Lonely and speechless.

"Give me a chance to live."

"You are the peak of the fairy king."

"Do you think I dare to attack him?"

"Don't you want to attack him?"

The old man is silent.

Who doesn't mind such a thing?

It's fake to say you don't mind.

What's more, who is not a strong minded person who can get to this point?

Loneliness suddenly senses something, "Damn it."

At the moment when the voice of loneliness falls, the body of the old man standing not far away from loneliness suddenly turns into a destructive force and annihilates everything.

Even if loneliness is a demigod, we still have to avoid it.

And loneliness in the Dodge time clearly see the old man's spirit flash away.

"Kill." As the lonely voice fell, the sword behind turned into a flash of lightning, mercilessly smashed the space where yuan Shen fled.


The old man's original spirit was badly damaged, leaving gold blood in the air.

Looking at the place where the old man disappeared, he kept silent for a long time.

Loneliness knows that he has left a huge disaster to Ye Hao this time.


Even if the four major forces join hands to deal with the Yinsha Pavilion, many forces still think that Ye Hao will not live long because Yinsha pavilion has been in operation for so many years. How can we say that it can be destroyed if it is destroyed?

Only the next day, Ye Hao still stood in the examination room, and Ye Hao refined a magic weapon.

On the third day, when Ye Hao was still unharmed, many forces speculated that Yinsha Pavilion had been seriously damaged, otherwise, it would not have been possible for Ye Hao not to be targeted.

"A magic weapon."

"Ye Tian's weapon cultivation has reached the peak of the main level."

"Ye Tian must have cultivated at the level of immortal."

"For such a young immortal, ye Tian must be Tianjiao. Isn't he afraid to hide and kill the pavilion?"

"Yinsha pavilion has lost a lot in the past two days. It is said that the high-level officials do not know where they have gone?"

"Yinsha Pavilion can't organize revenge. It's said that the killer of Yinsha pavilion just appeared and was targeted and killed by the immortal kings of various forces. Look at it. It won't be long before Yinsha Pavilion jumps? "

"Under such continuous high pressure, it will destroy all the things that Yinsha pavilion has accumulated over the years."

"In fact, what I am more concerned about is the extent to which ye Tian's cultivation of weapons has reached?"

"I'll see the final."

Listening to the discussion of friars in the field, Ji Shilan murmured, "in the final, he even entered the final."

Ji Xiaotian is also a burst of sigh way, "yes, who could have thought that he even entered the final."

"It is easy to send out the existence of Jiupin tranquilizing beads. Do you think it is an ordinary immortal statue?" At this time, angel, sitting beside Ji Shilan, whispered.

"What do you want to say?" Ji Shilan looks at angel.

"Look down and you'll see." Angie said and stood up. "I'm sure you'll be shocked."

Ji Shilan looks at the background of angel's departure and is silent. Ji Shilan stands up and walks towards the entrance of the examination room.

Ji Xiaotian looks at the back of her daughter and doesn't open his mouth to stop it. At present, it seems that the hidden killing pavilion has been unable to turn over the waves.

Then there's no need to care too much.

"Poetry LAN." Just when Ji Shilan looks forward to it, a gentle voice rings in Ji Shilan's ear.

"Mr. Zhang, what can I do for you?" Ji Shilan to see who is cold to say.

"Shilan, do you have time at noon?" Zhang yanlei asked patiently.

"No time."

See Ji Shilan did not want to refuse Zhang yanlei's eyes revealed a trace of cold, "Ji Shilan, what do you mean?"

"I don't understand Mr. Zhang?"

"Ji Shilan, you chose me at the beginning." Zhang yanlei stepped forward and grabbed her collar. "Do you think it's possible to go back now?"

"You let go." Ji Shi Lan was shocked.

Zhang yanlei is the cultivation of Jinxian's 16th turn, while Ji Shilan is just Jinxian's three turns. The gap between them is too big.

"Follow me." Looking at Ji Shilan, Zhang yanlei has a strong desire in his eyes.

"Let me go," Ji Shilan's face changed wildly.

Zhang yanlei is like carrying a chicken to carry Ji Shilan toward the distance.

None of the monks along the way bothered.

But Zhang yanlei has not gone far, a figure on his way.

"Let him go."

Zhang yanlei saw the people who obstructed him, and his eyes showed a thick color of resentment, "this matter has nothing to do with you?"


Zhang yanlei, the whole person was taken away, fell to the ground and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, "you deceive too much."

Ye Hao quietly looked at Zhang yanlei and said, "I cheated you. What do you want me to do?"It's just a bully.

Zhang yanlei looks at Ye Hao's eyes and bursts out an undisguised killing opportunity.

"What a killing opportunity." Ye Hao frowned.

Immediately, Ye Hao's terrifying mental power invaded Zhang yanlei's sea of knowledge.

Soul searching!

The art of soul searching is not a profound magic power.

As long as the cultivation reaches the golden fairyland, it can be controlled. However, soul searching is not everyone's willing to search, because soul searching is equivalent to reading other people's memory, and people with poor temperament will have an impact on themselves.

And this is nothing for Ye Hao.

So the difference between them is too big.

"After a long time, is that the killer you bought from Yinsha Pavilion gave me the hand?" Ye Hao looked at Zhang yanlei and said in silence.

In other words, Yinsha pavilion was destroyed because of Zhang yanlei.

Soul searching will have an impact on the soul of a monk. At least, the soul will be damaged, and the heavy one will become a fool.

But how powerful is Ye Hao's divine sense? How can this happen?

"Send this to the third princess Hua self pity." Ye Hao looked at a general who came.

"Three princesses?" The general was in doubt.

"Hua felt sorry for herself." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Good." In response, the general left with Zhang yanlei.

It is not impossible to know the three princesses as Ye Hao.

You know, Ye Hao is an excellent weapon refiner who has entered the final.

The reason why I think so is because I have refined a magic weapon of the top level.

"Mr. Ye." Ji Shilan looks at Ye Hao with tears in his eyes.

"Zhang yanlei and Zhang Jia are all over. You don't have to worry about Zhang's revenge." Ye Hao took a look at Ji Shilan and said lightly.

Ji Shilan is about to say something. A woman in red in the distance comes into her eyes.

Her skin is white and beautiful, and she is gorgeous.

"Chilian fairy."

"Chilian fairy, famous for his ruthlessness and ruthlessness?"

"Why did Chilian fairy come here?"

"It's not about looking for people, is it?"

"Chilian fairy is a seed player?"

Ji Shilan's face changed slightly when he heard the monks' discussion around him. When Ji Shilan saw the red practice fairy coming towards him, his whole body was tensed up.

She has seen the evil name of Chilian fairy for a long time.

What Ji Shilan didn't expect was that the Chilian fairy, who was famous for her ruthlessness and ruthlessness, came to Ye Hao and said, "Mr. Ye, I don't know if I have the honor to invite you to have a casual meal today?"

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