Shi Haiyan is a little annoying.

But he still has some skills.

His experience and skills made many craftsmen feel quite useful.

After Shi Haiyan is mo Rongqiu, after Mo Rongqiu is Su Yifei.

After the three people have explained it, they will feel it in silence.

At this time, Mo Rongqiu was staring at Ye Hao and said, "if you have the ability, you can still refine the best magic weapon today."

"What if I made it?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"If you refine it, don't pay any more." As soon as Mo Rongqiu said this, he noticed that Chen Dazhuang, Shi Haiyan and Su Yifei looked at themselves, and then said, "how much he wants to pay is deducted from my reward."

Chen Dazhuang, Shi Haiyan and Su Yifei recovered their eyes.

You can bet.

But don't affect their interests.

"What if you can't refine it?"

"I'll double the number of fairy stones I'll hand in later."

"That's what you said."


"I'll wait to see how you die?"

What Mo Rongqiu didn't know was that even the best magic weapon could be refined with Ye Hao's refining skills.

Not to mention the best magic weapon which is one grade lower than the best magic weapon.

Ye Hao refined it easily.

It's like fun.

What Ye Hao didn't know was that when he was refining his wristbands, there were as many as a dozen forces staring at him.

"It's so easy to refine the wrist guard. I'm afraid the strength of this one is at the gold level."

"As long as we can see if this one can refine the best level again, if we can refine the best level, we will win over."

"The top-grade magic weapons can't be easily refined. I'm afraid this one has a strong hand in refining weapons."

During the discussion of these forces, Ji Xiaotian, sitting in the audience, took a hard look at Ji Shilan.

"What a good husband you are. Why don't you know how to catch it?"

"No matter how powerful the jade level is, what's the use?" Ji Shilan pondered for a while or said, "if he can refine the best magic weapon of gold level, I will marry him without saying a word."

"My eldest lady, do you think that if people can refine gold level magic weapons, they will still like you?" Ji Xiaotian looks over Ji Shilan.

The time passed by in this way.

After Wu Weizhong announced the end of the ceremony, a lot of brilliance appeared on the top of the whole smelter's head.

"Gold." Ji Xiaotian exclaimed.

"The best magic weapon." Ji Shilan was also shocked.

Neither of them thought that Ye Hao had really refined the best magic weapon.

Here Mo Rongqiu was stunned and speechless for a long time.

"Remember the bet." Ye Hao took a look at Mo Rongqiu and turned around and left.

"Wait a minute." Mo Rongqiu shouts to Ye Hao.

"What's the matter?"

"Is there any seed to gamble tomorrow?"

"Yes." Ye Hao turned and looked at Mo Rongqiu, "but I want to bet ten times."

"Ten times what do you mean?" Mo Rongqiu's face changed slightly.

"Don't I have to pay 5000 stone every day?" Ye Hao said lightly, "if I lose, I will pay 50000 stone every day."

"You -- you -- you think I'm afraid of you?" Mo Rongqiu thinks Ye Hao is too crazy.

The jade level is somewhat general.

It refers to the seven levels of jade, eight layers of jade and nine layers of jade.

According to the law, tomorrow's assessment should be the magic weapon of jade grade seven, but who can guarantee that the examiner will assess the nine grade jade grade in his head? According to Mo Rongqiu's guess, Ye Hao's weapon refining accomplishments should be at the jade level.

Even if Ye Hao's accomplishments are higher than those of jade level.

No matter how high you are, you can't assess it.

The jade level has 33 turns!

The audition will not pass the 33rd round.

Normally speaking, I only get to level 10 of jade level.

Mo Rongqiu doesn't think Ye Hao has much profound cultivation in jade level. If he is really so profound, how can he still practice in bulk? There must have been a family behind him.

Mo Rongqiu didn't think that Ye Hao was a gold smelter.

Why would Ye Hao come here if he was a gold smelter?

My head is out of my head!

What Mo Rongqiu doesn't know is that Ye Hao doesn't have a brain pumping. He comes with a playful attitude.

"That's settled." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Seeing Ye Hao leave, I don't know why Mo Rongqiu has a bad premonition in his heart.

It can disappear once or twice for no reason.

But it can't disappear for no reason.

Ye Hao didn't play and disappear this time.

As a result, he was blocked.This time, as many as 20 olive branches were offered to Ye Hao, but all these forces were rejected by Ye Hao.

After that, Ye Hao turned down the two girls.

But who are Ji Shilan and angel?

"Mr. Ye, do you have time to go shopping with me?" Ji Shilan asked softly.

"Miss Ji, don't do anything that makes you feel embarrassed. You are very beautiful, and you will certainly find a husband in the future." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ji Shilan's face changed slightly.

Ye Hao, did you refuse?

"I see." Ji Shilan's eyes flash.

Ji Shilan has his own pride.

Ye Hao is really strong now. The question is how long can he be strong?

If you don't reach the gold level, you can't get into her eyes.

"Mr. Ye, this is your last gift to Shilan."

Ye Hao was stunned.

When Ye Hao noticed that the ban on the brocade box had not been broken, he realized that they had never opened the brocade box.

"See you off." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I don't take it right?" Angie was stunned.

"It's just a small gift." Ye Hao shrugged and said, "OK, goodbye."

Angel took the gift and looked at Ji Shilan helplessly.

"I don't want his present?" Ji Shilan said angrily.

Can Ji Shilan not be angry?

Today, she offered to ask Ye Hao. When she saw that she had put down her status, Ye Hao was not grateful, but she should not refuse.

"All right." Angel put the brocade box into the bag of heaven and earth.

Then Angel accompanied Ji Shilan shopping, bought a few clothes and then returned home.

As soon as I got to the hall, I saw my father Anping sighing.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Angel asked softly.

"Business." Anping looked at angel and said.

"Tell me, maybe I can help you!"

"There's something wrong with the family's capital chain, and now we need eight million."

Hearing this number, Angie shuddered, "eight million?"

"Yes." Said Anping leisurely.

Seeing her father's sad appearance, Angie pondered for a while and took out all the fairy stones in the heaven and earth bag.

"Dad, I've saved 50000 immortal stones these years. You can take them and deal with them first." Angie looks at Anping.

"Fifty thousand won't do much."

"I still have some magic weapons here." Angie said she took out all the magic weapons in the bag of heaven and earth, "these magic weapons are scattered, and they can sell for forty or fifty thousand."

"Take it back." Anping shook his head. "I'll try again."

What can one hundred and eighty thousand solve?

Nothing can be solved!

Angie was silent. After a while, she searched for her bag. She wanted to see if there was anything valuable? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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