"Come again." Ye Hao, who is not reconciled to it, makes a crazy move.


Ten times!

A hundred times!

When the two figures fought fiercely in the air for hundreds of times, Ye Hao suddenly felt that Ruyi's body was filled with a vast force.

"The art of forbidding immortals." In a hurry, Ye Hao's mind evolved into a mysterious ancient seal in the air. The luster of the ancient seal forcibly cut off the immortal power in Ruyi's internal channels.

But at the next moment, the immortal power in Ruyi's body broke through the cut-off barrier and broke out with a more ferocious force.

While taking advantage of this time, Ye Hao's body turned into a wisp of breeze and retreated to the rear.

But even so, Ye Hao was bombarded.

When he recovers in the distance, a wisp of blood gushes from the corner of Ye Hao's mouth.

"Increase your fighting power." Ye Hao noticed that Ruyi's body was filled with mysterious waves.

Ruyi didn't say a word, and a sword appeared in her hand.

The sword was rippled like water.

With a sword.

The whole world seems to have been neatly cut in two, just like a picture scroll. It is torn with a sound, and the greater the tear, the more powerful the diffuse power.

When Ye Hao was around, he had already turned into a force to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Ye Hao felt the power of terror, and his mind was crazy to urge a secret skill.

Seeing that this power is about to swallow Ye Hao, Ye Hao's whole body gushes out a terrible power like a prison.

This momentum continues to climb.

It seems like there is no end.

Ruyi cut out the sword meaning from the initial crush to the standstill and then to not support, before and after the time is not even a breath time.

"What kind of blessing is this?" Ruyi turns pale in surprise.

Ruyi's blessing skill comes from a great power in Taigu.

However, it seems that Ye Hao's blessing skill is not simple either.

"I want to see what your limits are." Ruyi's skill to activate one's own blessing.

Ruyi didn't use her peak power in the beginning.

The two of them are just playing.

Now it seems that Ruyi doesn't hide after Ye Hao is so powerful.

Ye Hao looks at Ruyi's power rising and his eyes are full of blazing luster.

"Fight." Ye Hao communicated with the sword of heaven in the sea of knowledge.


The sword of heaven came.

It's like the last judgment.

Judge everything in the world.

Ruyi looks at the sword with no fear in her eyes.

She drew a sword in the direction of Ye Hao.

When the sword fell, the whole world was fixed, and then a huge whirlpool appeared. From the whirlpool, a startling suction came out, trying to attract the sword meaning of Ye Hao.

That doesn't count.

Even Ye Hao himself is out of control toward the whirlpool.

"Cut it for me." Ye Hao controlled the sword of the heavenly way and cut it fiercely towards the whirlpool.

Ye Hao can't wait any longer.

If you wait, you may be swallowed in the whirlpool.

The whirlpool was shattered by the sword of the heavenly way, and the sword of the heavenly way was also fragmented and then dissipated.

Ye Hao's face changed.

Ye Hao always thought that the sword of heaven should be the first sword formula in the world.

But just now it was even.

Ye Hao is not happy.

He felt cheated by the tree.

At this time, Ye Hao suddenly felt that he was locked in by a mysterious force, and then he felt that his cultivation and creation were forcibly deprived.

"What's the situation?" Ye Hao's face changed wildly and he saw Ruyi reciting the truth.

Ye Hao noticed that even if he tried his best to suppress it, his own conduct was still cut off.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible secret.

"Break it for me." As Ye Hao roared out this sentence, the time around Ye Hao was reversed, and the way Ye Hao had just lost returned to his body in an instant.

At the same time, Ye Hao appears in Ruyi's side.

And at this time Ruyi hasn't recited the truth yet?

Ruyi doesn't know what happened.

But she knew she was in a critical situation.

Her eyes suddenly turned into two flames.

Eyes burn empty.

At the moment when he was about to meet Ye Hao's fist, the flow of time around him suddenly slowed down.

With a bang, Ruyi was knocked away.

Ruyi looks at Ye Hao when she stops her body in mid air with a look of horror in her eyes.


"Not bad."

"If I had guessed correctly, you used the two techniques of time reversal and time slowing down just now?""Yes."

"Fight again?" Ruyi looks at Ye Hao.

"Come on." Ye Hao once again used the technique of time reversal.

Ye Hao wants to reverse the time point to the moment when Ruyi is hit and flies.

Because at that time, Ruyi was the most vulnerable.

It is only when Ye Hao runs the reversal technique that he finds that there is no change in the time flow around Ruyi.

"No Ye Hao soon realized that it was not the time flow around Ruyi that had not changed, but that Ruyi himself was not in the current time and space.

How can we reverse time when we are not in this space and time?

At this time, Ye Hao found that he had been deprived of his Taoism.

Damn it.

Is this woman too scary?

What can time do?

Ye Hao thought that he had to use the technique of time reversal to forcibly take back the lost Dao Xing.

When the display time reverses, Ye Hao finds that he can no longer catch the slightest trace of Ruyi.

She seems to have never appeared in this time and space.

"I don't believe you can stay in another space forever." Ye Hao runs the art of time reversal wildly.

Ruyi can't stay in another time and space forever.

The problem is that Ruyi can't go back to the time and space before.

As long as they go back, they will be reversed by Ye Hao to the time when they are injured.

Time went by like this.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

At the tenth breath, Ye Hao finally couldn't hold on.

His own flow of time is broken.

What Ye Hao didn't expect was that Ruyi's body appeared in the present time and space.

But Ruyi couldn't hold on.

"What is your magic power?" Ye Hao asked.


"There is also reincarnation in the immortal realm?"

"There is no reincarnation in the immortal realm." Ruyi said, "but I'm creating samsara."

"You're too big." Ye Hao was shocked.

"After the reincarnation of Xianyu, maybe you don't need to go through the catastrophes of ancient times." Ruyi looks at Ye Hao and says.

Ye Hao moved.

Ruyi is actually taking the road of creating reincarnation.

If she is successful, who will be her opponent?

"Do you want to be the king of nine heavens?"

"My ultimate goal is to become a God."

"It's very difficult for you to follow this path." Ye Hao shook his head.

"But it's beginning to work." Ruyi said with a smile, "didn't you see it just now?"

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