

Seeing this scene, more than 30 young men and women were all in disorder.

What's the situation?

Why did the owner of the Ji family invite Ye Hao?

Just then an old man in a gray robe came to the crowd.

"Are you ye Tian?"

"What can I do for you?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"Come with me."

"Who do you think you are?" Ye Hao replied coldly.

How could Ye Hao give him a good look?

"Do you know who I am?" The old man's eyes narrowed.

"When can a housekeeper be so arrogant?" Just as the swords of both sides were drawing their swords, a cool voice sounded around. Then a middle-aged man in armor came towards Ye Hao.

"Who are you?" The old man in grey robes jumped out of his mind.

"Fang Guowei."

"Fang Guowei, the Xu frontier army." The old man in grey robe looked at Fang Guowei suspiciously and said, "are you a member of the military?"

"Can't military personnel select talents?" Fang Guowei said that he looked at Ye Hao and said, "little guy, are you interested in becoming my own soldier?"

Seeing Ye Hao's indifference, Chen Dazhuang quickly announced, "Ye Tian, promise quickly. Fang Guowei is an expert in the immortal master's realm, and behind him is the prince in purple, who is the red man of the dynasty."

Chen Dazhuang doesn't know what kind of dog - dung - Yun that Ye Hao went to get the favor of such big people?

However, Chen Dazhuang knows that if Ye Hao becomes Fang Guowei's personal soldier, he will be equivalent to climbing the line of Fang Guowei.

Facing Fang Guowei's eyes, Ye Hao said with a smile, "so early in my body under the heavy note, you are not afraid to pay?"

"I'll pay for it."

"But I think it's for sale."

Smell speech Fang Guowei said with a light smile, "do you know this time's refusal may miss a great opportunity."

"I always think it's gold that always shines."

"That's up to you." Seeing Ye Hao's refusal, Fang Guowei no longer forces him to turn around and go.

Looking at Ye Hao, the old man in grey robe looked like he was looking at a silly boy, "do you know what a chance you missed?"

"It's none of your business." Ye Hao shrugged.

"Do it as hard as you can." The old man in grey also left.

Ye Hao refused Fang Guowei's olive branch, so he would certainly refuse his olive branch.

"Mr. Ye." Ji's housekeeper whispered.

"When you are free, you can visit your house." Ye Hao said indifferently.

"Mr. Ye, please." Wenji's housekeeper.

Ye Hao waves to Su Yifei and leaves with Ji's housekeeper.

The number one restaurant is more luxurious in Donghua city. Of course, it can't be compared with the top restaurants like Zuixian restaurant. However, because of its good implication, the number one restaurant has a good business.The fact that Ji Xiaotian, the owner of Ji family, can book a box at this time shows that Ji family still has some influence in Donghua city.

Chen Dazhuang also had some ways in Donghua city.

But Chen Dazhuang can only book it in the hall.

This is the gap.

Ji Xiaotian is good at doing things.

Early in the door.

"Mr. Ye." Ji Xiaotian saw Ye Hao and went forward to meet him. After a few steps, Ji Xiaotian said with a smile on his face.

"Master Ji." Ye Hao said with a light smile.

"Ask Ji's family master to have more health points. I'm a little older. You're called Uncle Ji." Ji Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Then I'll be obedient rather than respectful." Ye Hao has always been a person who respects the old and loves the young.

"Little day, let's go upstairs and talk." Ji Xiaotian warmly greets a way.

After arriving at the box, Ji Xiaotian exchanged greetings with Ye Hao and asked with a smile, "Ye Tian, which sect do you learn from?"

"Loose repair."

"Loose repair?" Smell speech Ji Xiaotian's eyes not from a bright, "loose repair, good."

"What?" Ye Hao is a little confused about Ji Xiaotian's meaning.

How can it be done without repair?

Don't they say that it's not good to repair them separately?

Just then the door of the box opened and a pretty girl came in.

"Dad, what are you calling me to do in a hurry?"

"How to speak?" Hearing this, Ji Xiaotian said with a straight face, "let me introduce you to you. This is Mr. Ye Tian Ye."

The girl noticed that Ye Hao was still in the box.

She looks embarrassed at the same time salute to Ye Hao and says, "Ji Shilan has met Mr. Ye."

Ye Hao returned a gift.

"Shilan, childe ye, this time, has refined the best Lei Zhu."

"The best Lei Zhu?" Ji Shilan was stunned and asked in a low voice, "I don't know what kind of school do you learn from, Mr. Ye?"

"Loose repair." Ye Hao said with a light smile.

"Loose repair?" Hearing these two words, Ji Shilan's face changed, but he immediately said with a smile, "it's rare that ye Gongzi, as a loose cultivation, can refine the best Lei Zhu."

"Just luck." Ye Hao said politely.

"Dad, I have an appointment with my best friend to go shopping." Ji Shilan said and stood up.

"It's no less than a meal." Ji Xiaotian said calmly.

See Ji Xiaotian angry Ji Shi LAN San San to sit down.

Half an hour later, Ye Hao went shopping with Ji Shilan.

Ye Hao finally understood why Ji Xiaotian called his daughter back? The feeling is that Ji Xiaotian wants to introduce his daughter to himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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