Around her, an old man with white hair was examining Haoyue's body. After about a quarter of an hour, the old man stood up.

Looking at his face with a difficult color, rain night in the heart of a sink way, "Duan Quan master, you also have no way?"

"The toxin in Miss Haoyue's body is too overbearing." Duan Quan considered the language and said, "even with my original Dan Qi, I can't suppress it." After a pause, Duan Quan said, "give me half a month's time, and I can work out an antidote against this toxin. Unfortunately, Miss Haoyue can only last three hours now."

"Is there no other way?" Rain night deep voice.

"With the power of the golden body of the middle level fairy king, she forcibly ablates the toxin in Miss Haoyue's body." Duan Quan pondered for a while and then said, "but this forced ablation will affect the foundation of Miss Haoyue."

"Influence the foundation?" Hearing these four words, Yu Xiao's face changed.

"Is there any other way?" An elder of Yunxiao palace asked.

Duan was silent.

"I have a way." Li MuQing saw the silence of Duan Quan and immediately opened his mouth.

"Do you have a way?" Yuxiao looked at Li MuQing and asked, "I remember you told me that master Duanquan could not cure Haoyue before."

"Well." Li MuQing nodded his head and said, "just now a suspected evil youth at the door told me."

"Suspected monster?" Rain night a startled way.

"Because when I stopped him from leaving, he pushed me away, but in the process of pushing me away, I was imprisoned, and when his big hand touched my shoulder, my spirit was also imprisoned." Li MuQing said in a deep voice, "I felt like I was the fish on the chopping board."

"Tell me in detail what happened." Rain night's eyes showed a trace of horror.

Li MuQing what strength she is very clear.

Giant level!

Who can easily imprison her?

Only demons!

Li MuQing organized a language to tell the story.

"Li MuQing, go and invite Mr. Ye now." Rain night pondered for a while and said, "please pay attention to attitude in the process."


With the intelligence ability of Yunxiao palace, Li MuQing easily finds Ye Hao in Zuixian building.

Li MuQing tried to push open the door of the box, but was surprised to find that he could not open it.

"Prohibition." Li MuQing a surprised way.

Li MuQing noticed that this was not an ordinary prohibition, because the ordinary prohibition could not stop her.

"Mr. Ye." Li MuQing called at the door.

"Don't disturb my elegance." Ye Hao's voice came from the box.

"Mr. Ye, I was wrong in the past. Please forgive me for ignoring the villains."

"I am a man of hatred."

"What can I do to help my young lady detoxify?"

"Kneel down."

"What do you say?" Li MuQing immediately became angry.

"I can tell you responsibly that I can cure your lady's poison." Ye Hao said faintly, "as for kneeling or not, it depends on you."

"Your Excellency, have you gone too far?" At this time, a middle-aged woman in Palace Dress appeared beside Li MuQing.

"Yes? Why didn't you say that when Li MuQing wantonly humiliated me and trampled on my dignity? " Ye Hao sneered, "if it's not Haoyue, I feel pretty good. Do you think Li MuQing can still stand here alive now?"

"It's not a small tone."

"Maybe you think the strength of your cloud palace is not bad, but in fact, your cloud palace is just like that." Ye Hao pauses for a moment.

"Ha ha."

"Do you know who is behind the fire dragon clan?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman was silent.

"What do you want to say?"

"Didn't Kunpeng come back after he appeared?" Ye Hao sneered.

Hearing this, the middle-aged woman's face changed.

How could Kun Peng not know when he appeared in Yunxiao palace?

However, after their predecessors of Yunxiao palace arrived, they saw Kunpeng fleeing in confusion.

Kunpeng is a semi God.

Is it hard to be so tough?

Can you imagine how powerful the one who did it?

"Who are you?"

"Who I am has nothing to do with your cloud palace, right?"

The middle-aged woman took a deep breath, "as long as you save Haoyue, I will have a thick report in Yunxiao palace."

"I don't have the slightest interest in the thick newspaper of Yunxiao palace." Ye Hao said lightly, "and don't disturb my meal."

"You --" The middle-aged woman pointed to Ye Hao's direction, her eyes full of anger.

"Elder Yun, what should I do now?" Li MuQing looks at the middle-aged woman around her.The middle-aged woman was silent for a moment and then said, "go and invite the palace master."

Li MuQing nodded.

After returning to the residence of Yunxiao palace, the middle-aged woman told the story in great detail.

"You shouldn't have threatened him." Rain night sighed.

"What now?" The middle-aged woman said with a bitter smile.

"You two will come with me." Yuxiao tears up the space with a wave. The next moment he appears at the door of Zuixian building, and then he appears outside Ye Hao's box.

"Mr. Ye." Yuxiao said with a smile, "I am the master of Yunxiao palace."

"I don't know." Ye Hao said plainly.

The middle-aged woman immediately became angry.

Ye Hao doesn't take their cloud palace in their eyes, right?

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry about Li MuQing." Rain Xiao glared at the middle-aged woman, and then said softly.

"I care more about action than verbal apology."

"What action do you want?"

"I've already said that."

"Can you change it?"

"You should be glad I just let her kneel."

After a while, she was silent.

Li MuQing's eyes showed a look of shame, but still firmly to the rain night said, "for Miss, I am willing to kneel." As soon as the voice fell, Li MuQing knelt down.

"Kneel for an hour." Ye Hao light way, "as for you two, still avoid suspicion."

As soon as Ye Hao's voice fell, a fierce mental force tore the spiritual barrier under the rain night cloth.

This is not to say that Yuxiao's mental strength is not as good as Ye Hao's, but Yuxiao only used some strength.

At the next moment, the guests from Zuixian building saw Li MuQing kneeling down.

Li MuQing's eyes suddenly showed a look of shame and anger.

"You may get up, but your lady, I will not save you." Ye Hao's faint voice came into her ears.

"Why humiliate me so much?" Li MuQing rage way.

"When you say that, you seem to forget that you were superior when you were talking to me?"

Hearing this, Li MuQing was silent.

Because she has no way to refute.

"What's the situation?"

"Isn't that who?"


"Li MuQing of Yunxiao palace."

"It is said that Li MuQing has the strength of a giant." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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