King level sword!

Haoyue glanced at the blue sword in Yan Jingyun's hand. At the next moment, a terrible spiritual force broke out. Even if the sword spirit in the blue sword tried to stop it, both the sword spirit and Yan Jingyun were back with blood.

Yan Jingyun knelt on one knee and his seven orifices were bleeding.

The meridians in the body are all broken, and the recognition of the sea is severely impacted.

Completely lost combat effectiveness.

Xiaoluoli ran to Yan Jingyun in a hurry and said with tears on her face, "brother, brother, brother, how are you?"

Yan Jingyun did not respond.

His brain is like a paste.

There is no perception of anything outside.

"Haorong, go." Bright moon deep voice way.

After haorong nodded, she went to Yan chaner's face, raised her hand and slapped her face.

One second.

At this moment, Yan chaner's tender face became red and swollen, and her mouth was tearing and gurgling with blood.




Haorong slapped Yan chan'er six times and then stopped.

"Yesterday you slapped me six times, today I'll give you six." Haorong looked down at little Lori and said, "even if I occupy the dominant position now, I won't beat you more."

The voice falls, and haorong turns around and goes.

Yin cicada'er's face has been completely swollen, the corners of his eyes, mouth and nose are bleeding, and he looks extremely miserable and pitiful.

Yan Jingyun recovered slightly, and his eyes turned red when he saw this scene.

"You have been deceiving people in Yunxiao palace."

"We deceive people too much in Yunxiao palace?" Wen Yan Haoyue sneered, "haorong, take off your veil."

Haorong took it off without hesitation.

But after seeing the appearance of haorong, Yan Jingyun's anger turned to nothing, because at this time, haorong was more swollen than his sister?

"This is the end of the matter." Yan Jingyun pondered for a moment and then said.

Haoyue was about to say something when she suddenly saw a figure not far away.

She noticed that the only one standing on the street was this one.

What's more, this guy is still so close to them.

"Who are you?" Asked Haoyue.

"Passers by." Ye Hao replied.

"Is it you?" Xiaoluoli said in surprise after seeing Ye Hao.

"Who is he?" Yan Jingyun looked at little Lori and said.

"He's my fiance." Little Lori is amazing.

"What?" Yin Jingyun looks fierce at Ye Hao.

What did Ye Hao do to his sister?

"Who is your fiance?"

"When I was in Zuixian building, I said that if anyone asked me to drink enough fruit wine, I would marry whom?" Xiaoluoli pointed to Ye Hao and said, "you should not admit it?"

"I just think you're cute, and I'll just treat you to fruit wine." Ye Hao said speechless.

"I have a spit and a nail, I said that if I marry you, I must marry you." Yin chan'er's words are quite fierce.

"Does your face still hurt?"

Little Lori remembered that she had been beaten into a pig's head.

She quickly covered her face and turned, "don't look."

Ye Hao reached out and squeezed a Dan seal.

The next moment, a mysterious scene happened.

After about three breaths, Ye Hao's voice sounded in Xiao Luoli's ears.

"Look in the mirror."

Xiaoluoli quickly took out a mirror and looked at it. When she saw that she had recovered her appearance, she could not help but show surprise on her face.

"You're great."

Haoyue took a look at xiaoluoli, and then she looked at Ye Hao, "please help my sister-in-law."

"It's a piece of cake." As soon as Haoyue said this, Ye Hao stretched out his hand and squeezed another Dan seal.

After three breaths, haorong also recovered her former appearance.

"Thank you very much." Haorong salutes Ye Hao.

From this point of view, haorong understood the rules better than Yan chan'er.

Yan chan'er saw Ye Hao help haorong restore her appearance, stamped her foot and said angrily, "who asked you to help her? Don't you know she's my enemy? " As soon as Yan chaner said this, he was covered by Yan Jingyun.

"Don't talk nonsense." Yan Jingyun's face changed.

Can you say this kind of words casually?

Ye Hao looked at Yan chaner and said, "it's your nature to be lively and lovely, but you shouldn't let everything be your nature. If you don't have the identity of the Yin family, you will be swallowed by others

"You say me?" Yan chaner seemed to have been wronged by the heaven."What's wrong with you?"

"Just say it. You are my fiance. Even if you want to fight, it's OK." What surprised Ye Hao was that Yin chaner said this.

"Stop it." Ye Hao stopped Yan chan'er from saying, "I have no interest in you at all."

"No way. I'm so beautiful and so lovely. How could you not like me?" Little Laurie's eyes were full of wonder.

Yan Jingyun quickly covered Yan chaner's mouth.

"Shut up." Yan Jingyun roared.

He felt that the Yan Family's face had been humiliated by little Lori.

"You haven't asked the gentleman's high name yet?" At this time Haoyue said softly.

"Ye Tian."

"Ye Tian?" Haoyue thought about it for a while and said, "master, what door?"

"I'm not one of you four days." Ye Hao said.

"No wonder." Haoyue's eyes showed the color of understanding, and immediately Haoyue said, "in order to thank Mr. Ye for curing my sister, I don't know that it's not convenient for him to rely on Yunxiao palace to taste tea and discuss Taoism?"

"No time." Let Haoyue and others is Ye Hao refused.

Yan Jingyun's face was stunned.

You know, in the face of such an invitation, even he will feel flattered.

Who is Haoyue?

Evil spirit!

Faced with an invitation from a demon, Ye Hao refused without even thinking about it?

Didn't he know what a chance it was?

Haoyue was also stunned.

She did not expect Ye Hao to refuse.

After a little meditation, a golden post appeared in my hand. "Three days later, I organized a tea party and invited some like-minded monks. You may come here if you have time."

"Well, good." Ye Hao thought for a moment and took it over.

"Day level invitation." When he saw the words on the post, Yan Jingyun looked at Ye Hao, and his eyes were full of astonishment and uncertainty.

Can't everyone get a day class invitation?

Only the great monk can get it.

Is Ye Hao also a giant?

If Ye Hao is a giant, it's not impossible to be with his sister.

In fact, there is still a point, the only one who is qualified to gather Dan seal is Zun Dan Shi.

If Ye Hao is a giant, he may become the king of Dan in the future.

Even the Yan family did not have a strong man of Dan Wang's level. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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