Caiqilin is a demon clan!

How can the demon clan protect a human race?

"Is he your brother? Are you sure you're right? " Scorpio looks at the color Qilin, and his face is incredible.

"Yes, he is my brother." Caiqilin said with a dignified look, "if you move him, you will move me."

"In that case, let's get rid of it." Scorpio was silent for a moment and said.

"Uncover the past?" Ye Hao sneered, "how can it be so simple?"

"Young man, don't be so arrogant?" Scorpio looked at Ye Hao coldly.

At the moment of Scorpio's voice falling, a sword light suddenly cut through the endless sky.

In an instant, it's on Scorpio.

Scorpio is mercilessly blasted to pieces without even having time to react.

Caiqilin is stunned.

What's the situation?

Normally, no one would attack the demigod incarnation.

Because it's the face of the king.

As caiqilin sees who it is, he is relieved.

Demigod loneliness!

Loneliness is an alternative among demigods.

He is alone and clear.

Such a person has no scruples.

Because he doesn't have any weaknesses.

Not afraid of anything?

It's not like the caiqilin family. If it comes to the demigods, they have to compromise.

It didn't take long for loneliness to appear on the sky with a giant scorpion.

The figure of Scorpio blocks out the sky and the whole body exudes the solemn breath.

"Terran territory also allows you to be arrogant?" Standing alone in the air appears opposite Scorpio.

Even if loneliness is too small compared with Scorpio, the breath of loneliness is not inferior.

Scorpio copper bell like eyes stare at loneliness for a while and say, "loneliness, do you want to fight?"

"The battle of life and death." Lonely eyes burning said.

"You should know what the outcome of the life and death war here is?" Scorpio said coldly.

"What will happen?" A cold humming sound vibrated in the sky. Then, in the forbidden area of laurel holy land, a huge ancient tree rose abruptly, enveloping the whole Donghua city in a short breath.

"Laurel, do you want to help too?" Scorpio eyes cold way.

"How about mixing?" The old laurel trees returned faintly.

"Do you think it's just a matter of involvement?" As soon as the old laurel tree voice dropped, an old woman with white hair on crutches appeared.

The old woman with white hair is very old.

But the wave that blooms in her body is more terrifying than that in Scorpio.

"Who are you?" Scorpio's hair all burst open and looked at the old woman with white hair in disbelief.

"My descendant of Yunxiao palace can be threatened by your apprentice?" The old woman with white hair glanced at the poison star and said coldly.

The poison star is as pale as lightning.

At this moment he realized that things had gone beyond his expectations.

The background of Yunxiao palace is beyond my imagination.

"What do you want?" Scorpio is silent for a moment.

"It's not easy for me to go out once." The old woman with white hair said slowly, "give me a drop of your blood essence."

"Don't go too far." Scorpio changes color.

Five drops of blood essence.

It's not for fun.

Without a drop of blood essence, his combat effectiveness will certainly be damaged.

"Two drops." Said the old woman with white hair.

"A drop." Scorpio decided to compromise.

"Three drops." The old woman's voice was calm.

Scorpio doesn't speak again.

He knew that if he spoke again, the old lady with white hair would have to raise the price.

"Laurel." The old woman with white hair looked at the void and said, "block all around."

"It's sealed off." A voice came out of the void.

"Lonely, let's do it together." The old woman with white hair said that the crutches in her hands were more brilliant than the stars.

Scorpio's face showed a very dignified look.

"Even if you are a second world, you can't kill me."

"There's so much nonsense." The crutch in the old woman's hand moved.

Crutches toward Scorpio smashed when the wind saw rising, a moment of time did not come to turn into a sky full of stars.

Each of these stars carries the power of terror.

Even though Scorpio uses the physical force, it is still shaken back.

Seeing the scar on the body, Scorpio's eyes show hesitation.

But at this time, the lonely sword light arrived.

The sword spirit is thirty thousand li, and one sword is light and cold.

As bright as the stars, vast as clouds.Scorpio's tail bloomed with endless light, and in the fight against the lonely sword light, the old woman again.

The crutches in the old woman's hands tear the deep space, just like suddenly appearing above Scorpio's body.

The crutches bang on Scorpio's spine.

Scorpio screamed out a lot of blood.

"Mean." Scorpio roared angrily.

"The battle has already begun. What's the point of sneak attack?" The old woman with white hair sneered and pinched the mark with both hands, and the crutches in the air fell towards him again.

Scorpio a bite teeth or decided to use the ban.

In fact, at its level, who has no ban?

After Scorpio uses the forbidden technique, a terrible force diffuses in his body.

One of his big pincers blocked the old woman's crutch with a wave.

"I'd like to see how long your ban can last?" The old woman with white hair sneered.

The old woman with white hair is a real second place.

Are you afraid that you can't spell Scorpio?

"Lonely master, you can safely use the forbidden technique." At this time, Ye Hao said, "I can make you recover in the shortest time."

Hearing Ye Hao say so, his lonely body suddenly gushed out the breath of heaven.

The sword in his hand is full of extreme terror.


Lonely body like a dragon, shuttling in the void.

Scorpio's face changed, "lonely, are you crazy?"

Scorpio using forbidden technique can understand, loneliness is necessary to fight like this?

There was no deep hatred between the two sides.

Lonely and speechless.

The sword just comes out.

Scorpio is still late to use the forbidden technique.

Because when he used the forbidden technique, he was severely damaged by the old woman with white hair, which made him unable to give full play to the power of the second world.

Scorpio wants to escape!

It's a pity that both the old woman with white hair and loneliness are biting him.

Laurel is constantly strengthening their own cloth blockade barrier.

When Scorpio is forced back again, he reaches out and shouts, "stop it."

Scorpio can see it.

Laurel is only the first level of combat power.

But Laurel's defense is extremely terrible, even if he reaches the second goal temporarily, wants to break through in a short time, is very difficult.

If they can't break through at the first time, they will be attacked by the old woman with white hair and loneliness.

The old woman with white hair and loneliness stopped at the same time.

"Can I give you three drops of blood essence?" Scorpio said bitterly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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