"Mr. Ye, this is my wish." After Chen Fangqi Wang came to Ye Hao, he looked at Chen closed moon.

It is reasonable to say that Chen closed moon is also the main character of tonight.

After all, Chen closed moon is also eligible to enter the statue of time.

But Chen closed moon's brilliance is far inferior to Ye Hao.

Therefore, Chen closed moon also came here with Chen Fang.

"Mr. Ye." Chen closed the month to Ye Hao after a gift, handed a brocade box.

Ye Hao's mind swept away and he was stunned.

"This is a new branch of laurel tree, which has the effect of exorcising evil spirits." Chen Biyue whispered, "if we extract the essence of it, we can also wash the souls of the monks and make them more pure and powerful."

"A new branch of laurel?"

"Laurel tree is not the sacred tree of laurel holy land?"

"It is said that laurel has been psychic for a long time, and I don't know how many years it has survived."

"Only one new branch comes out of the laurel tree every 900 years."

Hearing the exclamations of monks around him, Ye Hao realized how precious this new branch was?

"Can new branches produce new laurel trees?" Ye Hao suddenly thought of this problem.

"New branches can produce new laurel trees, but this kind of laurel can only be regarded as the second generation." Looking at Ye Hao, Chen closed Moon said, "the second generation of laurel trees can also blossom and bear fruits, and the fruits of laurel can condense the body of laurel." After a pause, Chen closed the moon and said, "but this kind of laurel can only be called a pseudo laurel body. If we talk about power, it's only half of the real laurel."

All the monks were shocked.

Only then did they realize how precious Chen closed the moon's gift?

This is something that can be passed down from generation to generation!

"Miss Chen, I'd like to know how many laurel trees can produce each year?" A young man couldn't help asking.

"Every year? Don't be funny, will you? " A man in white holding a folding fan said with a smile, "laurel blossoms every 300 years, bears fruit every 300 years, and matures every 300 years."

"How many fruits at a time?"


"So little?"

"Do you know that nine fruits mean the body of nine laurels?"

"The body of laurel is very strong even in many treasures."

"I remember that the laurel holy land was founded with 30000 plants. Isn't there 300 laurel statues in this way?"

"There is no such thing as 300 laurel statues, because some laurel fruits will be sent to the laurel holy land, but surely there are 200 laurels."

"You only calculated the first generation of laurel, it seems that you have forgotten the fruits of the second generation of laurel?"

"In this way, the number of false laurel bodies will exceed 1000."

"The power of terror."

Ye Hao's eyes flashed, looking at Chen closed moon and whispering, "yes, please."

Ye Hao then personally led Chen closed moon and Chen Fang into the Zuixian building.

After arranging seats for the two, Ye Hao walked out of the gate of Zuixian building.

"Ye Tian, I'll ask for a glass of water wine." Haoyue said with ease.

"Welcome." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Haoyue then looked at the woman around her.

Li MuQing hands over a brocade box.

"Ye Tian, this is the cloud dew of my cloud palace." Haoyue said.

"Cloud dew?"

"My God."

"Yunxiao dew is the most precious treasure of Yunxiao palace. It's hard for ordinary people to get a drop of it!"

"What's the use of cloud dew?"

"Yunxiaolu is exactly a kind of natural material and treasure. It is said that it is the essence of Yunxia, which is derived from the precipitation of years."

"Say the point."

"Cloud cloud dew can improve the qualification of a monk. It is said that even if a waste takes a drop, it can degenerate into the existence of Tianjiao level."

"No wonder Yunxiao palace has never been short of Tianjiao strongmen?"

Ye Hao's eyes show a different color, "this effect is not a bit against the sky?"

"The world spreads false information." The bright moon light voice way, "the cloud cloud dew is not as adverse as they said."

Haoyue still has a word to say.

That's not much of a difference.

"Does it still work at my level?" Ye Hao asked.

"Yes." Haoyue affirmed.

Ye Hao looked at Haoyue and said earnestly, "yes."

"Ye Tian." Then a young man came up.

"Ray, are you here to join the fun?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"My Lord asked me to give it to you." Lei Yichen said and handed over a brocade box.

Ye Hao saw a spear with the force of terrible thunder.

"This is the thunder spear condensed by the power of thunder and lightning. Even the peak of xianzun can be severely damaged." Lei explained.Ye Hao nodded gently.

The spear of thunder seems powerful.

But it's useless for Ye Hao.

After that, Ye Hao met the powerful one after another.

These strong people have come up with valuable things.

Ye Hao took all these things.

Because they took out these things to follow Ye Hao into the statue of time.

Two more years of practice.

Who can refuse this fate?

There are a lot of Tianjiao coming here, and Ye Hao greets them one by one.

"Mr. Ye." Ji Xiaotian brings Ji Shilan to Ye Hao and gives a respectful salute.

"Mr. Ye." Ji Shilan said timidly.

Ye Hao looked at them and said with a smile, "you should not take your daughter to the statue of time?"

"Mr. Ye, do you mean I can bring more?" Ji Xiaotian was overjoyed.

"I'll give ten places to the Immortal King power, and five places to the xianzun force, so you can also bring five people." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said.

Ye Hao can't bring more people.

But if Ye Hao promised everything, he would not let LV Meng and Haoyue do business?

You should know that LV Meng and Haoyue can also enter the statue of time.

What's more, the gifts brought by these forces are only worth bringing with them.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Ji Xiaotian was overjoyed.

"Come on in." Ye Hao said with a smile.

When Ji Xiaotian and others go in, Chen Sheng comes to Ye Hao and says, "Mr. Ye, the table is full."

Ye Hao nodded and then looked at the long dragon who couldn't see the side. "Sorry, the drunken immortal building is full of seats."

Immediately turned back to Zuixian building.

Ye Hao is not worried about missing out on big powers.

Because the big forces are in the front.

Do you dare to compete with the power of xianzun?

Are you impatient to live?

After returning to Zuixian building, Ye Hao took up a glass of water wine and said some polite words, then came to the table of Haoyue.

All of the people who are qualified to sit at a table with Ye Hao are the people of sichongtian.

And when he clinks glasses with Haoyue and others, Ye Hao says something about it.

For example, how many people can be brought by Xianwang power and how many people can be brought by xianzun force.

"How about you, Haoyue?" Ye Hao and Haoyue touch each other.

"Of course I will practice with you." Haoyue said with a soft smile.

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