It was a woman with heavy make-up.

In fact, she and Su Yifei have no enmity, and they have never met before.

The reason why she targeted Su Yifei was that she attracted the attention of many smelters after she came here.

This is why Shi Ping'er is targeting Su Yifei.

Su Yifei's words successfully attracted the whole audience to her.

Su Yifei frowned and said coldly, "what do you want to say?"

"I remember you said you knew Mr. Ye before?" Shi Ping'er looked at Su Yifei and said, "if you know me, why didn't ye send you an invitation?"

"Yifei confirms that he knows Mr. Ye." At this time, Shi Haiyan, sitting next to Su Yifei, said, "knowing doesn't mean you have to send an invitation letter."

"Don't say you know Mr. Ye." Shi Ping'er said with a smile, "who doesn't know Mr. Ye? I still say hello to Mr. Ye today?"

"You are not like us." Shi Haiyan said calmly.

"What's different?" Shi Ping'er smiles.

"We knew each other as soon as Mr. Ye started the examination." Shi Haiyan stares at Shi Ping'er and says, "what's more, Mr. Ye has invited us to dinner."

The cliff can be used to show off Ye Hao's treat to dinner.

"Do you believe it?" Shi pinger looked at a young man beside him.

The young man shook his head slightly.

"Do you believe it?" Shi pinger looks at the second youth road.

The young man also shook his head.

Shi Ping'er continued to ask three young people, then spread out her hand and said helplessly, "you see, we don't believe it."

"Shi Ping'er, don't go too far." Shi Haiyan was infuriated.

"Too much?" Shi Ping'er looked directly at Shi Hai Yan and said, "I just don't want to be fooled by some gangsters in the name of Ye Gongzi."

"Who are you talking about in the name of Mr. Ye?" Su Yifei, no matter how good-natured, was inevitably angry.

"You see, are you being talked about painful feet?" Shi Ping'er giggled.

"Shi Ping'er." Su Yifei stands up and points to Shi Ping'er.

"Su Yifei, you should know that if you didn't use the name of Mr. Ye, do you think you are qualified to attend the tea ceremony of Mr. Jiang?" Shi Ping'er sneered, "you might as well widen your eyes and have a good look. Which one is not the strong one in the immortal master's realm?"

"Shi Ping'er, I invited Su Yifei." At this time, a young man couldn't see it and stood up.

"Lu Yiwen, not everyone is qualified to rescue the United States heroically?" Shi Ping'er looked at the young man with fierce eyes.

Hearing this, Lu Qiwen said in a deep voice, "I'm just stating a fact."

"Lu Qiwen, it's none of your business." Lu Qiwen's voice dropped, and a young man sitting on a high platform said faintly.

Lu Qiwen took a look at the young man and showed some fear in his eyes.

Shi pinger said just now which one in the field is not the strong one in the fairyland. In fact, in addition to Su Yifei and Shi Haiyan, there are seven or eight monks in the golden fairyland.

But the seven or eight were women.

Women are given preferential treatment at all times.

If you're beautiful.

Lu Qiwen was a strong man in the early stage of the immortal Kingdom, while the young man sitting on the high platform was the middle stage of the immortal master.

The gap between the two sides makes Lu stabilize rather worried.

It's not that Lu is afraid to offend.

It's for Su Yifei. It's not necessary.

Shi pinger became more and more arrogant when he saw that the land enterprises had settled down and went back.

"Sophie, you are not welcome here." Shi Ping'er looks at Su Yifei in the eyes.


Strange anger!

Su Yifei wants to tear Shi Ping'er's mouth.

But she didn't dare.

She was very clear about the meaning of the young man in royal clothes who was sitting on the high platform just now.

"Yifei, let's go." Shihaiyan low channel.

This kind of occasion is not suitable to stay.

Just as Su Yifei is ready to leave, a figure tears the space and appears in the field.

This is a middle-aged man in a blue shirt.

"Isn't there an array in the courtyard?"

"How did you break in?"

"Do you know who he is?"

"The boss of Zuixian building."

"Are you talking about Chen Sheng?"


"What's the boss of Zuixian building doing here?"

"Should it be --"

Chen Sheng walked quickly to Su Yifei's side during the discussion.

"Are you Miss Su Yifei?"

Su Yifei is confused.

Who is Chen Sheng? How can su Yifei not know?Chen Sheng is a powerful immortal.

And it's not an ordinary immortal statue.

And he is just a golden fairy.

It's a question whether you can step on the immortal Lord in this life.

But now Chen Sheng calls himself Miss Su Yifei?

Can you be a lady?

"Yifei." Shi Haiyan sees Su Yifei muddled and quickly touches her.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am Su Yifei."

"This is Mr. Ye's invitation. If you have time tonight, please come to Zuixian building at noon." Chen Sheng said, hands over the invitation letter of Ye Hao.

"Time, time, time." Su Yifei said incoherently.

Can we have no time?

This is Ye Hao's invitation!

Even if it's a big thing, it has to be pushed.

Seeing that Su Yifei took over the invitation, Chen Sheng said softly, "just in case, please recognize the Lord now."

"The Lord? Is it true? "

"The truth is more terrible than the rumor."


"When I sent the invitation to Haoyue just now, Haoyue told me that the energy contained in the invitation letter killed an immortal statue in the middle stage, and there was no problem."

Chen Sheng's words made all the monks in the hall pale.

Because these friars' families may not have the level of xianzun in the middle stage.

But now the invitation letter in Su Yifei's hand can kill the strong man in the middle of xianzun.

But what shocked them most was the information revealed in the invitation.

Ye Hao really knows Su Yifei.

Otherwise, we won't send an invitation letter to Su Yifei.

With this invitation letter, all the dignitaries in the whole four days have to give Su Yifei face.

If you don't give Su Yifei face, you won't give Ye Hao face.

Who dares not to give the demon face?

After realizing the value of the invitation, Su Yifei quickly admitted the owner.

As a drop of blood entered the invitation, Su Yifei felt connected with the invitation.

"This invitation is for your own use only." Su Yifei thought.

In other words, this invitation can not be passed on.

But even so, Su Yifei is very excited.

"Miss Su, this is a jade Rune of mine." Chen Sheng immediately handed Su Yifei a jade Fu, "if you can't solve the problem later, you can come to me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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