With the voice of the young man in black, a sword flowing with the cold light appears in the eyes of the living people.

The sword was filled with waves that frightened all the monks.

"This kind of volatility."

"This kind of fluctuation must be more than the tenth floor of xianzun."

"Yes, I have seen a strong man on the tenth floor of xianzun. There is absolutely no such violent fluctuation?"

"I haven't seen it for many years."

"After today, this is going to be the hottest person."

"The eleven grade magic weapon can make the friars fight over the level!"

"A friar at the beginning of the level holding eleven level magic weapons is likely to compete with the higher level of immortal Zun."

During the discussion among the monks, the three King of utensils fell down in the middle of the air.

Grade 11!

They didn't get this realm in those years.

They also want to know what kind of magic weapon is?

The time passed by in this way.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Weizhong said with a complicated look, "according to all the experts, this refined sword is a class of eleven grade sword."

"A grade."


"Eleven grades of this level can be refined into a product?"

"How did he do it?"

Many leaders of the forces in the field watched the eyes of the youth in black burning.

There is no doubt that the youth in black have the ability to help them refine high-level magic weapons.

Young people in black enjoy this kind of attention.

Of course, the youth in black did not forget Ye Hao.

He jokingly looked at Ye Hao and said, "it's your turn."

Ye Hao said with a light smile, "do you think you have the winning chance?"

"Even if you have refined the magic weapon of eleven grades, you can't surpass me in refining." The young man in black looked at Ye Hao haughtily and said, "because the magic weapon I refined is a product."

"What I have refined is really not of the same quality." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Ha ha, I thought you would carry it all the time?" The young man in black laughed.

"But I made twelve grades." As soon as Ye Hao's voice fell, he removed the space barrier that enveloped the sword. At the next moment, a wave of terror spread around him.

This kind of fluctuation is like a heavy hammer to hit the monk's heart.

Let them look at each other in horror.

"This kind of fluctuation is far stronger than that one."

"The magic weapon of twelve grades? Are you sure it's not a joke? "

"Do you think there is a second possibility for this kind of fluctuation besides twelve grades?"

"In ancient times, there has never been an instrument refiner of this level."

"It's a great news."

"I have a premonition that ye Tian's name will ring through the whole quadruple sky."

"Ye Tian will lead an era."

Listening to the discussion of monks around, the face of the young man in black showed an incredible look.

"I don't believe it."

Ye Hao faintly looked at the young man in black, and immediately looked at Wu Weizhong and other humanitarians, "test it."

Wu Weizhong and other experts all came together.

They include Chen Fang and other three great utensils.

Chen Fang thought that the 11th grade Zun sword made by the young man in black was the highest achievement. However, when he saw the sword refined by Ye Hao, they knew that there was heaven and there was someone outside.

This time, Wu Weizhong and their inspection took longer.

About half an hour later, Wu Weizhong said excitedly, "after our test, we all agree that ye Tian refined the twelve grade sword."

All the monks exclaimed.

Guessing is one thing.

Confirmation is another thing.

"I didn't expect that I would still have a chance to see the magic weapon of twelve grades in my life."

"There is the supreme existence among the high level magic weapons."

"I want to feel it with my own hands."

Hearing the cheers of monks around him, the young man in black stepped back.

"I don't believe it." The young man in black pointed to Wu Weizhong and said, "you cheat in partnership."

"Cheating?" Wu Weizhong sneered, "if you think we cheat, you can go up and test it in person."

The young man in black pauses, raises his feet, and comes to Wu Weizhong. He takes the sword from Wu Weizhong and tests it carefully. Looking at the young man in black, his face becomes ugly.

"I admit that ye Tian refined the twelve grade sword, but ye Tian refined the second grade magic weapon." The young man in black was silent for a long time and looked at Wu Weizhong and said, "but what I refined is a high-grade magic weapon."

"What you refine is a level magic weapon. Don't forget that you are one level lower than ye Tian." Wu Weizhong looked at the young man in black with some disdain.People who can say this kind of words are not of good character?

To lose is to lose.

In full view of the public, they recognized it.

But the young man in black emphasized the grade.

"So what?" The young man in Black said coldly, "don't you think the twelve level magic weapon of the second grade is more difficult than the eleventh level of the first grade?"

Isn't that nonsense?

Of course, it's very difficult!

All fools know that.


"This kind of thing is clear at a glance."

"Master Wu has said before that a high-grade victory."

"It's typical of not being able to afford to lose."

"I look down on you." The monks in the field began to blame one after another.

However, no matter how the monks criticized the young man in black, he felt that there was no problem with his words.

"You're just messing around." Wu Weizhong said angrily.

"You didn't step into the realm of eleven grades, so you don't understand this realm." The young man in black considered the language and said slowly, "well, I'll take a step back, this game will be even if we are tied."

Wu Weizhong's lungs are about to explode.

Wu Weizhong didn't step into the 11th grade, but he knew that it was much more difficult to step on the 12th grade than on the 11th grade.

"Can't you be so hard on yourself?" Ye Hao looked at the young man in black and said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The young man in black had a heavy face.

"What do you mean, don't you have a little bit of pressure in your mind?" Ye Hao said speechless.

"Ye Tian, it's easy to cross between the eleven grades and the twelve grades. You don't know that?"

This is lying with your eyes open.

The problem is that no one else has achieved it!

Even if they subconsciously feel that the young man in black is lying.

But what do you argue against?

A young man in black can choke you if you don't understand.

"Then why don't you cross it?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Ye Tian, don't change the subject." Where is the young man in black willing to answer Ye Hao's question?

"I change the subject?" Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "just as you said, it's easy to cross the eleven grades to the twelve grades, but the twelve grades are better than the magic weapons of the eleven grades. Do you accept this?"

"I admit it." The young man in black just said here and added, "but the difference is not big."

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