This is a well prepared assassination!

Pretending to be weak in exchange for sympathy.

They seem to be convinced that Ye Hao will meddle.

In fact, Ye Hao is also involved in this business.

The only difference with the plan is that Ye Hao has doubts about them.

But what about that?

Even if a middle-aged woman's dagger doesn't work, isn't there a poison that melts the body?

After the seven or eight year old girl crushed the pill, she scratched a blue dagger across her sleeve, and then ran towards Ye Hao like a female leopard.

The next moment, a pair of powerful hands seized her throat, the huge impact directly crushed her throat, a wisp of blood along the corner of her mouth gurgling out.

What did she see.

She saw the one who should have fallen looking at herself intact.

And her teammates fell in a pool of blood.

At this time, Ye Hao's hand appeared a fairy elixir, the difference is that this elixir is crystal clear, just like crystal.

The next moment, she was frightened to see that the poisonous fog was swallowed up by the elixir at a terrible speed.

A few breaths of time on the phagocytosis clean.

"Eat poison beads."

"I heard that a poison eating bead is worth more than a million."

"There are three, six, nine and so on to swallow poison beads. This one is not simple."

"Are you afraid of poisoning if you have poison eating beads?"

"It depends on the extent of your poisoning, but it can work even if it's serious."

The seven or eight year old girl looked at Ye Hao, her eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

"You will eventually die in the hands of our Yinsha Pavilion." When the girl said this, there were terrible waves all over her body.

"Not good."

"Blow yourself up."

"This girl is going to blow herself up."

"Go back." The monks around him exclaimed.

And just when the girl was about to explode, a more domineering force poured into her body, and then forced her restless energy down.

"If you want to blow yourself up in my hands, you have to be able to do the same." Ye Hao sealed the girl and threw it to the middle-aged general.

"Take it back to trial."

The middle-aged general nodded, about to say something, a staggering mouth spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Poisoned?" Ye Hao stepped forward.

"Just inhaled some poisonous fog." The middle-aged general said with a bitter smile.

Ye Hao put one hand on his shoulder to help the middle-aged general get rid of the toxins in his body.

But when Ye Hao just put it on his shoulder, his face changed.

Because his palm felt a burning pain.

The next moment, the middle-aged general hit Ye Hao's heart with his fist.

With the middle-aged general's party, all the officers and men were shocked.

What's the situation?

A big hand blocked his fist as he was about to explode on Ye Hao.


All five fingers of the middle-aged general were crushed.

His eyes showed an incredible look, "my shoulder smeared with spider venom, why do you feel it can not be poisoned?"

"Do you think you can hurt me by poisoning me?" Ye Hao said faintly, "I have to say that the ability to infiltrate the hidden killing Pavilion is really strong. Even the valiant cavalry generals of the eastern China Dynasty were rebelled against."

The middle-aged general knew he was done.

As a result, a thread of black blood gushed out.

It's blood to the throat.

Ye Hao said with a cold smile, "do you think you can die if you want to?" Ye Hao said here, he took a picture on his body. The next moment, the middle-aged general found that the toxin in his body was imprisoned.

How could it be?

It's a poison that kills the blood?

When he was stunned, Ye Hao clapped on his shoulder again, "I've imprisoned his body and spirit now. I think you have some ways to pry open his mouth?"

A general who came in a hurry said in a deep voice, "for traitors, search the soul directly."

"Take it with you." Ye Hao said lightly.

After that, Ye Hao did not hurry to the examination room.

It has to be said that Yin Sha Ge tried his best to deal with Ye Hao. When he arrived at the examination room, Ye Hao had experienced eight assassinations, and almost all the killers who attacked Ye Hao were at the level of immortal master, because it was difficult for them to penetrate into the killers of xianzun level.

After arriving at the examination room, there are only 5000 instrument refiners.

Ye Hao casually found a position and closed his eyes.

"Dad, do you think Mr. Ye can pass the examination today?" Ji Shilan asked softly in the audience.

"Today's assessment is sure to pass, but I don't know how far he can go." Ji Xiaotian said leisurely.Ji Xiaotian has developed a pair of golden eyes in business these years.

When he saw Ye Hao, he knew that Ye Hao was not simple. However, he did not expect that it would be so complicated.

Master smelter.

This level of smelter is no longer what the Ji family can invite.

Today's assessment is to refine a main level of medium-level crossbow arrow.

Ye Hao glanced at the materials and refined them.

When Ye Hao was about to succeed in refining, a young man standing behind him suddenly moved.

A crossbow slipped from his cuff.

There is a blue arrow on the crossbow.


As the crossbow arrow stabs at Ye Hao's heart, he is like a fierce tiger, and flies towards Ye Hao's head.

"Not good."

"What's the situation?"

"Looking for death."

There are many masters in the immortal realm, especially in the immortal master realm. However, their mind and spirit are all on the 5000 weapon refiners in the field. None of them thought that they would fight among them.

Therefore, no one responded to this situation. They could only watch Ye Hao be assassinated.

But at the next moment, they saw the space around Ye Hao twisted, and both the weapon refiner's crossbow and the weapon refiner were all fixed.

I can't move.

"What a profound meaning of space."

"This one is not a weak person in the immortal kingdom."

"I just want to know what kind of contradiction there is between them?" When the monks in the field discussed one after another, Ye Hao was refining the crossbow in his hand.

In the process of refining, Ye Hao's speed has been accelerating.

After a few breaths, a crossbow arrow was formed in his hand.

At this time, Ye Hao looked at the weapon refiner who assassinated him and said, "I really want to know how many killers like you are in Yinsha pavilion?"

"I don't understand what you're doing?" The young man looked at Ye Hao coldly.

"Do you think you can stop talking if you want to?" Ye Hao said coldly, "look at my eyes."

The young man instinctively looked into Ye Hao's eyes.

At the next moment, the clearness in the young man's eyes disappeared, replaced by dullness and confusion.

"Tell me who you are." Ye Hao said faintly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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