"What?" Man swallow a Zheng way.

"Can you ask such questions in public?" Bi ran said with a grudge against iron.

Man Tun woke up and apologized to Ye Hao, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

Ye Hao waved his hand and said, "it's OK."

"Mr. Ye." At this time, a gentle voice sounded in Ye Hao's ear, "I don't know if it's convenient to talk about it?"

Ye Hao looks at the distance and appears in a space at the next moment.

A middle-aged man in black, with his hands on his back, looked at Ye Hao with burning eyes.

"The ninth palace God." Ye Hao salutes gongjiu Shangshen.

Even if Ye Hao had a semi divine means, he still had to have some etiquette.

"Ye Hao, if I guess right, the reason why your accomplishments have been increased so much is because of your Taoist map?" Gong Jiu looks at Ye Hao and says softly.

"What does God want to say?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"I mean, can you lend me your chart of Tao?" Gong Jiu was silent for a while and then said.

Ye Hao couldn't help laughing, "No

"Ye Hao, don't you want to see my people rise in jiuchongtian?"

"You don't have to press me with justice." Ye Hao interrupted Gong Jiu's words, "I can't borrow Daotu."

"Ye Hao, why are you so selfish?" Xiaolian accused Ye Hao.

"Selfish?" Ye Hao sneered and said, "how kind you are, yes?"

Xiaolian was about to say something, and Ye Hao said, "now you can be an unselfish example. Take out the things in your pocket of heaven and earth and give them to those people who don't even have resources?"

"Is that the same thing?" Xiaolian said angrily.

"It's the same thing. You know better than anyone else." Ye Hao looked at Xiaolian's eyes full of ridicule, "people like you will force others under the guise of righteousness."

"Do you think those people can hold on to those resources? Resources can only work if they are concentrated in the hands of the strong. " Xiao Lian stares at Ye Hao and says, "I'm sorry.

Ye Hao could not help but drum up his hands.

Xiaolian looks at Ye Hao warily, "what do you mean?"

"If I remember well, Ge Xuan is the most powerful one among the three gods of the human race?" Ye Hao looked at Xiaolian with a smile and said, "so according to what you said, you should give Ge Xuan the resources to God."

"My Lord is also a demigod."

"There are also three or six or nine demigods." Ye Hao said faintly, "isn't caiqilin an example? If I hadn't been here today, do you think the realm of lark would still exist? " After a pause, Ye Hao said again, "how much stronger is the God of the palace nine than the colorful Kirin?"

Xiaolian was speechless for a moment.

"Why not? You contradict me Ye Hao sneered, "I feel that I represent justice all day long. In fact, you are the most shameless person because you hold up the stick of righteousness and classify all those who do not conform to your will into another category."

"You must not slander me like that." Xiao Lian roared.

"Slander?" Ye Hao laughed and said, "Xiaolian, I asked you, if you need to sacrifice now to save the whole ethnic group, would you sacrifice yourself for justice?" What is Xiaolian about to say? Ye Hao said again, "don't answer with such dignity. Ask your heart carefully. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself?"

Xiaolian is silent.

A moment later, he looked at Gong Jiu Dao, "Lord."

Gong Jiu said softly, "Xiaolian, do you know the survival law of jiuchongtian?"


"Natural selection, survival of the fittest." Palace nine light ground says, "as long as you feel right, you go to do, need not care about others."

"Lord, do you mean that my persistence for so many years is wrong?"

"There is no absolute right or wrong in this world?" Gong Jiu shook his head.

"There is no absolute right or wrong in this world, but you should do what you want." Ye Hao interposed, "you might as well ask yourself if you did it right?"

"Ye Hao." Gong Jiu frowns, "do you have to break Xiaolian's mood?"

"What's the use of such a state of mind to do evil things?" Ye Hao glanced at Gong Jiu.

"Ye Hao." Gong Jiu interrupted Ye Hao and said, "let's talk about cooperation."

"I'm not interested in working with you." Ye Hao shakes his head.

"I think it's necessary for you to listen to the cooperation." Gong Jiu's figure flashed around Ye Hao.

There was no change in Ye Hao's look.

However, his body is filled with let palace nine all for fear of the breath.

"You." Gong Jiu could not help but step back.

"Do you want to challenge me?" Ye Hao asked calmly.

When Miyagi was about to say something, a figure in a white robe suddenly appeared beside him.

This is a man without human fireworks.His eyes were clear and spotless.

He looked at Gong Jiu quietly and said, "Gong Jiu, do you want to fight against the younger generation?"

"Miaoyi." Gong Jiuyi looked at the man in white and said, "this matter has nothing to do with you."

"I want to tell you two things." Miaoyi said that without waiting for Gong Jiu to ask questions, Miaoyi continued, "first, Ye Hao is a good man for GE Xuan, Ge Xuan asked me to take care of him; second, I also like Ye Hao, but I think it has nothing to do with human relationship."

Gong Jiu's face became gloomy.

"If you want to deal with Ye Hao, I will not let you go." Miaoyi said this as if he were telling a very common thing.

"Miaoyi, do you think I'm afraid of you?" There is a fierce light in Gong Jiu's eyes.

"If you're not afraid, fight." Miaoyi's face is as calm as ever.

Gong Jiu didn't make a move in the end.

"Ye Hao, are you sure you want to offend a demigod?"

"Gong Jiu, are you sure you want to offend a demon?"

Ye Hao's answer makes Gong Jiu take a deep look at Ye Hao.

Gong Jiu left.

Miao one looked at the back of Gong Jiu's departure and said leisurely, "Gong Jiu won't give up."

Ye Hao did not speak.

It's not good news to offend a demigod.

"I'll keep an eye on Gong Jiu." Miao immediately said, "what I can guarantee is that Gong Jiu doesn't have a chance to attack you, but I can't guarantee under Gong Jiu's command."

Thank you very much Ye Hao sincerely expressed his thanks to Miaoyi.

"You'd better prepare early." Miao said here and left.

War is the most lucrative.

Before, bailing Kingdom consumed a lot of resources in order to resist the armies of Tianzhi and Xianxian. Now, with CAI Qilin plundering all the resources of the two clans, he found that he still made a lot of money.

However, many strong men were killed in the battle of Bailing domain.

After this battle, bailing area can be said to have broken muscles and bones.

It is impossible to recover without 180 years.

"Brother, I owe you this time." Cai Qilin looks at Ye Hao and says earnestly.

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