A magic weapon!

If the best magic weapon needs chance, then the best magic weapon is almost impossible.

Under such circumstances, Ye Hao refined a rare magic weapon. He could imagine what a sensation it would cause?

Therefore, Ye Hao forced his hand to change the order of the spells, and soon he noticed that the clouds above the magic weapon were gradually disappearing.

Seeing this, Ye Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is this refining successful?"

"Is the refining speed too fast?"

"I'm afraid the level of this refining tool is not as simple as jade level."

"It's worth wooing." Some forces watched Ye Hao ready to move.

Mo Rongqiu's look became ugly.

After refining the magic weapon, Ye Hao looked at the nearby friars' refining tools with ease.

Is it said that he refined the best immortal treasure?

How could it be?

No reason!

But if he didn't refine it, why did he behave so relaxed?

The nervous mentality affected Mo Rongqiu's exertion. As a result, Mo Rongqiu only refined a second grade.

Looking at the hand of the sea defense arrow, Mo Rongqiu's look is very ugly.

Su Yifei looked at Mo Rongqiu without saying anything.

Su Yifei has never been a person who has fallen into trouble.

Su Yifei did not dare to pass on the message and ask Ye Hao how it was refined? Because the whole room is monitored by the master of refining tools, who dares to communicate will be regarded as cheating by the examiners.

When Wu Weizhong announced the end of the examination, 3000 examiners began to check the sea awareness defense arrows made by millions of weapon refiners.

And in the process of inspection, one after another blue light appeared on the top of a monk.

The whole audience knew who had a blue light above his head, indicating that he had refined a product.


Normally speaking, most of the Xianbao that can refine this level are gold level.

Of course, we can't rule out the existence of some powerful jade level.

However, when the golden light appeared on Ye Hao's head, it immediately attracted the attention of many friars.

"The best magic weapon."

"Jade level high level can also refine the best magic weapon? I'm afraid that the refining level of this one is above jade level. "

"There is a great possibility."

As the monks in the hall discussed one after another, Mo Rongqiu's face became ugly.

"Do you have the strength of gold?"


"Why do you want to join our team if you have one?"

"Chen Dazhuang brought me here."

"With your strength, you shouldn't come here at all. Don't you know you need to turn over the immortal stone?"

"I don't care about these fairy stones."

Ye Hao's answer makes Mo Rongqiu feel messy.

"Don't forget our agreement." Ye Hao finally reminded.

Mo Rongqiu has an impulse to spit blood.

Fifty thousand immortal stones!

Mo Rongqiu is not unable to take out these immortal stones, but after taking out these fairy stones, he does not have many immortal stones.

Mo Rongqiu has made a lot of immortal stones these days, but these fairy stones have bought equipment.

"What did Mr. ye say? How can brother Mo break his promise if he spits and sticks? " Shi Haiyan said with a smile.

The more mo Rongqiu gets, the more points he gets.

According to Ye Hao's strength, most of the next two or three tests are no problem, that is to say, Mo Rongqiu has to pay another $1.2 million to finish.

When a group of people came out of the examination room, dozens of monks came to Ye Hao.

"Mr. Ye, I'm the deputy leader of Qingcheng Dafeng gang. Would you like to join us

"Mr. Ye, I am the elder of the Song family in Yulin city. As long as you join our song family, our song family will fully support you."

"Mr. Ye, I am the three elders of Baiyun city. As long as you join us, the resources of Zhangjiakou will be open to you."

Listening to these forces one by one, Shi Haiyan and others are envious.

Because some forces, even Shi Haiyan, are quite excited.

Just then a middle-aged man in armor came over.

The middle-aged people can't see it.

"Little fellow, do you remember who I am?"

"Fang Guowei, commander of the Xu border army." Ye Hao said faintly.

"I now solemnly invite you to join me again." Fang Guowei looked at Ye Hao with burning eyes and said, "I will cultivate you as my confidant. At the same time, I can guarantee that you will step into the realm of immortal master."

As soon as Fang Guowei's voice fell, Mo Rongqiu and others could not help but change their faces.

The fairyland!

Even if it is easy to practice in ancient times, the immortal master is not qualified to achieve it.This commitment is not small.

"No interest." It was Ye Hao who said this sentence that made friars around him dumbfounded.

Hearing this, Fang Guowei's eyes became fierce, "do you know what you are doing?"

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"There's nothing wrong with being arrogant. You can't be ignorant of the height of heaven and earth." Fang Guowei stares at Ye Hao and says, "I'll give you another chance at last."

"Ye Tian, don't be impulsive." Su Yifei quickly whispered to Ye Hao, "if you brush Fang Guowei's face today, I'm sure you'll be unable to move in the future."

What Su Yifei didn't expect was that Ye Hao lifted his feet and walked towards the distance.

But I don't want to talk about it.

Fang Guowei looks at Ye Hao's back, and his eyes are full of ferocious cold light.

He was angry.

What is his identity?

The commander of the frontier army.

In his capacity, not to mention that the other party may be a gold level weapon refiner, even if it is a real gold level weapon refiner?

Who dares to refuse him?

But the boy refused his invitation twice.

That's how you hit him in the face.

"Boy, I want you to have nothing." Fang Guowei said in his heart.

Ye Hao did not leave the crowd for a long time, and a figure met him.

"Mr. Ye."

Ye Hao looked around the figure with some doubts.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao wondered why angel would come to find herself alone?

"Mr. Ye, I opened the brocade box you gave Ji Shilan."

Hearing this, Ye Hao's eyes showed the color of enlightenment, "you are wrong. I gave the brocade box to you."

"Mr. Ye, is that Jiupin tranquilizing pearl in the brocade box?" Angie wants to reconfirm.

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

"Mr. Ye, do you know the value of Jiupin tranquilizing beads?"

"Some values are relative." Ye Hao said faintly, "if you can use Jiupin tranquilizing beads, then it has a certain value, but I don't need that one, so it has no value to me."

Ye Hao, this is not pretending.

But Ye Hao's vision is not what angel can imagine.

For Ye Hao, whether it's one billion or ten billion, it's just a number.

"The capital chain of my home is broken. My father wants to use that tranquilizing bead." Angel just said here was interrupted by Ye Hao, "I think you seem to have made a mistake."

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