Time crystal contains the power of time.

The time crystal given by the statue of time belongs to the best of inferior time crystal.

In every time crystal there is a year's power.

In other words, if Ye Hao didn't use it to understand the profound meaning of time, it would be equivalent to one year more practice time than other monks.

Now Ye Hao has spent ten years.

But my heart aches.

Ye Hao thinks it's worth it.

It's hard to understand the profound meaning of time. Even a little promotion is worth it.

Now Ye Hao will be relatively simple when refining the battle of time.

Ye Hao did not continue to practice, but came to Su Yifei's courtyard.

Seeing Ye Hao's arrival, Su Yifei rushed to meet him.

"How are you doing recently?"

"I've already set foot on the golden fairy nine turns." Su Yifei looks at Ye Hao and says in surprise.

"I made a bet with Hua self pity." Ye Hao said calmly, "bet that when you walk out of the statue of time, your cultivation will surpass Hua's self pity."

"This --" Su Yifei doesn't know what to say.

"I have a elixir here." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "it can let you step on the seventh floor of xianzun in the shortest time, but when you get to that state, you can't enter it any more."

"The seventh floor of xianzun?" Hearing Ye Hao say this, he can't help but stare at his eyes and say, "how can it be?"

A golden elixir appeared in Ye Hao's hand.

Looking at the fluctuation of this elixir, Su Yifei's breath became short. "Can I walk on the seventh floor of xianzun after taking this elixir?"

"Not bad."

"Can I take it?"

"This is for you."

Su Yifei took it and swallowed it.

After the medicine melted in her body, Su Yifei felt her cultivation grow up madly.

Jinxian ten turn!

Jinxian eleven turn!

Golden fairy 12 turn!

When Su Yifei's accomplishments reached this level, they gradually fell back.

At this time, Su Yifei noticed that the elixir in her body only consumed a layer of luster on the surface.

In other words, more than 90% of the elixir power is not consumed?

"You don't need to worry about it." Ye Hao said calmly, "next, I will teach you the art of weapon refining."


Ye Hao taught Su Yifei the art of refining tools and then left. When

returned to his own yard, Ye Hao transferred a text from the sea of knowledge.

The death Sutra in the life and death Sutra.

Even though Ye Hao understood the contents of the death Sutra, he still encountered great resistance when he understood the supernatural powers contained in the death Sutra.

When he had to, Ye Hao sat in front of the stele to understand the death Sutra.

Taoist stele contains many profound meanings of death.

These profound meanings can be used for reference to Ye Hao's understanding of the death Sutra.

A year passed quickly.

After the appointed time, Ye Hao left the statue of time, and with a wave of his hand, he released the monk from the small world.

The faces of these friars were almost full of surprise.

Over the course of three years, everyone has improved more or less.

At this time, all the monks looked at LV Meng.

Lu Meng looked around the audience and said with a smile, "tonight I will hold a banquet in the headquarters of the refining equipment League."

"Refining alliance?"

"Lu Meng joined the refining equipment League?"

"The hand of the refining alliance is longer."

"Who said it was not? Those big forces have never fought for the weapon refining alliance. "

Then the major forces dispersed one after another.

Because they need to go back and prepare presents.

When the monks were almost gone, the emperor of Donghua handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth and said, "this is all the materials I collected in this year of Donghua emperor."

"How many fairy stones?" Ye Hao said after sweeping his mind.

"34.8 billion medium grade immortal stones." Donghua emperor said slowly.

"Here you are." To his dismay, Ye Hao directly threw a bag of heaven and earth to the emperor.

Emperor Donghua took a look and was stunned.

There are 34.8 billion high-grade immortal stones in the Qiankun bag.

"You have so many fairy stones on you?" The emperor of Donghua thought it was incredible.

"The next time please continue to buy." Ye Hao changed the topic and said, "by the way, what magic weapons do you want to order from Donghua emperor? I can make some for you."

Can't Ye Hao let others help in vain?

"Tonight I will give you the style and material of the refined magic weapon." In fact, the emperor of Donghua has these things. The problem is that they can't be taken out now."Good."

Ye Hao walked out of the gate of Donghua Dynasty and saw hundreds of leaders of power waiting quietly.

When they saw Ye Hao, they rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Ye, I wonder if you still need materials for refining utensils?"

"Mr. Ye, I have purchased a lot of medicinal materials for refining pills. Do you need them?"

"Mr. Ye, I have purchased a lot of materials for the array. I don't know how much you need here?"

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I'll take as many materials as you have. The price is not a problem. You can make an offer."

When the monks heard Ye Hao say this, they offered the price at the same time when they handed over the bag of heaven and earth. What these monks didn't expect was that as long as these forces quoted the price, Ye Hao would give money,

they didn't bargain.

As time went on, the shock in the eyes of these monks was even worse.

The price of one family or two is not much.

But hundreds of them add up to an astronomical number.

"342.5 billion."

"Where did ye Tian get so many fairy stones?"

"I'm curious about that, too?"

"You know, even the top power can't have so many immortal stones stored?"

What these friars didn't know was that in order to get these immortal stones, Ye Hao turned hundreds of stone mountains into immortal stone mountains.

At the same time, they became more and more curious about Ye Hao's background.

Ye Hao did not go to Zuixian tower, but came to the Zun class warship.

As soon as he arrived at the top warship, Ruyi's figure appeared in front of Ye Hao.

"As far as I know, even the demigods can't produce more than 380 billion immortal stones at one time." Ruyi looks at Ye Hao with burning eyes.

"To be sure, the demigods will not be able to produce these many immortal stones for a while." Ye Hao said calmly, "if they want to, they will soon be able to withdraw hundreds of billions of funds."

"But you still shock me."

"What do you want to say?"

"When jiuchongtian collapses, are you interested in seizing opportunities with me?"

"By then, the demigods of the whole jiuchongtian will appear. What do you think you and I can win together?"

"Demigod's creation may not be comparable to you and me. What I think is that you and I'll be able to grab good things by superimposing them."

"No interest." Ye Hao refused.

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